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Questa è la tua canzone... Two non lo sai...

Aerys II

Messaggio consigliato

Forse era, in buona parte almeno, questo quello che intendevo.

Just Breathe - Pearl Jam

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Yes I understand that every life must end, aw huh,..

As we sit alone, I know someday we must go, aw huh,..

I'm a lucky man to count on both hands

The ones I love,..

Some folks have just one,

Others they got none, aw huh,..

Stay with me,..

Let's just breathe.

Practiced are my sins,

Never gonna let me win, aw huh,..

Under everything, just another human being, aw huh,..

Yeh, I don't wanna hurt, there's so much in this world

To make me bleed.

Stay with me,..

You're all I see.

Did I say that I need you?

Did I say that I want you?

Oh, if I didn't I'm a fool you see,..

No one knows this more than me.

As I come clean.

I wonder everyday

As I look upon your face, aw huh,..

Everything you gave

And nothing you would take, aw huh,..

Nothing you would take,..

Everything you gave.

Did I say that I need you?

Oh, Did I say that I want you?

Oh, if I didn't I'm a fool you see

No one knows this more than me.

As I come clean.

Nothing you would take,..

Everything you gave.

Hold me till I die,..

Meet you on the other side.

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Dedicato a Piri e a tutti i membri della sua corporazione:

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Almeno so che non mi odi, ma... avrei tanto voluto che fosse andato tutto diversamente.

Ora dimmi... come farò a mandarti via dal mio cuore, anche se volessi, e non voglio, come potrei mai fare spazio per un'altra persona?

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Io sostengo che i due album degli Slash's Snakepit siano due piccole chicche. Il primo, in particolare, lo considero un vero capolavoro. Il secondo, inferiore, regala però magie come questa canzone.

Che mi è tornata alla mente. Così, per caso.

Serial Killer - Slash's Snakepit

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Here we are alone now, just you and me

Down the halls we waltz, your end is in my dreams

I wanna be like him, he had a dreadful life

I wanna learn to shoot, I want to use a knife

I like the smell of fear that makes you paralyzed

I am the boy next door who put that fear in your eyes

I hope you can leave all this for yourself

I'll be your slave and then dig your grave

While we're makin' love, I dream revolver

They say I'm crazy, falling apart

Do you like the way I murdered your heart

I'm smart and cagey, I come in the night

If you let me in, you'll give up your life

He like to roll in the mud, up to his chin

Now I open my head and let his voodoo in

I rode those sissy bars all the way to hell

Sweet mother justice, I've heard it all

There's nothing left to tell

I hope you didn't need all this for yourself

And the man with the star says he knows you are

But I just keep singin' la dee dee dah

They say I'm crazy, falling apart (Boom, boom, bang, bang screams in the dark)

Do you like the way I murdered your heart (If you let him in, he'll murder your heart)

I'm smart and cagey, I come in the night (Boom, boom, bang, bang screams in the dark)

If you let me in, you'll give up your life (If you let him in, he'll murder your heart)

He's not the man you see at home

He's someone else inside

His life's no longer his own

He's someone else inside

Creepin' up when you're alone

And now he stands inside

He wants to take you to hell

But for him it's heaven

Sorry to say but you're not the only one

You're not the lonely one that turned my light on

While I'll turned yours off...

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You should have come over.

Lover, you should have come over - Jeff Buckley

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Looking out the door

I see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners

Parading in a wake of sad relations

As their shoes fill up with water

Maybe I'm too young

To keep good love from going wrong

But tonight, you're on my mind so

You never know

Broken down and hungry for your love

With no way to feed it

Where are you tonight?

Child, you know how much I need it.

Too young to hold on

And too old to just break free and run

Sometimes a man gets carried away,

When he feels like he should be having his fun

Much too blind to see the damage he's done

Sometimes a man must awake to find that, really,

He has no-one...

So I'll wait for you... And I'll burn

Will I ever see your sweet return?

Oh, will I ever learn?

Oh, Lover, you should've come over

Cause it's not too late.

Lonely is the room the bed is made

The open window lets the rain in

Burning in the corner is the only one

Who dreams he had you with him

My body turns and yearns for a sleep

That won't ever come

It's never over,

My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder

It's never over,

all my riches for her smiles when I slept so soft against her...

It's never over,

All my blood for the sweetness of her laughter...

It's never over,

She's a tear that hangs inside my soul forever...

But maybe I'm just too young to keep good love

From going wrong

Oh... lover you should've come over...

Yes, and I feel too young to hold on

I'm much too old to break free and run

Too deaf, dumb, and blind

To see the damage I've done

Sweet lover, you should've come over

Oh, love, well I'll wait for you

Lover, you should've come over

'Cause it's not too late.

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Rimpianti? Infiniti.

E dire che fino ad un anno e mezzo fa non ne avevo neanche uno.

E' cambiato tutto, tutto...

Too Long - Yael Naim

I waited for so long

Outside myself

You see I was pretending

To be someone else

I was longing to see

Who I wanted to be

And I've been waiting on my own

I've been waiting for too long

Not strong enough to be with you

And I've been making up my world

I've been painting it with gold

Not strong enough to see you


I irrigate illusions

Then let them grow

How can I pacify myself

And let go?

And I run wild to see

Who I turned out to be

I've been waiting on my own

I've been waiting for too long

Not strong enough to be with you

And I've been making up my world

I've been painting it with gold

Not strong enough to see you

And I've been waiting on my own

I've been waiting for too long

Not strong enough to be with you

And I've been making up my world

I've been painting it with gold

Not strong enough to see you

I've been waiting on my own

Ratsiti ligdol itcha lehizdaken

Yikach ma sheyikach

Yiten ma sheyiten

[I wanted to grow up with you

To grow old

Whatever it takes

Whatever it gives]

But it was too cold

In my world

My world

And I've been waiting on my own

I've been waiting for too long

Not strong enough to be with you

And I've been making up my world

I've been painting it with gold

Not strong enough to see you…

See you…

On my own…

Strong enough…


Questa invece è per qualcuno che non crede che io dica sul serio...

e mi fa ripetere quello che scrivo nelle email.

Lonely - Yael Naim

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You are not alone

I am here with you

Even when you're scared

I'll never leave you

Standing in a storm

Making it insane

Once again, I would try

To enchain you

But you open your eyes to the sky

and whisper

That you are so lonenly

You are so alone

You're so alone

You're so lonely, so lonely

So I'm colouring my face

While I am here with you

Imagining the landscape of your sorrow

Is it yellow or blue?

Colouring the sky, and the threes

and the clouds, and the moonlight

I'd coloured your heart

If you didn't I did

And I wish you could just find home...

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Leva l'ancora, scruta l'orizzonte e getta un solo sguardo a ciò che rimane a terra :-D

Pirate Song - Running Wild


Rising the flag on the masthead

The sails and the ropes' holding tight

The gunners are eager to fire

Well prepared for the fight

Fight, flee or surrender

Defeat you can't deny

Better give up in the first place

Or drown in the blink of an eye

Gold, jewels and diamonds

The price we'll have to claim

Noble rogues are standing

We'll never quit in the game

We gonna ride the sea, we pray to the wind and the glory

That's why we are raging wild and free

Come sing along in the pirate song

Hail to the wind, hooray to the glory

We're gonna fight 'til the battle's won

On the raging sea

No way to move your deadlocked

Nailed down by feu-eclair

Lead is carrying fire

Victory's noble and fair

We gonna ride the sea, we pray to the wind and the glory

That's why we are raging wild and free

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Spending too much time with my self,

Trying to explain what i am!

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"Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense."

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Mmmmh, attacco di nostalgite. Fate come vi dico, se vi va: adesso spegnete la luce, se potete staccate le casse del pc e usate gli auricolari. Assicuratevi che nessuno vi disturbi, allontanate il telefono, chiudete la porta a chiave (sì, la mamma o la morosa o la moglie penseranno che state tenendo in ostaggio il caro vecchio Signor Pistolino davanti a una certa nippornostar: che credano pure :-)).

Poi cercate una vecchia foto, o magari quella directory in cui tenete tutte le vecchie foto. Oppure stringete proprio in mano un album di quelli old style, cartacei. O ancora potete starvene lì al buio ad accarezzare una vecchia cicatrice, potete rileggere quei vecchi sms, quella mail che conservate senza sapere il perché. Oppure potete semplicemente pensare a un amico lontano, molto lontano purtroppo, o a un amore perduto o a un vecchio nemico.

Rilassatevi, aprite lo spoiler e fate partire la canzone.

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A M., alla sua febbre e a chi le porta un po' di dado per fare un brodo di pollo, ma solo DOPO aver fatto il proprio comodo.

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Passing by, you light up my darkest skies

You'll take only seconds to draw me in

So be mine and your innocence

I will consume

Dark shines

Bringing me down

Making my heart feel sore

'Cause it's good

Hold your hands up to your eyes again

Hide from the scary scenes

Suppress your fears

So be mine and your innocence

I will consume

Dark shines

Bringing me down

Making my heart feel sore

'Cause it's good

Your dark shines

Bringing me down

Making my heart feel sore

'Cause it's good...

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Ho terminato il lavoro che stavo compiendo sulle foto. Ora sono tutte in perfetto ordine.. Quanti stupendi momenti.

Questa è una multidedica. A tutti gli "attori" della nostra vita, dai co-protagonisti fino alle semplici comparse. Se questo Film, nonostante tutto è meraviglioso, lo devo a voi. in alto i calici


Forever In Your Debt (traduzione)

With thanks to those who blew the wind,

And those who sailed the ship,

We sailed it tight against the tide,

And I shall be forever in your debt.

The Parting Glass - Shaun Davey

All the money that e'er I had

I spent it in good company

And all the harm I've ever done

Alas, it was to none but me

And all I've done for want of wit

To memory now, I can't recall

So fill to me the parting glass

Good night and joy be to you all!

Fill to me the parting glass

And drink a health whate'er befalls

Then gently rise and softly call

Good night and joy be to you all!

Of all the comrades that e'er I had

They're sorry for my going away

And all the sweethearts that e'er I had

They'd wish me one more day to stay.

Since it fell into my lot

that I should rise,and you should not

I'll gently rise and softly call

Good night and joy be to you all!

But since it fell into my lot

That I should rise and you should not

I'll gently rise and softly call

Good night and joy be to you all!

So fill to me the parting glass

And drink a health whate'er befalls

Then gently rise and softly call

Good night and joy be to you all!

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This is the first day of my life

I swear I was born right in the doorway

I went out in the rain suddenly everything changed

They're spreading blankets on the beach

Yours is the first face that I saw

I think I was blind before I met you

Now I don’t know where I am

I don’t know where I’ve been

But I know where I want to go

And so I thought I’d let you know

That these things take forever

I especially am slow

But I realize that I need you

And I wondered if I could come home

Remember the time you drove all night

Just to meet me in the morning

And I thought it was strange you said everything changed

You felt as if you'd just woke up

And you said “this is the first day of my life

I’m glad I didn’t die before I met you

But now I don’t care I could go anywhere with you

And I’d probably be happy”

So if you want to be with me

With these things there’s no telling

We just have to wait and see

But I’d rather be working for a paycheck

Than waiting to win the lottery

Besides maybe this time is different

I mean I really think you like me


P.S.: best video ever.

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A tutti voi, un augurio per la nuova settimana.

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Ogni. Singola. Parola.

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Muse - Invincible

Follow through

Make your dreams come true

Don't give up the fight

You will be alright

'Cause there's no one like you in the universe

Don't be afraid

What your mind conceives

You should make a stand

Stand up for what you believe

And tonight

We can truly say

Together we're invincible

During the struggle

They will pull us down

But please, please

Let's use this chance

To turn things around

And tonight

We can truly say

Together we're invincible

Do it on your own

It makes no difference to me

What you leave behind

What you choose to be

And whatever they say

Your soul's unbreakable

During the struggle

They will pull us down

But please, please

Let's use this chance

To turn things around

And tonight

We can truly say

Together we're invincible

Together we're invincible

During the struggle

They will pull us down

Please, please

Let's use this chance

To turn things around

And tonight

We can truly say

Together we're invincible

Together we're invincible

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