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Questa è la tua canzone... Two non lo sai...

Aerys II

Messaggio consigliato

Anche se il tempo passa certi momenti non li dimenticherò mai, le sensazioni intatte come nel momento in cui le ho vissute.


Falling through pages of Martens on angels

Feeling my heart pull west

I saw the future dressed as a stranger

love in a space-dye vest

Love is an act of blood and I'm bleeding

a pool in the shape of a heart

Beauty projection in the reflection

Always the worst way to start

"But he's the sort who can't know

anyone intimately, least of all a

woman. He doesn't know what a woman

is. He wants you for a possession,

something to look at like a painting or an ivory box.

Something to own and to display. He doesn't want you to be real,

or to think or to live. He doesn't love you, but I love you.

I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas and feelings, even when

I hold you in my arms. It's our last chance... It's our last chance..."

Now that you're gone I'm trying to take it

Learning to swallow the rage

Found a new girl I think we can make it

as long as she stays on the page

This is not how I want it to end

And I'll never be open again

"...I was gonna move out...ummm...get,

get a job, get my own place, ummm,

but... I go into the mall where I

want to work and they tell me, I'm,

I was too young..."

"Some people, gave advice before,

about facing the facts, about

facing reality. And this is, this

without a doubt, is his biggest

challenge ever. He's going to have to face it.

You're gonna have to try, he's gonna to have to try and,

uh, and, and, and get some help here. I mean no one can

say they know how he feels."

"That, so they say that, in ya know

like, Houston or something, you'd

say it's a hundred and eighty degrees,

but it's a dry heat

. In Houston they say that?

Oh, maybe not. I'm all mixed up.

Dry until they hit the swimming pool."

"...I get up with the sun... Listen.

You have your own room to sleep in,

I don't care what you do. I don't

care when. That door gets locked,

that door gets locked at night by nine o'clock.

If you're not in this house by nine o'clock, then you'd better find some

place to sleep. Because you're not going to be a bum in this house.

Supper is ready..."

There's no one to take my blame

if they wanted to

There's nothing to keep me sane

and it's all the same to you

There's nowhere to set my aim

so I'm everywhere

Never come near me again

do you really think I need you

I'll never be open again, I could never be open again.

I'll never be open again, I could never be open again.

And I'll smile and I'll learn to pretend

And I'll never be open again

And I'll have no more dreams to defend

And I'll never be open again

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A chi ho visto stasera. Ai pensieri fatti in macchina mentre mi allontanavo...

Heroes - David Bowie

I, I wish you could swim

Like the dolphins

Like dolphins can swim

Though nothing, nothing will keep us together

We can beat them, forever and ever

Oh, we can be heroes just for one day

I, I will be King

And you, you will be Queen

Though nothing will drive them away

We can be heroes just for one day

We can be us just for one day

I, I can remember

(I remember)

Standing by the wall

(By the wall)

And the guns, shot above our heads

(Over our heads)

And we kissed, as though nothing could fall

(Nothing could fall)

And the shame, was on the other side

Oh, we can beat them, forever and ever

Then we could be heroes just for one day

We can be heroes

We can be heroes

We can be heroes just for one day

We can be heroes

E aggiungo, per stasera:

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prometto.. è l'ultima volta che la dedico..

Day seven: Hope - Ayreon

[best Friend] Let me take you back

To the time when we were chasing all the girls

Two maniacs

Indulging in the pleasures of this world

So much to see, so much to live for

Questions to answer, places to go

So much to be, so much to care for

Deep down inside I think you know

You are free...come back to me!

Look ahead and see

There are still so many borders we could cross

Just you and me

Making up for all the time that we have lost

[best Friend] So much to see

[Me] He may be right

[best Friend] so much to live for

[Me] I've got to fight

[best Friend] Questions to answer

[Me] I will pull through

[best Friend] places to go

[Me] take me with you

[best Friend] So much to be

[Me] I will not break

[best Friend] so much to care for

[Me] I must awake

[best Friend] Deep down inside I think you know

[Me] I think I know

[best Friend] You are free

[Me] I am free

[best Friend] Come back to me!

[best Friend] Aaaah, aaaah come back to me

[Me] There's no way out, my whole world is black!

[best Friend] Aaaah, aaaah come back to me

[Me] I try to shout, something's holding me back!

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Blow up the outside world - Soundgarden

Nothing seems to kill me, no matter how hard I try

Nothing is closing my eyes

Nothing can beat me down for your pain or delight

And nothing seems to break me

No matter how hard I fall nothing can break me at all

Not one for giving up though not invincible I know

I've given everything I need

I'd give you everything I own

I'd give in if it could at least be ours alone

I've given everything I could

To blow it to hell and gone

Burrow down in and

Blow up the outside world

Someone tried to tell me something

Don't let the world bring you down

Nothing will do me in before I do myself

So save it for your own and the ones you can help

Want to make it understood

Wanting though I never would

Trying though I know it's wrong

Blowing it to hell and gone

Wishing though I never could

Blow up the outside world

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Ho appena finito di rivedere il film, la canzone mi rimarrà in testa per un paio di giorni...:rock:


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Iron Man

Has he lost his mind?

Can he see or is he blind?

Can he walk at all,

Or if he moves will he fall?

Is he alive or dead?

Has he thoughts within his head?

We'll just pass him there

Why should we even care?

He was turned to steel

In the great magnetic field

Where he traveled time

For the future of mankind

Nobody wants him

He just stares at the world

Planning his vengeance

That he will soon unfold

Now the time is here

For Iron Man to spread fear

Vengeance from the grave

Kills the people he once saved

Nobody wants him

They just turn their heads

Nobody helps him

Now he has his revenge

Heavy boots of lead

Fills his victims full of dread

Running as fast as they can

Iron Man lives again!

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All'estate che (nonostante il clima) sta inevitabilmente finendo, questo pezzo storico recentemente rivisitato credo dagli Ataris.

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Perchè ci sono dei sentimenti che vanno semplicemente accompagnati senza fare scenate...

Modena City Ramblers - In un giorno di pioggia

Is è mo laoch, mo ghile mear

Is è mo Shaesar

ghile mear

Ni fhuras fein aon tsuan as sean

o chuaigh i gcein mo ghile mear

Addio, addio e un bicchiere levato al cielo d'Irlanda e alle nuvole gonfie.

Un nodo alla gola ed un ultimo sguardo alla vecchia Anna Liffey e alle strade del porto.

Un sorso di birra per le verdi brughiere e un altro ai mocciosi coperti di fango,

e un brindisi anche agli gnomi a alle fate, ai folletti che corrono sulle tue strade.

Hai i fianchi robusti di una vecchia signora e i modi un po' rudi della gente di mare,

ti trascini tra fango, sudore e risate e la puzza di alcool nelle notti d'estate.

Un vecchio compagno ti segue paziente, il mare si sdraia fedele ai tuoi piedi,

ti culla leggero nelle sere d'inverno, ti riporta le voci degli amanti di ieri.

E' in un giorno di pioggia che ti ho conosciuta,

il vento dell'ovest rideva gentile

e in un giorno di pioggia ho imparato ad amarti

mi hai preso per mano portandomi via.

Hai occhi di ghiaccio ed un cuore di terra, hai il passo pesante di un vecchio ubriacone,

ti chiudi a sognare nelle notti d'inverno e ti copri di rosso e fiorisci d'estate.

I tuoi esuli parlano lingue straniere, si addormentano soli sognando i tuoi cieli,

si ritrovano persi in paesi lontani a cantare una terra di profughi e santi.

E' in un giorno di pioggia che ti ho conosciuta,

il vento dell'ovest rideva gentile

e in un giorno di pioggia ho imparato ad amarti

mi hai preso per mano portandomi via.

E in un giorno di pioggia ti rivedrò ancora

e potrò consolare i tuoi occhi bagnati.

In un giorno di pioggia saremo vicini,

balleremo leggeri sull'aria di un Reel.

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  • 2 settimane dopo...

To live is to die - Metallica

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When a man lies, he murders some part of the world

These are the pale deaths which men miscall their lives

All this I cannot bear to witness any longer

Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home

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Risentirla oggi fa male.

Solitude - Jerry Cantrell

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There's no out, downside up for good

No light, reflection understood

Had to try, perversion satisfied, I indulge the beast awhile

When hurting yourself feels right

And there's nothing familiar in sight

Take the time to pull the weeds

Choking flowers in your life

Or seal your doom

Cold transparent blue

Locked inside a room

In solitude

There's no flesh, my own ghost awaits

Unclean, defiled, hallucinatory state

Lust, sloth, not my only sins

It's just how, when it's time, on a degradation trip...yeah

When hurting yourself feels right

Long gone the will to fight

Take the time to pull the weeds choking flowers in your life

Or seal your doom

Cold transparent blue

Locked inside a room

In solitude

Insanity takes you

So black it's untrue

So black it's untrue

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Fratello sai cos’è una tasca?

è una vasca in cui si annaspa

in cui ogni peccato è programmato più del Pascal

io te la perquisisco a mo’ di Qasba

ci trovo vizi e basta

sei nell’angolo più di Dizzee Rascal

non è Letizia la tua tizia non è Casta

lo deduco dall’hatu nella tua sacca

hai l’alito di grappa

ma datti alla pappa

come Gian Burrasca

brucerai all’inferno

come d’inverno una frasca

In tasca metti la mano

per etti d’Afgano

ma cosa sei, sei metallaro?

ma sentiti Al Bano!

mostri le zanne ma mio caro

hai i denti di Hamtaro

con tutti i mezzi

ti si fa a pezzi più del Meccano

Sei portato insano di tasche

ti conviene confessare

che con le mani in tasca vuoi protestare

Un anno nella cella è il posto dove stare

perché adesso noi comandiamo dall’est all’ovest, amen!

Fratello tu non mettere le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Io so che cosa fai tu con le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Fratello tu non mettere le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Io so che cosa fai tu con le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Era uno stato regresso

tentato dal sesso bendato

bombardato dal degrado

più di Belgrado dalla NATO

Uno stato in crisi invaso

da invasati invisi al Vaticano

coppie di fatto che stroncavano

i patti fatti a Laterano

Mentecatti blateravano

contro noi in ogni forum

c’era una sola soluzione come per il Gollum

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

quattro colpi al Quorum

riposi in pace il referendum in secula seculorum

Scomunicammo in nome di Dio

un libro di Dan Brown sul prioriato di Sion

dando l’avvio ad un’era di messa a morte

da Crozza ad Andrea Rivera passando per Harry Potter

E fu brusio di volantini sovversivi

fummo costretti ad adottare metodi repressivi

quindi fiato sul collo

c’è la galera per chi porta le tasche

perché nelle tasche non c’è controllo

Fratello tu non mettere le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Io so che cosa fai tu con le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Fratello tu non mettere le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Io so che cosa fai tu con le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Da quel momento chi porta una tasca

o è un’artista oppure un tossico

o entrambi come Basquiat

Gente a cui basta fare il contrario come bastian

per darsi più arie di quante ne abbia composte Bach Sebastian

Per questo sei stato arrestato

tu credi nella favola della libera tasca nel libero strato

Camillo Benso si è sbagliato

l’unica Libertas è quella che sta sullo scudo crociato


«In nomine libertatis v*****a edificamus»

(Coro) «In nomine libertatis v*****a edificamus»

«In nomine veritatis mendacia efferimus»

(Coro) «In nomine veritatis mendacia efferimus»

Fratello tu non mettere le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Io so che cosa fai tu con le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Fratello tu non mettere le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

Io so che cosa fai tu con le mani in tasca

le mani in tasca, le mani in tasca

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Brucia la terra

Brucia la luna n'cielu

E ju bruciu d'amuri

Focu ca si consuma

Comu lu me cori

L'anima chianci


Non si da paci

Ma cchi mala nuttata

Lu tempu passa

Ma non agghiorna

Non c'e mai suli

S'idda non torna

Brucia la terra mia

E abbrucia lu me cori

Cchi siti d'acqua idda

E ju siti d'amuri

Acu la cantu

La me canzuni

Si no c'e nuddu

Ca s'a affacia

A lu barcuni

Brucia la luna n'cielu

E ju bruciu d'amuri

Focu ca si consuma

Comu lu me cori

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Ai futuri sfidanti fantacalcisti...

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Così per dedicarla!

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perchè forse un giorno avrò il coraggio di guardarti negli occhi e dirti quello che tengo dentro da oltre sette anni

Hermaphrodite - Death SS

I've seen you, I've seen you

The double-headed one

You appeared to me like an obscene child

You've revealed, you've disclosed

All your secret lust

All the glory of your double properties

The supreme beauty of all your perfect being

Solve et coagula, hermaphrodite

Chased and geburah, hermaphrodite

You're the bearer of light

You're the horned god

Without limits, without shadows, without fears

You are woman and man

You're the quintessence

You're the substance of all elements and laws

Father, mother, son and daughter all in one

Solve et coagula, hermaphrodite

Chased and geburah, hermaphrodite

You can give us the key

Of your seven seals

The great power of all your sexual spells

You're the devil who has found

Our inner truth

The vibration of the energy that feeds

Friend and lover, brother, sister all in one

Solve et coagula, hermaphrodite

Chased and geburah, hermaphrodite

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Iced earth - When the eagles cries

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Another day, just like any other

out of the blue, it turned to horror

How could they? Why would they?

The innocents suffered hell's inferno

An senseless act that goes unforgotten

How could they? They will pay.

When the Eagle Cries

Out of the ashes came a tempted vengeance,

but we are focused, we seek redemption

we are free, we'll stay free

All they've done, is make us stronger

The sleeping giant, is asleep no longer

If need be, we'll die free

When the Eagle Cries (blood will flow)

When the Eagle Cries (for freedom's fight)

When the Eagle Cries (we love us all)

When the Eagle Cries (we'll sacrifice)

When the Eagle Cries

When the Eagle Cries (blood will flow)

When the Eagle Cries they made us stronger (for freedoms fight)

When the Eagle Cries we'll sacrifice (we love us all)

When the Eagle Cries for freedom's fight (we'll sacrifice)

When the Eagle Cries

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vita morte e rinascita, la ruota gira, se oggi te ne andrai ci incontreremo nella tua prossima vita, io ti riconoscerò, mi basterà aspettare la luna piena.

riposa all'ombra dell'acacia per adesso

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Così. Come tredici anni fa. I'm not the same, but I feel the same. I feel nothing. Tutto è cambiato e tutto è fermo lì. Così.

To forgive - Smashing Pumpkins

ten times removed

i forget about where it all began

bastard son of a bastard son of

a wild eyed child of the sun

and right as rain, i'm not the same but

i feel the same, i feel nothing

holding back the fool again

holding back the fool pretends

i forget to forget nothing is important

holding back the fool again

i sensed my loss

before i even learned to talk

and i remember my birthdays

empty party afternoons won't come back

holding back the fool again

holding back the fool pretends

i forget to forget nothing is important

holding back the fool again

i forget to forget me

i forget to forget you see

nothing is important to me

i knew my loss

before i even learned to speak

and all along, i knew it was wrong

but i played along, with my birthday song

holding back the fool again

holding back the fool pretends

i forget to forget nothing is important

holding back the fool again

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edit: ma sì, continuiamo. Così

Porcelina of the vast oceans - Smashing Pumpkins

as far as you take me, that's where i believe

the realm of soft delusions, floating on the laves

on a distant shoreline, she waves her arms to me

as all the thought police, and closing in for sleep

the dilly dally, of my bright lit stay

the steam of my misfortunes

has given me the power to be afraid

and in my mind i'm everyone

and in my mind

without a care in this whole world

without a care in this life

it's what you take that makes it right

porcelina of the oceans blue

in the slipstream, of thoughtless thoughts

the light of all that's good, the light of all that's true

to the fringes gladly, i walk unadorned

with gods and their creations

with filth and disease

porcelina, she waits for me there

with seashell hissing lullabyes

and whispers fathomed deep inside my own

hidden thoughts and alibis

my secret thoughts come alive

without a care in this whole world

without a care in this life

it's what you take that makes it right

and in my mind i'm everyone

in my mind i'm everyone of you

you make it right

it's all allright

you make it right

porcelina of the oceans blue

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