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Questa è la tua canzone... Two non lo sai...

Aerys II

Messaggio consigliato

Dedicata a LEI, come dire... dalle stelle alle stalle

Skid Row - You lie

You lie to me a first time

You?ll lie to me again

You pushed me out the front door

While some stranger?s walking in

The way you say you love me is as ugly as sin

You lie, you lie, you lie

I waited up ?til morning just wondering what you?d say

You stumbled on your story ?cause the truth got in the way

You choked on your confession, but thought you had it saved

While someone else was jumpin? in my grave

You lie to me a first time

You?ll lie to me again

You pushed me out the front door

While some stranger?s walking in

The way you say you love me is as ugly as sin

You lie, you lie, you lie

I?m counting on the future, forgetting ?bout the past

Just knowing you?re not honest, well I knew it wouldn?t last

I?m trying to believe you but it?s such a fucking chore

You lyin?, cheatin? dirty little whore

You lie to me a first time

You?ll lie to me again

You pushed me out the front door

While some stranger?s walking in

The way you say you love me is as ugly as sin

You lie, you lie, you lie

You lie, you lie, you lie

You lie to me a first time

You?ll lie to me again

You pushed me out the front door

While some stranger?s walking in

The way you say you love me is as ugly as sin

You lie, you lie, you lie

You lie, you lie, you lie

You lie to me a first time

You?ll lie to me again

You pushed me out the front door

While some stranger?s walking in

The way you say you love me is as ugly as sin

You lie, you lie, you lie

You lie, you lie, you lie

You lyin? motherfucker

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Per ricordarsi di essere sè stessi....

I Want Out - Helloween

From our lives' beginning on

we are pushed in little forms

no one asks us how we like to be

in school they teach you what to think

but everyone says different things

but they're all convinced that

they're the ones to see

So they keep talking and they never stop

and at a certain point you give it up

so the only thing that's left to think is this

I want out--to live my life alone

I want out--leave me be

I want out--to do things on my own

I want out--to live my life and to be free

People tell me A and B

they tell me how I have to see

things that I have seen already clear

so they push me then from side to side

they're pushing me from black to white

they're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear

But don't push me to the maximum

shut your mouth and take it home

'cause I decide the way things gonna be

I want out--to live my life alone

I want out--leave me be

I want out--to do things on my own

I want out--to live my life and to be free

There's a million ways to see the things in life

a million ways to be the fool

in the end of it, none of us is right

sometimes we need to be alone

No no no, leave me alone

I want out--to live my life alone

I want out--leave me be

I want out--to do things on my own

I want out--to live my life and to be free

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A me, perchè prima mi diceva poco, ma da quando mi è entrata in testa qualche giorno fa non è più uscita e sta scandendo le mie giornate..

The Strokes - Reptilia

He seemed impressed by the way you came in.

"Tell us a story

I know you're not boring"

I was afraid that you would not insist.

"You sound so sleepy

just take this, now leave me"

I said please don't slow me down

If I'm going too fast

You're in a strange part of our town...

Yeah, the night's not over

You're not trying hard enough,

Our lives are changing lanes

You ran me off the road,

The wait is over

I'm now taking over,

You're no longer laughing

I'm not drowning fast enough.

Now every time that I look at myself

"I thought I told you

this world is not for you"

The room is on fire as she's fixing her hair

"you sound so angry

just calm down, you found me"

I said please don't slow me down

If I'm going too fast

You're in a strange part of our town...

Yeah, the night's not over

You're not trying hard enough,

Our lives are changing lanes

You ran me off the road,

The wait is over

I'm now taking over,

You're no longer laughing

I'm not drowning fast enough.

Sembrava impressionato dal modo in cui sei entrato

"Raccontaci una storia

So che non sei noioso"

Avevo paura che non avresti insistito

"Sembri così assonnato

prendi questo, ora lasciami"

Dissi per favore non rallentarmi

Se sto andando troppo veloce

Sei in una strana parte della nostra città...

Yeah, la notte non è finita

Non ce la stai mettendo tutta,

Le nostre vite stanno cambiando corsia

Mi hai fatto uscire di strada,

L'attesa è finita

Ora sto prendendo,

Tu non ridi più

Non sto annegando abbastanza in fretta

Ora ogni volta che mi osservo

"Pensavo di averti detto

questo mondo non è per te"

La stanza è in fiamme mentre lei si sistema i capelli

"Sembri così arrabbiato

Calmati, mi hai trovato"

Dissi per favore non rallentarmi

Se sto andando troppo veloce

Sei in una strana parte della nostra città...

Yeah, la notte non è finita

Non ce la stai mettendo tutta,

Le nostre vite stanno cambiando corsia

Mi hai fatto uscire di strada,

L'attesa è finita

Ora sto prendendo,

Tu non ridi più

Non sto annegando abbastanza in fretta

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perché ho bisogno di smussare gli angoli, intessere rapporti, ritrovare la socialità, risentirmi parte di qualcosa.. rediscover communication..

- tool

I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away

Mildewed and smoldering. Fundamental differing.

Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion

Disintegrating as it goes testing our communication

The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so

We cannot see to reach an end crippling our communication.

I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them tumble down

No fault, none to blame it doesn't mean I don't desire to

Point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over.

To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication

The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,

And the circling is worth it.

Finding beauty in the dissonance.

There was a time that the pieces fit, but I watched them fall away.

Mildewed and smoldering, strangled by our coveting

I've done the math enough to know the dangers of our second guessing

Doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication.

Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any

Sense of compassion

Between supposed lovers/brothers

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Per chi aspetta il cambiamento decisivo...

Linea 77

Third Moon

Good morning Miss Sadness

open your eyes

jumping on the ground,

walkin' and waiting for that day

i don't wanna lose

i don't wanna choose

a way to escape

'cause i wanna create...

Good morning Miss Sadness

open your eyes

jumping on the ground,

walkin' and ready for the day

i don't wanna lose

i don't wanna choose

a way to escape

'cause i wanna create


a fake world to describe

full of winners with no smile

waitin' for that day

i don't wanna play the game

so i'm coming

i'm gonna get you soon

from the land of sorrow

to the third moon

watchin' the screen full of madness and freaks

with a strange man talkin' about shit things

i want to run faster

before i die

Follow the white rabbit

it's the right way

turn off the eyes on the world that you got

go out on the streets

watch the faces of all the people that you can see

feel the atmosphere!

watchin' the screen full of madness and freaks

with a strange man talkin' about shit things

i want to run faster

before i die


I'm floating in the space

watching my world in flames

the sky will never burn forever

I'm waiting for that day

when everything will change

the sky will never burn forever

go! go! go!

go! go! go!

go! go!

Follow the white rabbit

it's the right way

turn off the eyes on the world that you got

go out on the streets

watch the faces of all the people that you can see

feel the atmosphere!

Taste it and break it!

It's not a joke

comin' up...yo

you're not alone so...

i'm coming

i'm gonna get you soon

from the land of sorrow

to the third moon

watchin' the screen full of madness and freaks

with a strange man talkin' about shit things

i want to run faster

before i die!


I'm floating in the space

watching my world in flames

the sky will never burn forever

I'm waiting for that day

when everything will change

the sky will never burn forever

go! go! go!

go! go! go!

go! go!

watchin' the screen full of madness and freaks

watchin' now

watchin' the screen full of madness and freaks

watchin' the screen full of madness and freaks

watchin' now

with a strange man talkin' about shit things

watchin' the screen full of madness and freaks

with a strange man talkin' about bullshit

i want to run faster

before i die!


I'm floating in the space

watching my world in flames

the sky will never burn forever

I'm waiting for that day

when everything will change

the sky will never burn forever

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Perchè come mi ha detto una cara amica rischio di perdere troppo.

ma santo cielo,meglio essere a posto con la coscienza...giusto?!? Sono un Don chisciotte a parer d'altra parte,se così deve essere,che sia!

Don Chisciotte - Francesco Guccini

[ Don Chisciotte ]

Ho letto millanta storie di cavalieri erranti,

di imprese e di vittorie dei giusti sui prepotenti

per starmene ancora chiuso coi miei libri in questa stanza

come un vigliacco ozioso, sordo ad ogni sofferenza.

Nel mondo oggi più di ieri domina l'ingiustizia,

ma di eroici cavalieri non abbiamo più notizia;

proprio per questo, Sancho, c'è bisogno soprattutto

d'uno slancio generoso, fosse anche un sogno matto:

vammi a prendere la sella, che il mio impegno ardimentoso

l'ho promesso alla mia bella, Dulcinea del Toboso,

e a te Sancho io prometto che guadagnerai un castello,

ma un rifiuto non l'accetto, forza sellami il cavallo !

Tu sarai il mio scudiero, la mia ombra confortante

e con questo cuore puro, col mio scudo e Ronzinante,

colpirò con la mia lancia l'ingiustizia giorno e notte,

com'è vero nella Mancha che mi chiamo Don Chisciotte...

[ Sancho Panza ]

Questo folle non sta bene, ha bisogno di un dottore,

contraddirlo non conviene, non è mai di buon umore...

E' la più triste figura che sia apparsa sulla Terra,

cavalier senza paura di una solitaria guerra

cominciata per amore di una donna conosciuta

dentro a una locanda a ore dove fa la prostituta,

ma credendo di aver visto una vera principessa,

lui ha voluto ad ogni costo farle quella sua promessa.

E così da giorni abbiamo solo calci nel sedere,

non sappiamo dove siamo, senza pane e senza bere

e questo pazzo scatenato che è il più ingenuo dei bambini

proprio ieri si è stroncato fra le pale dei mulini...

E' un testardo, un idealista, troppi sogni ha nel cervello:

io che sono più realista mi accontento di un castello.

Mi farà Governatore e avrò terre in abbondanza,

quant'è vero che anch'io ho un cuore e che mi chiamo Sancho Panza...

[ Don Chisciotte ]

Salta in piedi, Sancho, è tardi, non vorrai dormire ancora,

solo i cinici e i codardi non si svegliano all'aurora:

per i primi è indifferenza e disprezzo dei valori

e per gli altri è riluttanza nei confronti dei doveri !

L'ingiustizia non è il solo male che divora il mondo,

anche l'anima dell'uomo ha toccato spesso il fondo,

ma dobbiamo fare presto perché più che il tempo passa

il nemico si fà d'ombra e s'ingarbuglia la matassa...

[ Sancho Panza ]

A proposito di questo farsi d'ombra delle cose,

l'altro giorno quando ha visto quelle pecore indifese

le ha attaccate come fossero un esercito di Mori,

ma che alla fine ci mordessero oltre i cani anche i pastori

era chiaro come il giorno, non è vero, mio Signore ?

Io sarò un codardo e dormo, ma non sono un traditore,

credo solo in quel che vedo e la realtà per me rimane

il solo metro che possiedo, com'è vero... che ora ho fame !

[ Don Chisciotte ]

Sancho ascoltami, ti prego, sono stato anch'io un realista,

ma ormai oggi me ne frego e, anche se ho una buona vista,

l'apparenza delle cose come vedi non m'inganna,

preferisco le sorprese di quest'anima tiranna

che trasforma coi suoi trucchi la realtà che hai lì davanti,

ma ti apre nuovi occhi e ti accende i sentimenti.

Prima d'oggi mi annoiavo e volevo anche morire,

ma ora sono un uomo nuovo che non teme di soffrire...

[ Sancho Panza ]

Mio Signore, io purtoppo sono un povero ignorante

e del suo discorso astratto ci ho capito poco o niente,

ma anche ammesso che il coraggio mi cancelli la pigrizia,

riusciremo noi da soli a riportare la giustizia ?

In un mondo dove il male è di casa e ha vinto sempre,

dove regna il "capitale", oggi più spietatamente,

riuscirà con questo brocco e questo inutile scudiero

al "potere" dare scacco e salvare il mondo intero ?

[ Don Chisciotte ]

Mi vuoi dire, caro Sancho, che dovrei tirarmi indietro

perchè il "male" ed il "potere" hanno un aspetto così tetro ?

Dovrei anche rinunciare ad un po' di dignità,

farmi umile e accettare che sia questa la realtà ?

[ Insieme ]

Il "potere" è l'immondizia della storia degli umani

e, anche se siamo soltanto due romantici rottami,

sputeremo il cuore in faccia all'ingiustizia giorno e notte:

siamo i "Grandi della Mancha",

Sancho Panza... e Don Chisciotte !

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Children Of Bodom

Punch me I Bleed

From the reign I’ve built

Of shame and guilt

I go back and take a look

At myself and what

I have done so far

At the bridge he’s lying

Waiting till light

No choice to go

Back where, he was

Okay to us

You’re to come

And save me

Going down I walk

My way till now

Deep to the obscurity

Obliterating you in every way

With my life’s insanity

Battered up again

I’m going right inside

Curled up on the floor

Wonder ways to kill the pain and

What doesn’t kill you

Will only make you pissed off

Sweep back to kill

You can't make it go away

So let's, take a shot at me

Just when you punch me, I bleed

Going down I walk

My way till now

Deep to the obscurity

Obliterating you in every way

With my life’s insanity

No choice to go

Back where, he was

Okay to us

You’re to come

And save me

Going down I walk

My way till now

Deep to the obscurity

Obliterating you in every way

With my life’s insanity

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Settembre, mese che normalmente non mi dispiace affatto per il mite clima, quest'anno si è associato al pensiero del rientro al lavoro... Lo sto digerendo un po' male anche se non ho più la malinconia del primo giorno dopo le ferie... e quindi...

"Wake Me Up When September Ends"

Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

wake me up when september ends

like my fathers come to pass

seven years has gone so fast

wake me up when september ends

here comes the rain again

falling from the stars

drenched in my pain again

becoming who we are

as my memory rests

but never forgets what I lost

wake me up when september ends

summer has come and passed

the innocent can never last

wake me up when september ends

ring out the bells again

like we did when spring began

wake me up when september ends

here comes the rain again

falling from the stars

drenched in my pain again

becoming who we are

as my memory rests

but never forgets what I lost

wake me up when september ends

Summer has come and passed

The innocent can never last

wake me up when september ends

like my father's come to pass

twenty years has gone so fast

wake me up when september ends

wake me up when september ends

wake me up when september ends

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E' una canzone a cui sono molto legato per vari motivi, anche se forse non è propriamente il mio "genere". Dedicata a tutti coloro che hanno resistito nonostante tutto. A tutti coloro che hanno creduto fino in fondo in qualcosa per cui valeva la pena sognare. A tutti coloro che ancora ci credono, ed a tutti coloro che non si fermeranno mai.


It's been a long road, getting from there to here.

It's been a long time, but my time is finally near.

And I can feel a change in the wind right now, nothing's in my way.

And they're not gonna hold me down no more,

No they're not gonna hold me down.

'Cause I've got faith of the heart, I'm going where my heart will take me.

I've got faith to believe I can do anything.

I've got strength of the soul, no one's gonna bend or break me.

I can reach any star,

I've got faith, I've got faith, faith of the heart.

It's been a long night, trying to find my way,

Been through the darkness. Now I'll finally have my day.

And I will see my dream come alive at last, I will touch the sky.

And they're not gonna hold me down no more,

No they're not gonna change my mind.

'Cause I've got faith of the heart, I'm going where my heart will take me.

I've got faith to believe I can do anything.

I've got strength of the soul, no one's gonna bend or break me.

I can reach any star,

I've got faith, I've got faith, faith of the heart.

I've known a wind so cold, and seen the darkest days.

But now the winds I feel are only winds of change.

I've been through the fire and I've been through the rain.

But I'll be fine. (Woah-e-Woah! Woah-e-woah!)

'Cause I've got faith of the heart, I'm going where my heart will take me.

I've got faith to believe I can do anything.

I've got strength of the soul, no one's gonna bend or break me.

I can reach any star,

I've got faith...

I've got faith of the heart, I'm going where my heart will take me.

I've got faith to believe I can do anything.

I've got strength of the soul, no one's gonna bend or break me.

I can reach any star,

I've got faith, I've got faith, faith of the heart.

It's been a long road...

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È la mia canzone preferita, mi da una carica incredibile e mi accompagna da tempo, la porterei con me se andassi nello spazio. Quindi la condivido e la dedico a tutte le persone a cui voglio bene.

The Strokes - Heart in a cage

Well I don't feel better when I'm fucking around

And I don't write better when I'm stuck in the ground,

So don't teach me a lesson 'cause I've already learned.

Yeah, the sun will be shining and my children will burn.

The heart beats in its cage.

I don't want what you want.

I don't feel what you feel.

See, I'm stuck in a city

But I belong in a field.

Yeah we got left, left, left, left, left, left, left.

Now it's three in the morning and you're eating alone.

The heart beats in its cage.

All our friends they're laughing at us.

All of those you loved, you mistrust.

Help me, I'm just not quite myself.

Look around there's no one else left.

I went to the concert and I fought through the crowd.

Guess I got too excited when I thought you were around.

Oh he gets left, left, left, left, left, left, left.

I'm sorry you were thinking I would steal your fire.

The heart beats in its cage.

Beh non mi sento meglio quando cazzeggio in giro

E non scrivo meglio quando sono inchiodato a terra,

Quindi non darmi una lezione perché l'ho già imparata.

Sì, il sole sarà splendente e il mio bambino brucerà.

Il cuore batte nella sua gabbia.

Non voglio quello che vuoi.

Non mi sento come ti senti.

Vedi, sono bloccato in una città

Ma io appartengo a un campo.

Sì dovevamo andare, andare, andare, andare, andare, andare, andare,

Ora sono le tre del mattino e stai mangiando da sola

Il cuore batte nella sua gabbia.

Tutti i nostri amici ridono di noi.

Diffidi di tutti quelli che hai amato.

Aiutami, non sono proprio me stesso.

Guardati intorno non c'è rimasto nessun altro.

Sono andato al concerto e ho lottato tra la folla.

Credo di essermi eccitato troppo al pensiero che eri lì in giro.

Oh lui se n'è andato, andato, andato, andato, andato, andato, andato.

Mi spiace che tu abbia pensato che avrei rubato il tuo fuoco.

Il cuore batte nella sua gabbia

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A chi, se potesse, girebbe il mondo....

....a chi, se potessse, sarebbe sempre in viaggio.....

a chi, sde potesse, partirebbe anche subito....

GUARANTEED - Eddy Vedder

On bended knee is no way to be free

Lifting up an empty cup, I ask silently

That all my destinations will accept the one that's me

So I can breathe...

Circles they grow and they swallow people whole

Half their lives they say goodnight to wives they'll never know

Got a mind full of questions, and a teacher in my soul

And so it goes...

Don't come closer or I'll have to go

Owning me like gravity are places that pull

If ever there was someone to keep me at home

It would be you...

Everyone I come across, in cages they bought

They think of me and my wandering, but I'm never what they thought

I've got my indignation, but I'm pure in all my thoughts

I'm alive...

Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere

Underneath my being is a road that disappeared

Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead


Leave it to me as I find a way to be

Consider me a satellite, forever orbiting

I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me


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Per un amico... un pensiero... per cancellarne altri.

Halleluja - Jeff Buckley

I've heard there was a secret chord

That David played and it pleased the Lord

But you don't really care for music, do you?

It goes like this...the fourth, the fifth

The minor fall

The major lift

The baffled King composing Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Your faith was strong but you needed proof

You saw her bathing on the roof

Her beauty in the moonlight overthrew you.

She tied you to a kitchen chair

She broke your throne

She cut your hair

And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Maybe I have been here before

I know this room, I've walked this floor

I used to live alone before I knew you.

I've seen your flag on the marble arch

Love is not a victory march

It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

There was a time you let me know

What's real and going on below

But now you never show it to me, do you?

And remember when I moved in you

The Holy Dark was moving too

And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Maybe there's a God above

And all I ever learned from love

Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you.

And it's not a cry you can hear at night

it's not somebody who's seen the light

it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

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A chi si sente sicuro di sè.

In Flames

The Mirror's Truth

This spectacle

Our collapse

It's not a false alarm

The ashes settle in

I guess,

We are the insane as we ignore the mirror's truth

Should I join the feast

Should I acknowledge the leash

A future in captivity

I'm not who I'm supposed to be

Without even trying

Let this night explode

The bleeding

We deceive them

Fuel the life that fades

At the height of reason

We should live by your laws

Call the swarm

Feed them another false hope

Without even trying (killing the last scene)

Let this night explode

Without even trying

Find the exit sign and disappear

Without even trying (killing the last scene)

Let this night explode

Without even trying

Find the exit sign and disappear

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Riascoltata ieri sera dopo tanto tempo.

Cantata a squarciagola.

Viva la libertà! e la gente comune!

PULP, Common People

She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge

She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College

That's where I caught her eye

She told me that her Dad was loaded

I said "In that case I'll have rum and coca-cola"

She said "fine"

And then in 30 seconds time she said

"I want to live like common people

I want to do whatever common people do

I want to sleep with common people

I want to sleep with common people like you"

Well what else could I do?

I said "I'll see what I can do"

I took her to a supermarket

I don't know why

but I had to start it somewhere

so it started there

I said "pretend you've got no money"

but she just laughed

and said "oh you're so funny"

I said "Yeah

Well I can't see anyone else smiling in here

Are you sure

you want to live like common people

you want to see whatever common people see

you want to sleep with common people

you want to sleep with common people like me?"

But she didn't understand

she just smiled and held my hand.

Rent a flat above a shop

Cut your hair and get a job

Smoke some fags and play some pool

Pretend you never went to school

But still you'll never get it right

'cos when you're laid in bed at night

watching roaches climb the wall

if you called your dad he could stop it all


You'll never live like common people

You'll never do whatever common people do

You'll never fail like common people

You'll never watch your life slide out of view

and then dance and drink and screw

because there's nothing else to do

Sing along with the common people

Sing along and it might just get you through

Laugh along with the common people

Laugh along although they're laughing at you

and the stupid things that you do

because you think that poor is cool.

Like a dog lying in a corner

they will bite you and never warn you

Look out

they'll tear your insides out

'cos everybody hates a tourist

especially one who thinks

it's all such a laugh

yeah and the chip stain's grease

will come out in the bath

You will never understand

how it feels to live your life

with no meaning or control

and with nowhere left to go

You are amazed that they exist

and they burn so bright

whilst you can only wonder why

Rent a flat above a shop

Cut your hair and get a job

Smoke some fags and play some pool

Pretend you never went to school

But still you'll never get it right

'cause when you're laid in bed at night

watching roaches climb the wall

if you called your dad he could stop it all


You'll never live like common people

You'll never do whatever common people do

You'll never fail like common people

You'll never watch your life slide out of view

and then dance and drink and screw

'because there's nothing else to do

I want to live with common people like you.....

I want to live with common people like you.....

I want to live with common people like you.....


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Lascio andare questa canzone tutta la notte....con la speranza di addormentarmi.....tristezza.....

The gutter twins - Circle The Fringes

It's alright to take me down

Between the hook and the line I took

It's alright to drag the lake-

And find the things you lost

They don't wait in line-

To see me float

Or sleep above the Waves

They don't wait in line-

To bring me up-

They've seen enough today

All my Dreams stroll by unclothed

All my Dreams roll by unknown

It's alright to cave into a Love

Although it's not enough

Not enough to save you from yourself

Or what you love too much

And always deeper-

And still even deeper-

And I believe there's a Heaven below

All I see is a Dream

That lies beneath it all

There's a way about Her

She can make me-

Do things I ought not to do

Cut the line, and-

Count to Three, and-

Morph into another world

Start the wheel turnin'

On it, break me

Shown things I ought not have seen

Hung from rafters-

Mothers screaming

Born into an ugly world

All my Dreams stroll by unclothed

All my Dreams roll by unknown

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A tutti quelli che, come me, sono tremendamente in ritardo con i propri doveri percè hanno scelto di non far si ce la vita sia solo un sopravvivere..(ance se mi sento in colpa)

Life is life - Opus

na na na na na

na na na na na (all together now)

na na na na na

na na na na na

Live (na na na na na)

Live is life (na na na na na)

Never don't got of live (na na na na na)

Li-hi-vie (na na na na na)

When we all give the power

we all give the best

every minute of an hour

don't think about the rest

Then you all get the power

you all get the best

and everyone gives everything

and every song everybody sings.

Live is life (na na na na na)

Live is life (na na na na na)

Live is life (na na na na na)

never don't got of live (na na na na na)

Live is life

when we all feel the power.

Live is life

come on stand up and dance.

Live is life

when the feeling of the people

Live is life

is the feeling of the band.

When we all give the power

we all give the best

every minute of an hour

don't think about the rest.

Then you all get the power

you all get the best

and everyone gives everything

and every song everybody sings.

Live is life (na na na na na)

Live is life (na na na na na)

Never don't got of live (na na na na na)

Live is life (na na na na na)

Life (na na na na na)

na na na na na

na na na na na

na na na na na

Live (na na na na na)

Live is life (na na na na na)

Never don't got of live (na na na na na)

Live is life (na na na na na)

And you call when it's over

you call it should last

Every minute of the future

is a memory of the past

Because we all feel the power

we all feel the best

and everyone gave everything

and every song everybody sang: live is life

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Per quelli che come me stanno vivendo un periodo un po' così...

» Cool To Hate «

I hate a lot of things

I hate a lot of people that are lame

I like to hate stuff

Cause then I don't havae to try and make

A change

I hate teachers

I hate school

I hate the cheerleaders

And anyone who's cool

I hate the office

I hate the Quad

Don't wanna learn nothing

I want to be a slob

It's cool to hate

It's cool to hate

I don't like nothing and I like that fine

(Liking something's just a waste of time)

It's cool to hate

It's cool to hate

I don't like nothing and I like that fine

(Liking something's just a waste of time)

I don't like nothing and like that fine

(Liking something's just a waste of time)

Yeah I hate everything

I even hate you too

So fuck you

I'm always thinking bad

I never have nothing good to say

I'd rather tear things down

Than build them up

It's easier that way

I hate the jocks

And I hate the geeks

I hate the trendies

But I also hate the freaks

I hate Dr. Martens

And Muscle T's

I'm only happy when I'm in my misery

I'll cut you down and give you lip

Being positive's so unhip

I'll cut you down cause I'm a fool

Being positive's so uncool

I hate the jocks

Annd I hate the geeks

I hate the trendies

But I also hate the freaks

I hate your band

And I hate TV

I'm only happy when I'm in my misery

By Offspring

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tupenda canzone non c'e' che dire...

Blind guardian-Time stands still (at the iron hill)

Light fails at dawn

The moon is gone

And deadly the night reigns


Finally I've found myself

In these lands

Horror and madness I've seen here

For what I became a king of the lost?

Barren and lifeless the land lies


Lord of all Noldor

A star in the night

And a bearer of hope

He rides into his glorious battle alone

Farewell to the valiant warlord

[chorus (repeat 2x):]

The Fate of us all

Lies deep in the dark

When time stands still at the iron hill

I stand alone

Noone's by my side

I'll dare you

Come out

You coward

Now it's me or you

He gleams like a star

And the sound of his horn's

Like a raging storm

Proudly the high lord

Challenges the doom

Lord of slaves he cries

Slowly in fear

The dark lord appears

Welcome to my lands

You shall be damned



The iron crowned

Is getting closer

Swings his hammer

Down on him

Like a thunderstorm

He's crushing

Down the Noldor's

Proudest king

Under my foot

So hopeless it seems

You've troubled my day

Now feel the pain

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Condividi su altri siti almeno credo.....

ligabue - almeno credo

Credo che ci voglia un dio ed anche un bar..

credo che stanotte ti verrò a trovare per dirci tutto quello

che dobbiamo dire... o almeno credo...

credo proprio che non sia già tutto qui..e certi giorni invece

credo sia così...

credo al tuo odore e al modo in cui mi fai sentire,

a questo credo...

Qua nessuno c'ha il libretto d'istruzioni,

credo che ognuno si faccia il giro come viene, a suo modo,

qua non c'è mai stato solo un mondo solo..

credo a quel tale che dice in giro che l'amore porta amore, credo...

se ti serve, chiamami "scemo", ma io almeno credo...

se ti basta chiamami "scemo", che io almeno..

credo nel rumore di chi sa tacere,

che quando smetti di sperare inizi un po' a morire...

credo al tuo amore e a quello che mi tira fuori..o almeno credo..

credo che ci sia qualcosa chiuso a chiave

e che ogni verità può fare bene o fare male..

credo che adesso mi devi far sentir le mani che a quelle credo...

Qua nessuno c'ha il libretto d'istruzioni,

credo che ognuno si faccia il giro come riesce, a suo modo,

qua non c'è mai stato solo un mondo solo..

credo a quel tale che dice in giro che l'amore chiama amore...

Qua nessuno c'ha il libretto d'istruzioni,

credo che ognuno si faccia il giro come viene, a suo modo,

qua non c'è mai stato solo un mondo solo..

credo a quel tale che dice in giro che l'amore porta amore, credo...

se ti serve, chiamami "scemo", ma io almeno credo...

se ti basta chiamami "scemo", che io almeno.

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Caparezza - Vieni a ballare in Puglia

I delfini vanno a ballare sulle spiagge.

Gli elefanti vanno a ballare in cimiteri sconosciuti.

Le nuvole vanno a ballare all’orizzonte.

I treni vanno a ballare nei musei a pagamento.

E tu dove vai a ballare?


Vieni a ballare in Puglia Puglia Puglia,

tremulo come una foglia foglia foglia.

Tieni la testa alta quando passi vicino ala gru

perché può capitare che si stacchi e venga giù.

Hey turista so che tu resti in questo posto italico.

Attento! Tu passi il valico ma questa terra ti manda al manicomio.

Mare adriatico e Jonio, vuoi respirare lo iodio

ma qui nel golfo c’è puzza di zolfo,

che sta arrivando il demonio.

Abbronzatura da paura con la diossina dell’ILVA.

Qua ti vengono pois più rossi di Milva e dopo assomigli alla Pimpa.

Nella zona spacciano la morìa più buona.

C’è chi ha fumato veleni all’ENI,

chi ha lavorato ed è andato in coma.

Fuma persino il Gargano, con tutte quelle foreste accese.

Turista tu balli e tu canti, io conto i defunti di questo paese.

Dove quei furbi che fanno le imprese, non badano a spese,

pensano che il protocollo di Kyoto sia un film erotico giapponese.


Vieni a ballare in Puglia Puglia Puglia

dove la notte è buia buia buia.

Tanto che chiudi le palpebre non le riapri più.

Vieni a ballare e grattati le palle pure tu

che devi ballare in Puglia Puglia Puglia,

tremulo come una foglia foglia foglia.

Tieni la testa alta quando passi vicino alla gru

perché può capitare che si stacchi e venga giù.

E’ vero, qui si fa festa, ma la gente è depressa e scarica.

Ho un amico che per ammazzarsi ha dovuto farsi assumere in fabbrica.

Tra un palo che cade ed un tubo che scoppia in quella bolgia si accoppa chi sgobba

e chi non sgobba si compra la roba e si sfonda finché non ingombra la tomba.

Vieni a ballare compare nei campi di pomodori

dove la mafia schiavizza i lavoratori, e se ti ribelli vai fuori.

Rumeni ammassati nei bugigattoli come pelati nei barattoli.

Costretti a subire i ricatti di uomini grandi ma come coriandoli.

Turista tu resta coi sandali, non fare scandali se siamo ingrati

e ci siamo dimenticati d’essere figli di emigrati.

Mortificati, non ti rovineremo la gita.

Su, passa dalla Puglia, passa a miglior vita.


Vieni a ballare in Puglia Puglia Puglia

dove la notte è buia buia buia.

Tanto che chiudi le palpebre e non le riapri più.

Vieni a ballare e grattati le palle pure tu

che devi ballare in Puglia Puglia Puglia

dove ti aspetta il boia boia boia.

Agli angoli delle strade spade più di re Artù,

si apre la voragine e vai dritto a Belzebù.

O Puglia Puglia mia tu Puglia mia,

ti porto sempre nel cuore quando vado via

e subito penso che potrei morire senza te.

E subito penso che potrei morire anche con te.

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