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Build Geomante [3.5]

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Ciao a tutti!

Premetto che è il mio primo topic su questo forum e se per caso ho sbagliato sezione domando pietà :P

Dopo anni e anni torno a giocare in una campagna di D&D col regolamento 3.5...

Si utilizzano i manuali base, la serie dei perfetti per cdp e talenti e il manuale dell'ambientazione di forgotten realms (solo quello generale, non quelli dedicati alle varie regioni).

Ed eccoci al mio problema: vorrei crearmi un pg mago. In genere ho una predilezione per la trasmutazione e cerco di rendere le relative CD più alte che posso... ma all'occorrenza posso ripiegare su una diversa strategia.

Qual'è il problema? Ebbene, per ragioni ruolistiche vorrei prendere almeno un livello o due da geomante. Il pg dovrebbe essere principalmente un mago, come detto e vorrei chiedervi consigli sulle possibili build volte ad ottimizzare un simile personaggio...

Gli unici possibili vantaggi che ci vedo al momento sono quelli di poter persistere 1-2 incantesimi divini con metamagia divina (magari fra questi ci fosse astuzia della volpe... almeno avrei un +2 alle cd da mago!), di avere un considerevole numero di pf in più rispetto ad un mago puro e al limite l'accesso a qualche abilità interessante come addestrare animali...

Il tutto al costo di 3 livelli da mago e 4 o 5 livelli spesi per una cdp che offre dei vantaggi piuttosto ridicoli, specialmente se messa vicino a robe come l'incantatrix :S

Ripeto: non devo per forza fare 10 livelli da geomante, me ne bastano 1 o 2.

La build che vorrei costruire prevede l'arrivo al livello 20... avevo pensato anche al teurgo mistico, ma tutti mi hanno sconsigliato questa cdp.


P.S: per la razza credo che opterò per qualcosa di strano ma a livello meccanico penso di partire con intelligenza 20 e costituzione 16 o 18

Modificato da Maldazar
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Questa non è la sezione giusta per avere consigli sull'ottimizzazione, ma ti perdoniamo . La prossima volta dovresti usare quest'altra sezione.

Parlando del geomancer: i requisiti sono davvero irritanti. L'entrata classica è Mago3/ Chierico3, ma se vuoi sviluppare solo il lato arcano, perdere 3 livelli non è bello. Se usate le regole opzionali di Heroes of Horror, un early entry è Mago 3/Chierico 1 con il talento Mad Faith (HoH, se hai depravazione moderata puoi castare un incantesimo divino di 2° lvl e qualificarti quindi per la cdp). Altrimenti, se sei disposto a rinunciare al mago per un altro incantatore, lo Sha'ir (Dragon Compendium) ha già una natura teurgica e quindi può soddisfare i prerequisiti senza multiclassare. Altra entrata rapida è Mago 1 con Precocious Apprentice/Chierico 3 ma non ci guadagni molto. Infine, l'ho sentito giocare anche con l'Ur-Priest per soddisfare i requisiti divini, ma IMHO spendi troppi talenti.

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Questa non è la sezione giusta per avere consigli sull'ottimizzazione, ma ti perdoniamo . La prossima volta dovresti usare quest'altra sezione.

La legge di Murphy colpisce ancora. Grazie :P

Purtroppo Heroes of Horror, Dragon Compedium, Arcani rivelati... nulla di tutto questo :(

Solo manuale del giocatore 3.5 (solo il primo), Master e perfetto avventuriero/arcanista/sacerdote/combattente.

Entrare poi col sacerdote Ur mi pare solo una fregatura: spreco di talenti a parte, perderei per metterci un livello in meno i poteri dei due domini (e volendo puntare sulla metamagia divina per quei pochi livelli da chierico su uno scacciare extra dato da "non-morti" e un incantesimi estesi da "pianificazione" non ci sputerei proprio sopra :P).

A questo punto forse Apprendista Precoce e dopo un livello o due da geomante ripiego sul teurgo mistico... boh!

Grazie per l'aiuto comunque ;)

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Ricordo male o Precocious Apprentice non funzionava per le entrate rapide?

Proprio non saprei... di certo se non per le entrate rapide sto talento non serve proprio a niente :P

Sto facendo or ora delle prove di costruzione della build. Secondo voi quali sono gli incantesimi da chierico di livello 2 migliori da rendere persistenti attraverso metamagia divina?

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Ricordo male o Precocious Apprentice non funzionava per le entrate rapide?

RAW funziona. Andando a controllare, però, c'è una FAQ in cui il Sage dice in pratica che non bisognerebbe usarlo per le early entry, arrampicandosi un po' sugli specchi.

If a 1st-level character takes the Precocious Apprentice feat, can he cast 2nd-level spells for the purposes of qualifying for a prestige class or meeting the prerequisites of a feat? In the Sage’s opinion, the Precocious Apprentice feat would not help you qualify for a prestige class or feat because it gives you a chance at casting a 2nd-level spell, not the inherent ability to cast 2nd-level spells.

Volendo proprio seguire le FAQ, quindi, non si può usare per le entrate rapide.



Ma incantesimi come resistenza dell'orso o resistenza agli incantesimi non possono essere resi persistenti?

No, non possono perché hanno raggio "tocco". Puoi persistere solo incantesimi con raggio "personale" o fisso, e con durata non istantanea.

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No, non possono perché hanno raggio "tocco". Puoi persistere solo incantesimi con raggio "personale" o fisso, e con durata non istantanea.

Capito grazie :) (pacchissimo!)

C'è una lista degli incantesimi da MAGO con gli incantesimi che possono essere resi persistenti?

Vorrei capire se ne può valere la pena...

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Ci ho pensato un po' e sono giunto a questa conclusione: mago 5/sacerdote ur 2/geomante 1/teurgo mistico 8/gattini 4

Dove "mago" è che ogni probabilità uno specialista, in modo da ottimizzare la combinazione con gli incantesimi divini e "gattini" sono livelli spesi in una cdp che conferisca un pieno avanzamento come incantatore arcano... magari altri 4 livelli da geomante per togliermi lo sfizio o qualcosa di più utile.

In questo modo dovrei garantirmi il 9 livello di magia sia arcana che divina... e non mi pare poco. Certo, il livello/i livelli spesi come geomante sono puramente per diletto interpretativo, ma date le condizioni d'accesso a questa cdp il resto della build mi sembra ottimale. Voi che ne dite?

Per i talenti pensavo a quello per parificare il livello d'incantatore nei multiclasse (non mi ricordo mai il nome :P) e tutto il kit per avere la metamagia divina rapida: in modo da poter lanciare, un giorno molto lontano, un incantesimo divino e uno arcano insieme, almeno nei primi turni. La fregatura in tal senso è che dovrei avere oltre a intelligenza e saggezza, un modificatore di carisma decente :S Avevo pensato pure a sostituire lo stregone al mago, ma l'idea non mi convince troppo... anche perché come razza mi piacerebbe il tiefling e preferirei partire come mago con intelligenza 20 piuttosto che come stregone con carisma 16 :P

Modificato da Rapp Scallion
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Con 5 livelli da Mago non puoi soddisfare i requisiti dell'Ur-priest:

Alignment: Any evil

Skills: Bluff 6 ranks , Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks , Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks , Knowledge (the planes) 5 ranks , Spellcraft 8 ranks

Feats: Iron Will , Spell Focus (evil)

Base Save Bonus: Fort +3, Will +3.
Special: The character must have no ability to cast divine spells. If such spellcasting ability was previously possessed (as with an ex-cleric), that ability is forever forsaken. The character must be trained by another ur-priest.

Per i 6 gradi in Raggirare si può fare qualcosa (come Aereni Focus della Player's Guide to Faerun o la variante del Mago Ammaliatore di Arcani Rivelati), ma il +3 in Tempra è irraggiungibile.

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Per i 6 gradi in Raggirare si può fare qualcosa (come Aereni Focus della Player's Guide to Faerun o la variante del Mago Ammaliatore di Arcani Rivelati), ma il +3 in Tempra è irraggiungibile.

Grazie per la correzione: i requisiti di ts non li avevo mica letti :o

Quindi dovrebbe essere per forza di cose un mago 9/u r2/geomante 1/teurgo 8

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C'è una lista degli incantesimi da MAGO con gli incantesimi che possono essere resi persistenti?

Vorrei capire se ne può valere la pena...

Forse arrivo troppo tardi, ma sulla guida all'Incantatrix su Giantitp c'è una lista degli incantesimi arcani da persistere. La trovi qui.

Per comodità te li metto anche in spoiler qui sotto.

Level 0
Detect Magic --- This is very interesting, unless you already persist Arcane Sight
Read Magic --- Usually, you‘ll have enough 0-level spell slots
... (more 0-level spells to add)

Level 1
Accelerated Movement (SC) --- Not worth it, because you‘re not a skillmonkey.
Appraising Touch (SC) --- This is one hour per level already and very situational.
Arrow Mind (SC) --- For you, this is really bad. First, you should not be walking around with a bow, you could hurt yourself. Second, you should not be in an enemy‘s threat range. But for your ranger friend, this is much better.
Bigby‘s Helpful Hand (PH2) --- +2 on some skills.
Breath Flare (SC) --- If you have a breath, and have that breath all day, then this is still not a good choice.
Comprehend Languages --- Translate all day. You need to touch the writing or creature, though. 
Critical Strike (SC) --- Only if you are a gish, and then this is not that bad.
Cutting Hand (SC) --- Another melee spell, i.e. to be avoided.
Deep Breath (SC) --- For an aquatic adventure, maybe.
Detect Dragonblood (DM) --- Like detect evil, but dragon type or dragonblood subtype.
Disguise Self --- I‘d much prefer Alter Self.
Ectoplasmic Armor (SC) --- It already lasts 1 hour per level. 
Expeditious Retreat --- Not bad if you don‘t haste regularly or need the speed all day.
Fist of Stone (SC) --- More damage-dealing. No, thanks.
Ghostly Tail (RotD) --- Sorcerer only. Grow a tail that delivers AoO, 2d6 melee touch. 
Golem Strike (SC) --- More melee, this time divination that lets you sneak attack constructs.
Guided Shot (SC) --- Again, great for the ranger.
Hoard Gullet (DM) --- A second stomach to store stuff. 1 hour per level base duration.
Insightful Feint (SC) --- It is only your next Bluff check, so this is not worth it.
Instant Diversion (RotD) --- Like Mirror Image, but the images move away. A Mislead, without invisibility. As the spell text says the doubles move away, the use of persist must be questioned.
Instant Locksmith (SC) --- Due to the wording, this is a bit difficult. Also, you have a 
skillmonkey for this.
Instant Search (SC) --- see above
Karmic Aura (CM) --- Fatigue those who harm you. The range is a bit short, but this is still good.
Luminous Gaze (SC) --- Glowing eyes attract attackers, no matter if they are dazzled.
Marked Object (SC) --- Already lasts 24 hrs per level
Master‘s Touch (SC) --- A specific weapon or shield proficiency. Useful for a gish.
Nightshield (SC) --- +1 resistance to saves, to a max. of +3 at caster level 9. Until you have Superior Resistance, this replaces your Cloak.
Path of Frost (DM) --- Area becomes slippery and causes cold damage. This is good.
Reviving Aura (CM) --- This has the [evil] descriptor.
Serene Visage (SC) --- This gives you ½ caster level, max. +10 on Bluff
Shield --- Because +4 to AC all day is nice
Sniper‘s Shot (SC) --- Good for your rogue friend.
Summon Component (CM) --- Get components all day.
Wings of Swift Flying (RotD) --- Increase fly speed by 30 ft. Already 1 hr / level.

Level 2
Aiming at the Target (SC) --- As this stops with the other spell, it is not a good choice to persist.
Alter Self (SC) --- This is great.
Balancing Lorecall (SC) --- Again, you‘re not the skillmonkey. You‘re flying, anyway. 
Balor Nimbus (SC) --- Just against a grappler, so this is not worth it. You‘re flying, after all.
Bladeweave (SC) --- This is another retribution spell, and you don‘t want to get hit in the first place.
Body of the Sun (SC) --- You don‘t want them to be that close. Also, the damage is low.
Claws of Darkness (SC) --- Another spell that wants to turn you to melee. Reach, but still, no thanks.
Cloud of Knives (PH2) --- This is excellent to persist, mostly because firing a knife is a free action for you. It‘s much better, of course, if you also have sneak attack.
Daggerspell Stance (SC) --- Now this has a use, because if you fight defensively, you gain SR 5 + caster level. If you‘re a gish, this is great. 
Death Armor (SC) --- Creatures striking you take damage. Costs 50. Not good.
Discern Shapechanger (SC) --- If you‘re on a detective adventure, this is good. Normally 1/round per level only.
Ectoplasmic Feedback (SC) --- You don‘t want to get hit in the first place, and if you do, it is still not enough damage to discourage an attacker that drains your levels.
Extend Tentacles (SC) --- If you have tentacles... 
Fearsome Grapple (SC) --- Now you get tentacles for grappling. Why would you want to grapple?
Flame Dagger (SC) --- This is for melee again.
Fly, Swift (SC) --- Yes!
Heart of Air (CM) --- Good spell, but at higher levels, one hour per level is best extended.
Inky Cloud (SC) --- Underwater darkness, but this is dispersed by a moderate current in 4 rounds.
Invisibility --- Range is „Personal or touch“, so arguably, you could persist this on yourself.
Levitate --- Range is „Personal or“, so you can, but is this worth it?
Local Tremor (RotD) --- Produce tremors, limited to cl, max. 5, causing creatures to fall prone.
Magic of the Dragonheart (DM) --- Additional benefit from draconic feats and skill checks on heritage class skill. Sorcerer only.
Mirror Image --- Once your images are gone, this is useless. See, however, greater mirror image
Razofangs (SC) --- Another melee spell.
Reflective Disguise (SC) --- Interesting if you are in a hostile area all day.
Scintillating Scales (SC) --- Change your natural armor bonus into deflection.
See Invisibility --- Having this all day is excellent. Note you can see into the ethereal plane.
Shadow Mask (SC) --- Very situational. Interesting if you go to medusa and beholder town.
Shroud of Undeath (SC) --- Good if you good to undead town.
Soul of Anarchy (DM) --- +5 competence on escape artist and grapple, and natural weapons and you are effectively chaotic
Soul of Order (DM) --- +2 morale on will saves vs. enchantment, natural weapons and you are considered lawful.
Surefooted Stride (SC) --- Again, this is for the ranger or rogue. You‘re flying.
Tail Slap (RotD) --- Tail slaps as standard action for 1d6 per 2 cl, max. 10d6 melee touch, and push back. If you‘re become an Incantratrix to spend your standard actions tail-slapping, I can‘t help you out.
Veil of Shadow (SC) --- Miss chance, but the spell is negated in daylight...
Wraithstrike (SC) --- Technically, it works, but if you do this, your DM will probably hate you.

Level 3
Adoration of the Frightful (DM) --- Fear-affected creatures within 60 ft. become friendly, Will negates
Analyze Portal (SC) --- Very situational. 
Arcane Sight --- A good effect to persist.
Avoid Planar Effects (SC) --- If you are on a plane-hopping spree, this is good.
Bite of the Wererat (SC) --- If you‘re a gish... but you‘re not, are you?
Blade of Pain and Fear (SC) --- You‘ll probably not want to do touch attacks, as this means you‘re close to your foes.
Blink --- A good effect, but also limits your actions. Better to use greater blink.
Cone of Dimness (SC) --- This blinds anyone entering the area, but they get a new save every round. Well.
Dragonshape, Least (DM) --- Become a tiny pseudodragon. Do you really want to? New polymorph subschool.
Dragonskin (SC) --- +1 natural armor per two caster levels (+5 at 10th) almost feels like being a druid. Except his animal companion packs so much punch.
Evard‘s Menacing Tentacles (PH2) --- Two tentacles from your shoulder attacks as a free action. As with most things that give free actions, this is nice to persist, especially since its duration is originally based on one round per level... if you can stand the looks. 
Ferocity of Sanguine Rage (DM) --- You gain a morale bonus to melee attacks and damage equal to ½ your caster level and activate true strike once.
Giant‘s Wrath (SC) --- As this is limited to one pebble per three levels, there‘s not much gained from persisting it.
Heart of Water (CM) --- Good spell, but with a base duration of 1 hr / level, this is best extended.
Karmic Backlash (CM) --- Exhaust those who harm you. The range is a bit short, but this is still good.
Mask of the Ideal (CM) --- +4 on Bluff and Diplomacy and on influencing charmed or summoned creatures.
Primal Form (SC) --- You cannot cast spells. If you cast this, you have a problem. If you persist this, you nerf yourself. 
Repelling Shield (CM) --- Shield that pushes others away. Not good, because you don‘t want them near you in the first place.
Reverse Arrows (SC) --- While this is limited to 100 points of damage at 10th level, this is still nice.
Shape of the Hellspawned Stalker (CM) -- Be a hell hound all day. New polymorph subschool.
Sonorous Hum (SC) --- This can be very good actually. Especially if you don‘t want to use the Swift Concentration skill trick.
Spectral Weapon (SC) --- Again for melee.
Spellcaster‘s Bane (CM) --- Automatically recognize spells being cast, this is good.
Telepathic Bond, Lesser (SC) --- This is good.
Tremorsense (SC) --- 30 ft. tremorsense is not bad.
Unicorn Horn (CM) --- You grow a unicorn horn. You want to look like that all day?
Vision of the Omniscient Eye (DM) --- +10 insight on spot, protection against blindness and dazzling. Activate faerie fire once if you can see invi.
Wreath of Flames (DM) --- Adjacent enemies take 1d6 fire, and your melee attacks deal the same. Again, you don‘t want them that close.

Level 4 
Assay Spell Resistance (SC) --- +10 on caster level checks, but this is good only against one particular creature, and I hope you don‘t fight one creature the whole day.
Aspect of the Icy Hunter (CM) --- Become a winter wolf. New polymorph subschool.
Battle Hymn (SC) --- All allies can reroll will saves. Situationally very useful.
Bite of the Werewolf (SC) --- If you‘re a gish... but you‘re not, are you?
Blinding Breath (SC) --- If you have a breath...
Displacer Form (SC) --- You can cast spells in this form, and this is a physical improvement. If nobody‘s watching...
Dragon Breath (SC) --- If you want to go blasting.
Ethereal Mount (SC) --- A good choice, but the spell lasts 1 hour per level already, so extend will often do.
Fire Shield --- A good choice if you know that you come up against cold or fire damage.
Flame Whips (SC) --- Your forelimbs become whips with 15 ft reach and touch attacks. You‘re rings and other items on your forelimbs don‘t work under this spell, though. 
Flight of the Dragon (SC) --- 100 ft. fly speed. Though maneuverability is not that good, this is good.
Foreward (SC) --- Incorporeal creatures must make a Will save to enter, and you can negate a Wall of Force
Friendly Fire (EE) --- If you cast this with a casting time of 1 full round, redirect ranged attacks or ranged touch attacks to other targets within 30 ft. This is better than Ray Deflection.
Heart of Earth (CM) --- Excellent spell, but with a base duration of 1 hr / level, this is best extended.
Hoard Life (RotD) --- Take nonlethal damage to allow healing later. Already 1 hr / level.
Invisibility, Greater --- Range is „Personal or touch“, so arguably, you could persist this on yourself.
Mark of the Enlightened Soul (DM) --- Your spells gain the [good] descriptor and < 4th level spells deal +50% against evil. You can invest higher spell slots to raise the limit.
Mirror Image, Greater (PH2) --- This is wonderful, because you get one image per round, up to 8, and the spell refreshes. If all image are destroyed, however, the spell ends.
Otiluke‘s Suppressing Field (CM) --- An emanation that gives SR against a school or subtype of magic. This is great.
Passage of the Shifting Sands (DM) --- You become sand cloud, can activate gust of wind once.
Ray Deflection (SC) --- This is great. No rays can touch you all day. Persist this every day.
Rebuking Breath (SC) --- If you have a breath... this is very situational, but worth it if you‘re going against undead.
Ruin Delver‘s Fortune (SC) --- Really good if you‘re a sorcerer.
Sharptooth (SC) --- Unarmed strike or natural weapon deals damage as if one size category larger... more melee.
Spell Enhancer (SC) --- Only on the next spell cast this round, so not worth it.
Thunderlance (SC) --- A lance of force for you. I wouldn‘t say this is your ideal role, unless you are a gish or fight incorporeal all day.
Touch of the Blackened Soul (DM) --- Your spells gain the [good] descriptor and < 4th level spells deal +50% against evil. You can invest higher spell slots to raise the limit. [evil] spell.
Treasure Scent (SC) --- This is 1 hour per level already.
Trollshape (PH2) --- This gives regeneration 5, and persisted, it is slightly better than binding the Buer Vestige. New polymorph subschool.
Voice of the Dragon (SC) --- +10 to social skills. Situationally useful, especially if you‘ve banned enchantment.

Level 5 
Acid Sheath (SC) --- Your basic strategy is not to get hit, so you would not need this if things went fine.
Anticold Sphere (SC) --- Immunity to cold for you and everyone within 10 ft. radius is good.
Bite of the Wereboar (SC) --- If you were a gish... but you‘re not, are you?
Breath Weapon Substitution (SC) --- If you have a breath weapon, and it lasts all day, you can change its energy type, but you have to select when you cast this, so this is meh.
Cacophonic Shield (SC) --- This is a non-safe protection against sonic... situational at best.
Coat of Arms (CM) --- A shield bonus, which you already have.
Contact Other Plane --- Probably, calling all day will not be met with sympathy by the higher being. Requires concentration, as well.
Contingent Energy Resistance (SC) --- Persist affects the one hour per level duration, which is already fine, so not a good candidate.
Dimension Jumper (CM) --- Now you have short-range teleportation all day.
Dispelling Breath (SC) --- If you have a breath... but now we‘re talking. Targeted dispel magic all day.
Dragonsight (SC) --- Blindsense 5 ft. per caster level is nice.
Ethereal Breath (SC) --- If you have a breath... you can now affect ethereal creatures.
Fiendform (SC) --- An evil spell. Aren‘t you fighting these people?
Flaying Tendrils (CM) --- Play being a mind flayer all day.
Form of the Desert Hunter (DM) --- Become a dragonne. New polymorph subschool. 
Form of the Threefold Beast (CM) --- Be a chimera all day. New polymorph subschool.
Heart of Fire (CM) --- Excellent spell, but with a base duration of 1 hr / level, this is best extended.
Gutsnake (SC) --- A snake from my belly? Increases from one round per level, so duration-wise, a good deal.
Lord of the Sky (DM) --- Fly at 40 ft. (good maneuverability) and fire lightning, ranged touch, as swift action, which deal 1 point / cl (max. 20) and reduces the target‘s fly speed.
Nightstalker‘s Transformation (SC) --- Leave that to the skillmonkey.
Overland Flight --- Extended, at level 9, this lasts 18 hours.
Radiance (PH2) --- A 60 ft. radius emanation of bright light „that undead find uncomfortable“. So uncomfortable that they are dazzled. Well. 
Shadow Form (SC) --- Again, this is for the skillmonkey.
Sonic Rumble (SC) --- Deal 10d6 sonic area damage all day. To deal it requires 
concentration though.
Sonic Shield (PH2) --- +4 deflection to AC, anyone who hits you in melee takes sonic damage and must save or be knocked away. Again, you don‘t want to be in melee.
Unicorn Blood (CM) --- Immunities to poison, compulsion and charm.
Zone of Respite (SC) --- An emanation safe against interplanar intrusion, including teleports, and ethereal creatures cannot enter. Situationally very useful.

Level 6
Aura of Evasion (SC) --- Nice. You and everybody within 10 ft. radius gain Evasion. It is expensive, though (500).
Aura of Terror (SC) --- This works when you charge or attack. No thanks.
Bite of the Weretiger (SC) --- If you‘re a gish.... but you‘re not, are you?
Dragonshape, Lesser (DM) --- Become a large young red dragon. New polymorph subschool.
Eyes of the Oracle (DM) --- +2 insight to AC and Reflex, plus ready a standard action even though you‘ve fully acted. The last part is good. Once you take the action, the spell ends.
Karmic Retribution (CM) --- Stun those who harm you. The range is a bit short, but this is still good.
Stone Body (SC) --- DR, immunity to blindness, crits, ability score damage, etc. this is a good persist.
Tenser‘s Transformation --- You don‘t want to become the BSF.

Level 7
Adamantine Wings (CM) --- As this is one hour per level, it‘s best extended.
Animate Breath (SC) --- If you have a breath weapon...
Arcane Spellsurge (DM) --- You reduce spells‘ casting time. This is excellent.
As the Frost (PH2) --- Excellent to persist. This provides immunity to cold, DR 10 / magic 
and piercing and creatures within 15 ft. of you take some small damage (2d6) per round. Most importantly, however, those who take damage must save or be slowed for the remaining spell duration... in your case, all day.
Aspect of the Platinum Dragon (DM) --- Be an aspect of Bahamut all day. New polymorph subschool.
Bite of the Werebear (SC) --- If you‘re a gish.... but you‘re not, are you?
Body of War (SC) --- If you are into giving up your spellcasting to become a BSF, then, yes, you can do it all day.
Elemental Body (SC) --- Excellent, but better extended.
Ethereal Jaunt --- This lets you stay ethereal all the time.
Evil Glare (SC) --- You‘ve signed up to protect the campaign setting against the people who would cast this spell, remember?
Glorious Master of the Elements (DM) --- Standard action ranged touch within 60 ft. and you deal 1d6 per two caster levels, max. 10d6 (d8 for dragonblood subtype), plus 2 points each time you hit the same target with this spell. Sweet is that you can choose the energy type before the attack (not when casting the spell).
Justice of the Wyrm King (DM) --- Creatures striking you in melee take 4d6 force.
Kiss of Draconic Defiance (DM) --- Enemies within emanation must save or lose spells they cast, but are immune once saved. Counter spell as immediate action, ends spell.
Kiss of the Vampire (SC) --- If you have no problem that the good guys start hunting you, this can be excellent to persist, giving you four at will powers.
Pulse of Hate (PH2) --- This is a spell with the [evil] descriptor, which causes 2d6 unholy damage to all within a 20 ft. emanation from you.
Retributive Enervation (CM) --- Who hits you in melee gets negative levels.
Unicorn Heart (CM) --- +4 enhancement to checks based on Str, Dex and Con. Also already 1 hour per level base duration.

Level 8
Aspect of the Chromatic Dragon (DM) --- Be an aspect of Tiamat all day. [evil]. New polymorph subschool.
Dreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant (CM) --- Be a beholder all day. New polymorph subschool.
Ghostform (SC) --- This is a good choice to persist. 
Heart of Stone (SC) --- Lasts a year already.
Invisibility, Superior (SC) --- This has range „Personal or touch“, so arguably, on yourself, it could be persisted. Your DM would probably not allow it, though.
Iron Body --- DR and immunities. 
Lightning Ring (SC) --- Normally, this is 1 round per 2 levels, an indicator of how good the designers think it is. Well, you don‘t want creatures adjacent, and electricity resistance 20 is really not worth it, but sending two lightning bolts per round as a free action is, unfortunately at caster level 5.
Mind of the Labyrinth (DM) --- Foe who targets you with mind-affecting becomes confused. You can activate dominate person once, which ends spell. 
Mysterious Redirection (CM) --- Deflect physical attacks.
Unyielding Form of Inevitable Death (CM) --- Be a marut all day, but you can only use each of its SLAs once. New polymorph subschool.
Veil of Undeath (SC) --- This has the [evil] descriptor. 

Level 9
Absorption (SC) --- This is gone after it is expended and has a good duration by itself, so this would rather be a candidate for extending.
Breath Weapon Admixture (SC) --- If you have a breath weapon... this can be interesting, if you need DD.
Dimension Jumper (CM) --- Swift-action teleporting all day, 60 ft.
Dragonshape (PH2) --- Be a red dragon all day. New polymorph subschool.
Enervation Breath (SC) --- If you have a breath... this is nice. Although this sounds like it, it does not have the [evil] descriptor.
Foresight --- Again „Personal or touch“, so on yourself, it would work.
Lash of Force (CM) --- This is very low damage for the spell level.
Shapechange --- So powerful you want it all day.
Undermaster (SC) --- Perfect! From five rounds to the whole day, and you can use one spell as SLA from the list every round, for instance earthquake, flesh to stone or wall of stone.

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