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Ricompensa per un barbaro


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Sul magic item compendium ci sono un paio di incantamenti carini per le armi.

Uno dei due, quando in ira, fa infliggere 1d8 danni extra (Berserker, bonus +1).

L'altro ne prolunga la durata e dà immunità alla paura (Brash, bonus +1).

Fai mettere tutto insieme al master in uno spadone, magari in uno spada berserk (tra gli oggetti maledetti del mdm).

PS: dov'è la spada dell'ira?

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Mi sa che parliamo dello stesso oggetto
Hai ragione, è stata tradotta come Spada Berserker (pag. 276, GdDM):
Sword, Berserking

This item appears to have the characteristics of a +2 greatsword. However, whenever the sword is used in battle, its wielder goes berserk (gaining all the benefits and drawbacks of the barbarian’s rage ability). He attacks the nearest creature and continues to fight until unconscious or dead or until no living thing remains within 30 feet. Although many see this sword as a cursed object, others see it as a boon.

Moderate evocation; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, rage, bestow curse; Price 17,500 gp.

Con "dell'ira" è stata tradotta l'Armor Of Rage:
Armor of Rage

This armor is similar in appearance to armor of command and functions as a suit of +1 full plate. However, when it is worn, the armor causes the character to take a -4 penalty to Charisma. All unfriendly characters within 300 feet have a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against her. The effect is not noticeable to the wearer or those affected. (In other words, the wearer does not immediately notice that donning the armor is the cause of her problems, nor do foes understand the reason for the depth of their enmity.)

Strong necromancy; CL 16th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bestow curse; Price 1,600 gp.

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