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Salve a tutti, ho bisogno di aiuto e confido nuovamente nelle vostre infinite conoscenze:-D

Quello che mi servirebbe è la storia di Neverwinter, le statistiche (tipo di città, popolazione, etc..) chi è Lord Nasher, le zone della città di Neverwinter etc..

Qualcuno può aiutarmi o può dirmi su che manuale cercare? Grazie:bye:

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Principali partecipanti

Giorni popolari

Principali partecipanti

Giorni popolari

Puoi trovare qualche informazione basilare sul manuale dell'ambientazione FR a pag. 143.

Qui trovi qualche informazioni più dettagliata sulla città. Una piccola informazione in più: la guardia personale di Lord Nasher è conosciuta come i nove di Neverwinter.

Se riesci a giocare a NWN, puoi anche farti un'idea piuttosto precisa della carta della città.. :-p

In alternativa, puoi cercare un pò le soluzioni del gioco e ricostruire da lì la carta della città, se ti occorre, oltre ad apprendere qualche altra informazione minore, magari.. ^^

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Questo da AD&D modules

This friendly city of craftsmen bustles with business, but does it quietly; it avoids controversy and warfare, keeping within its walls and dealing with the outside world largely through merchants of Waterdeep. On the rare occasions when armed men (from Luskan) or orcs (not so rare) have shown up outside the city walls, explosive missiles lobbed among them “in such numbers that it seemed a hailstorm, as one observer put it, have sent them away again, in much reduced numbers. Catapults and missiles alike were devised by the hard-working craftsmen of the city. The city also has more conventional forces; an army of 400 archers and spearmen who guard the city walls and harbor, and patrol the High Road as far as Port Llast (q.v.) to the north, and a hundred miles south towards Leilon on the other. In peacetime, sixty of these are always retraining, sixty are on leave, for rest and relaxation, and sixty are serving as the city’s Watch (police). Like all else in “The City of Skilled Hands,” they are efficient, quiet, and make sure their work gets done properly. The city is ruled by Lord Nasher (NG, ST 18/ 09, CHA 17, 12th level fighter), a former adventurer who gained much magic in his career, and now employs it to defend himself and his bodyguard, the “Neverwinter Nine.” Nasher is an amiable but fearless balding man who enjoys music and hearing of other lands and peoples. He rules some 17,000 subjects. The water-clocks and multi-hued lamps of the city are known and sought throughout the Realms, as is the reputation of the city’s gardeners, who in summer fill the city with fruitbearing trees and hanging plants, and contrive to keep flowers blooming throughout the severe winter. Most say the city got its name from this feat; others hold that it is due to the Neverwinter river that flows through the city from the deep woods to the east; its waters are so warm that Neverwinter’s harbor never freezes. The Neverwinter woods have never been logged by men, and even today are largely unknown. The depths are said to harbor fearsome creatures, and locally are shunned and feared. Orc hordes always go around the woods, never through them. To the southeast of Neverwinter lies Helm’s Hold (q.v.); on the eastern edge of the Neverwinter woods rises The Tower of Twilight (q.v.). The Royal Badge of Neverwinter consists of a white swirl connecting three white snowflakes. Silver and blue haloes encircle the flakes.

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