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Cammino Leggendario Guerriero 4E: Hatamoto

Messaggio consigliato

Premetto che il lavoro non è mio ma del mio amico Marco "Fullmoonblade" Brigo, quindi a lui tutto il credito o quasi dato che l'idea l'abbiamo avuta più o meno insieme dopo aver visto l'anteprima dei Battle Standard che saranno presenti nell'"Adventurer Vault".

A voi il cammino leggendario per guerriero dell'Hatamoto, il samurai stendardiere.

Hatamoto Standard Bearer

"I'm the first to charge and the last to retreat. My heritage is always with me and i'll glorify it with the vision of your blood!"

The Hatamoto Standard Bearer is a paragon path for honourable warriors eager to show off and bring into triumph the icons and symbols of their faiths, creeds and ideologies. They are often formidable leaders and unwavering supports to their comrades and they are always eager to lead the charge to bring glory to both them and their mandate. Their innate charisma unified with their lethal techniques make them a sturdy opponent to confront on the field.

Prerequisite: Fighter Class. Charisma 13. Strength 13.

Hatamoto Standard Bearer Path Features

Hand of the Kami (11th level): The Hatamoto Standard Bearer may carry battle standards both magical and not on his back without the need to deploy them to activate their effects. He can carry one standard plus his personal insigna at level 11, 2 at level 19 and 3 at lvl 27. The close burst effect area of the active standard follows the Hatamoto as he moves and its burst area is augmented by 1. He can activate up to 1 standard or his insigna at level 11 and up to 2 standards or 1 standard and the insigna at level 21. Activating a carried standard is a minor action. He may also decide to deploy standards instead of carrying them personally.

Personal Battle Insigna (11th level): Other than any standard he may be carrying the Hatamato always brings with himself his personal two faced insignia. He may decide to activate it in its defensive or offensive guise and works exactly like a magical standard with a close burst area of 10. In its defensive guise it will give a +1 to all defenses of the Hatamoto and +2 to its allies. In its offensive guise +1 to all attack rolls of the Hatamoto and +2 to its allies.

Voice of Kami (16th level): The gods are merciful with their designed icon bearer. The first time the Hatamoto drops to 0hps in every encounter he instantly heals by an amount of hps equal to the highest level of his standards (in case he's not carryng any the gods are not well disposed to grant their favor to an illdoing servant) and may instantly spend an action point to take an extra standard action. Also the Hatamoto and every ally in the area of an active standard carried by the Hatamoto gain 3 temporary hit points at the begginging of each of their turns (5 at level 19, 7 at level 27).

Hatamoto Standard Bearer Exploits

Paragon of the Kami Hatamoto Standard Bearer Attack 11

"You let your standard flash high in the wind and call all enemies to witness to your deadly heritage."

Encounter * Fear, Martial

Standard Action Close Burst 5

Target: Every enemy in the area

Attack: Strength vs. Will

Hit: 2D6 + Charisma modifier fear damage and all the targets are marked until the end of your next turn.

Miss: Marked until the end of your next turn.

Blink of the Kami Hatamoto Standard Bearer Utility 12

"Out of nowhere in a blink of an eye the Hatamoto gains the speed of the gods and instantly teleports to the side of his flag."

Encounter * Martial, Zone

Minor Action

Effect: You can instantly teleport to any standard you deployed. You may than substitute it with another standard or pick it up.

Lead the Charge Hatamoto Standard Bearer Attack 20

"You raise your personal insigna high and let out a roaring battlecry launching yourself at the enemy and insipiring your allies to do the same."

Daily * Martial, Weapon

Standard Action

Target: One Creature

You may move up to your normal movement speed to reach your target.

Attack: Strength vs. AC

Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier.

Effect: Every ally under the effect of one of your standards may move up to their movement speed and perform a melee basic attack adding your Charisma modifier to their damage.

a voi...

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Ed eccomi fresco di iscrizione, colpevole di aver creato il PP :P. Chiedo scusa per degli errori che ho beccato dopo rileggendola, ma l'ho scritta tipo alle 2-3 di notte prima di andare a letto con un sonno boia dopo averne parlato su skype con Gorthar. Corretta comunque domani la mando al buon Gorthar che sostituisca.

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Sto impaginando, ma correggo alcune cose minori:

varie maiuscole e cose stilistiche per mantenere lo stile del manuale inglese. Nella traduzione in italiano bisognerà invece mantenere lo stile del manuale italiano.

non esistono danni da paura, ma danni psichici.

Comunque ve lo posso anche tradurre, oramai che l'ho impaginato.


PS. non mi sono sentito di modificarlo, ma manca l'abilità di 11° livello per il punto azione, al posto di quella c'è un altro privilegio. Poi i privilegi non dovrebbero modificarsi e potenziarsi col passare del tempo.

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non esistono danni da paura, ma danni psichici.

PS. non mi sono sentito di modificarlo, ma manca l'abilità di 11° livello per il punto azione, al posto di quella c'è un altro privilegio. Poi i privilegi non dovrebbero modificarsi e potenziarsi col passare del tempo.

Beh tutto giusto se vogliamo seguire il manuale alla lettera... ma lasciando un pò di fantasia correre... del resto non sono cambiamenti che distruggeranno il sistema per la loro modesta entità ;).

Cmq grazie mille per l'impaginazione, la traduzione in italiano volendo la posso fare direttamente io np... semplicemente sono abituato ad usare la lingua inglese per motivi di coerenza col fatto che ho tutti i libri in inglese.

Cmq ho in fornace altri progettini (l'idea era di creare una paragon path per ogni classe). Appena slata fuori qualcosa di limato posto.

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