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Pathfinder - Dubbi del neofita

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Sull'SRD era specificato da qualche parte che puoi utilizzare, con arma accurata, il mod. di destrezza per alcune manovre (tipo disarmare) ma non per altre (tipo spezzare), altrimenti ti serve il talento apposito per utilizzare il mod. di destrezza per qualsiasi manovra.

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ehi ragazzi, volevo chiedervi una cosa: per chi ha giocato un paladino, o con un paladino in gruppo, è molto castrante come personaggio? riesce ad essere divertente da usare al di fuori dei combattimenti? perchè dall'immagine del companion blood of angels appena uscito mi stava balenando in testa di giocare un aasimar votato alla lotta del male

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Diciamo che sei vincolato come allineamento.Quindi fare il paladino comporta essere uno spacca pupu ruolando.Non vedo però perchè non possa essere divertente da ruolare il paladino fuori.Io però parlo da qualcuno che non si è mai avvicinato al paladino,quindi lascio ad altri l'arduo compito di risponderti ^^

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Perchè non hai letto l'archetipo per paladini per soli aasimar :3 Ha touch of serenity al posto di smite evil.. mah.

Comunque devo dire che dipende molto dal dm, secondo me. Da quanto è flessibile sul codice di comportamento del paladino. Ovviamente, più il dm è rigido, meno cose un paladino può fare. Ma in fondo, è anche giusto così.. Il paladino deve essere un esempio per tutti gli altri, e quindi deve limitarsi in molte circostanze. Piuttosto limitante, in definitiva, secondo me.

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se un pistolero impugna due armi da fuoco ad una mano, e sono armi avanzate (6 colpi ciascuna), può sparare due colpi per pistola, ponendo che:

-abbia SIA combattere con due armi

-CHE il txc di classe +6/+1

oppure no? e prende -2 a tutti e quattro i tiri? oppure le armi non sono considerate leggere?

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Allora.. ho cercato un pò in giro ma non ho trovato nessuna risposta soddisfacente. Il problema è che le armi a distanza non rientrano nelle categorie leggere/ una mano/ due mani, ma sono in una mano/ due mani. La risposta quindi sarebbe.. by RAW (Rules As Written) le pistole non sono leggere e dovresti incorrere in un -4 ad ogni attacco, ma certamente un dm flessibile può considerarle leggere e diminuire la penalità a -2.

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l'ho letto(grazie SRD!) e ci sono rimasto malissimo!!!! mi aspettavo qualcosa in stile crociata contro il male dopo una copertina del genere :mad:

ma non so, sei con il tuo gruppo e lasci dire agli altri delle balle senza intervenire, o quando ti chiedono qualcosa tu lasci fuori qualche dettaglio (non dico per compiere azioni malvagie ma magari per evitare qualche bega burocratica o simili) un paladino potrebbe farlo? o è a decisione del master in sto caso?

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Beh, comunque non è che un paladino aasimar debba prendere quell'archetipo. Può prenderlo, ed è l'unica razza che può.. ma certamente non deve.

Per l'altra cosa direi discrezione del master.. ma non mi sembra nè un azione legale nè buona.


Se riesci ad attaccare a contatto, è comunque un buon attacco, infatti :3

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Beh.. a discrezione del dm, oserei dire, ma non credo che una cosa del genere, un imboscata, sia vietata ad un paladino..

EDIT: se ti può interessare, sul player companion di Faiths of Purity sono presenti dei codici di condotta del paladino diversi a seconda della divinità del paladino. A me piacciono molto. Te li copierei anche qui, ma sono sotto copyright. Ma se ti puoi procurare il volume sono molto interessanti. Su Faiths of Corruption ci sono invece dei codici da Antipaladino.

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edit: molto interessanti quelli di iomedae e sarenrae, non saprei bene quale scegliere però dei due!

altra domanda, posso menire a un malvagio? se lo faccio una volta perdo subito tutti i benefici di classe?

e come legale, devo rispetttare tutti i tipi di autorità o solo quelle "buone"? e se in una di quelle "buone" ci fosse una serie di norme che per esempio risultassero gravose alla popolazione io posso intervenire contro o devo attenermicisi? perchè vedo un po dura trovare paradisi perfetti nel mondo materiale..

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Ho trovato su internet questo codice ampliato dei paladini, credo risponda a tutte le tue domande.

Following is the Paladins Code of Ethics and Behavior.

Respect the Holy Days

Paladins may not engage in battle on holy days (unless they have no choice).


Paladins are forbidden from attacking the defenseless unless there is absolutely no alternative. Even if there is no alternative, atonement must be sought.

  • A paladin may never knowingly commit an act of evil. If a paladin unknowingly commits an act of evil he must make proper penance.
  • A paladin may never participate in schemes or plots which will result in evil ends.
  • A paladin destroys or thwarts evil whenever and wherever found.
  • A paladin will be a bastion of good in the world and attempt to rid the world of evil wherever found.
  • A paladin may never ally, consort, consult, or bargain with evil under any circumstances, regardless of argument or cause.

Defend the Innocent

  • A paladin is required to help, defend, and protect the innocent. He will defend the weak at cost of his own health and safety. He will take every opportunity to defend the weak and ensure the innocent are protected and sheltered from harm. Paladins place the welfare and safety of others before their own.
  • A paladin punishes those who harm or threaten innocents. He will ensure that those who would threaten or harm the weak or innocent learn never to do so again.


  • A paladin must always be honest. He will not lie or deceive others under any circumstance. He must be truthful and honest in his dealings. This includes any form of intentional deception, including intentional omission of information with the intent to mislead. There are no white lies. A Paladin does not lie about who he is or what he is doing. A paladin may choose not to answer, but to lie is unforgivable.
  • A paladin does not allow unethical conduct to take place when he can prevent it. If he can not prevent it, he must not carry on with unethical persons. The paladin will know unethical sorts and behavior when encountered. He must make every effort to convince unethical persons of the proper course in life and make every effort to guide them onto the righteous path, but if it becomes clear that he will not succeed he must not risk his own purity of heart by continuing to cavort with the unethical.
  • A paladin will not allow himself to be distracted while unethical actions take place. Paladins are well aware that not all can be as just and good as he, and so like children the paladin must watch over and guide them and help show them the moral ideal.
  • A paladin does not steal. All of his needs will be met by his faith and those that are not are not needs but wants.


  • A paladin is generous to others. He will share with others and demonstrate charity often. He gives to the needy and donates his time, wealth, and labor, in the service of his god or other worthy causes. He will ensure that his charity is obvious to others so that he sets an example for others to follow.
  • A paladin tithes to his church at least 10% of his monetary gains or dedicates at least 10% of all material gains towards establishing his own keep or manor.


  • A paladin must display physical leadership. A paladins natural place in all battles is in the front rank, where he can both take the fight to the enemy and place himself between the opposition and his more vulnerable allies. A paladin absorbs blows so that others do not have to.
  • A paladin must also display personal leadership. He must be wise and knowledgeable in tactical strategy and positioning and keep thinking about the next move. He must be always ready to deal with unforeseen situations. He must learn to expect the unexpected. A paladin must be prepared to negotiate with creatures that aren't immediately hostile, and even when attacked, consider why the opponent is attacking before responding with full force. A paladin subdues foes when he can, and kills intelligent, non-evil foes only when he must.
  • Finally, a paladin must display moral leadership. He must display chivalry, honor, respect, grace, trust, bravery, and all of the tenets taught to him in the service of his god. He must display all of these things so that these traits may take root and spread amongst others, bringing chivalry and grace to all who accept and embrace it.


  • A paladin must seek justice and righteousness in all things and always strive to bring about a just and righteous outcome in all matters.


  • A paladin must always be honorable, especially in combat. He must engage the enemy in an honorable fashion, meaning, he does not attack from behind, does not claim an advantage not available to his enemy, and does not seek any victory through deception or trickery. A paladin always prefers personal melee combat with his foes, and chooses such whenever possible. A paladin is licensed by his deity to engage in ranged combat under the following specific circumstances:

  • He is unable to reach an enemy in time to prevent injury to, or the loss of innocent life. He may use a bow or other ranged weapon at his disposal in order to draw the enemies attention away from the innocent, but must refrain from firing from range as soon as innocent life is no longer threatened.
  • An enemy refuses to face him in honorable personal combat and threatens the Paladin or other innocent life.
  • If a paladin is ever challenged to personal combat, he must either accept, or honorably concede that the challenger is his better. There is no loss of honor in understanding that someone is more skilled than he, as there is always someone more skilled, but he should openly acknowledge their skill, to give them just credit and respect.
  • A paladin does not challenge, belittle, or degrade someone who is obviously below his skill without just cause. To do so is dishonorable and makes him look petty.
  • A Paladin must always defend the honor of his name and that of his god from slander and slight. He must insist that the offender retract their statements and make proper amends or he will be forced to punish the miscreant per the terms of his faith. If a slander is made against the Paladin which is true, no dues or amends are needed. In the event that the Paladin is slandered and he fails to force the miscreant to recant his charges, he must concede his inability to correct the matter, and then pray and practice, so that when he becomes worthy, his faith and skill will be sufficient to lift him to victory.
  • A Paladin must never slander anyone, to do so would be to lie, and he should be very certain what is said is true before saying it.


  • A paladin must always be brave. He may not ever show fear as doing so demoralizes those he leads and weakens their resolve. He must demonstrate bravery to others so that they take inspiration from his steadfastness.
  • A paladin may retreat from combat under certain circumstances. Dieing in the service of his god is an awesome reward, performing a great service in his name, is a valiant cause, but dieing as a random act of chance because he did not retreat from an unimportant battle is not. A paladin is expected to serve happily to the death whenever doing so advances the cause of god, good, or justice. In other cases it is acceptable to retreat and regroup so that a stronger response can be formed and so that the greater good may be served.


  • A paladin never kills needlessly. Killing unrepentant Evil creatures is necessary. Killing an unintelligent animal acting on its basic nature is not. Grant mercy when appropriate and whenever possible.
  • A paladin grants mercy to the vanquished and to his prisoners. Should an opponent ask for quarter, he must grant it unless:

  • The foe is of pure evil, evil to its core. In such a case the paladin is required to destroy the foe quickly, but mercifully. He should not cause undo or prolonged suffering.
  • There is no reasonable or practical way to see the prisoner to authorities to face judgment for their crimes.
  • If the vanquished has previously escaped, demonstrates a capacity or capability of escaping, or if said villain has in the past been treated fairly and been provided quarter, only to bring injury his jailers and escape, and commit Evil again, he can be deemed an insoluble case and may be judged as necessary.
  • If a paladin gives quarter to a foe, they become his charge to protect and defend as he would any other. He is responsible for their safety and well-being until they are given over to proper authorities. He must provide defense, food, and shelter until they can be handed over to the appropriate authorities. If a prisoner in his care should get killed or injured while transporting him to the authorities, he is to be held liable for reparations.


  • A paladin may never desecrate a final resting place unless that place is accursed or infested by evil. An honorable resting place is considered any place where the local society specifically intended it to be a final location for the remains of the deceased. Resting places of evil creatures or races are not so protected, and any valuable items found therein must be claimed in order to advance the pursuit of good and justice.
  • In most cases, equipment, property, and wealth of defeated foes should be captured and held to be passed into the hands of proper authorities where they will determine what will be done. If the defeated foe was slain, his equipment, property, and wealth should be returned to the foes family (unless doing so is clearly inappropriate). If they have no family, and all other options are exhausted or not reasonable, their equipment can be dispensed either among the paladins immediate allies, or returned to the church for dispensation.

Other Gods

  • Followers of other good gods are to be treated with honor and respect. Followers of faiths that are not evil should be counseled and if possible, converted. Followers of Evil faiths should be offered a chance at repentance before being called into account for the actions their faith doubtless requires of them.


  • A paladin will respect the local legitimate authority so long as that authority follows the basic tenets of good. If a local authority does not follow the basic ethics and tenets of a good people then the paladin must act to defend those who would suffer as a result of this authorities offenses. The laws of god and the pursuit of good supersede the laws of man.


  • Unintelligent undead are considered an evil desecration of the dead because an evil act has been performed upon an otherwise innocent fallen person or creature.
  • Intelligent undead are almost without exception truly evil, and should be destroyed whenever encountered.

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Halavar ti ricordo di ringraziare tramite pm o tramite la funzione fama dal momento che è considerato spam.

Allora il palafuesso ha tutte queste potenzialità,anche se comunque succinte all'essere buono.Il paladino legale malvagio credo però sia migliore,dal mio punto di vista,da interpretare,anche se soggetto a cose da fare quasi quanto il buono.

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mi sa che il paladino è un po troppo limitante non credo che riuscirei a interpretarne correttamente uno.. quindi credo che ridigerò su un inquisitore magari, tenendo il concept della crociata contro il male.. l'unico rimpianto è il bab pieno, ma in compenso guadagno molte altre cose e un po piu di libertà d'azione!

mi pesa un po il fatto che non so come prendere competenza con uno spadone o un falchion senza spendere un talento -.- (volendo giocarlo aasimar)

edit: domanda riguardo all'inquisitore, moltissime azioni sono veloci, come chiamare un judgement, bane o camnbiare bersaglio di bane, ora: se io chiamo un judgement come swift, posso chiamare anche bane usando una azione di movimento? o posso solo spenderci una swift?

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