Thorfiend Posted September 22, 2009 Report Share Posted September 22, 2009 Ricordate l'ambientazione in stile greco che io e raffael volevamo creare dal grande patrimonio che la mitologia greca ha lasciato alla cultura occidentale. Il primo problema in cui ci siamo imbattuti e' stato quellodella difficile giocabilita' delle razze "Grecoidi" classiche ( Centauri,arpie,minotauri), che hanno tutte un lep di almeno +2(con conseguente sacrificio di 2 livelli in cambio di un pg strafigo). Quindi abbiamo giocato un po' con le razze,in modo da ridurle, oppure ne abbiamo inventate di nuove. Razze sicure, per ora naturaklmente: Umano, Fauno(dei e semidei, incrocio fra un satiro e un'umano) e Satiro(depotenziato in modo da renderlo lep +1) SATIRO Taglia:Media Velocita' base: 12 metri Sangue Fatato: Al fine degli effetti di Incantesimi,oggetti magici etc. un Satiro e' considerato un folletto. Caratteristiche: +2 des.+2 car( I Satiri sono estroversi e sicuri di se, e la vita trascorsa a danzare al seguito di Dioniso li ha resi agili nelle membra) Abilita': I Satiri ricevono un bonus razziale di +2 alle prove di Ascoltare,Osservare,Intrattenere(Danza) e Intrattenere(musica)(I satiri hanno sensi piu' sviluppati di quelli umani e la musica nel sangue) Note Magiche: Una volta al giorno, un satiro con carisma 12 o superiore, suonando uno strumento musicale, puo' infondere nelle sue note una melodia sovrannaturale(Azione di Ruond completo,provoca attacchi d'opportunita'). Quando un satiro suona la sua musica magica, puo' scegliere di emulare l'effetto di uno dei seguenti incantesimi: Charme su persone Sonno Incuti Paura ( Livello incantatore pari al livello di classe del Satiro,CD=10+modificatore di carisma del satiro) Armatura naturale: La caprina pelliccia che ricopre la pelle di un satiro gli concede un bonus di +1 all'armatura naturale. Corna: Un satiro ha un paio di corna da ariete o da capra in testa, che infliggono 1d4 danni contundenti o perforanti(dipende se le corna sono dritte e a punta o affusolate e spesse) come arma naturale in mischia. Un satiro e' considerato sempre competente nelle sue corna,e non e' da considerarsi disarmato quando attacca in mischia con le corna. Un satiro puo' usare le corna come arma secondaria in un'attacco completo,subendo la solita penalita' di -5 agli attacchi( riducibile a -2 con il talento multiattacco). Allineamento:Generalmente CN LEP. +1 Classe preferita:Aedo (dionisiaco) FAUNO(avendo modificato il suo silvestre genitore, ho modificato un pochino pure il fauno) Taglia: Media Velocita' base: 9 metri Sangue Fatato: Al fine degli effetti di Incantesimi,oggetti magici etc. un Fauno e' considerato un folletto. Visione: Crepuscolare. Abilita': Un Fauno ha un bonus razziale di +2 alle prove di Sopravvivenza,Nascondersi, Muoversi silenziosamente ed intrattenere(musica).( I satiri, Nati spesso durante i baccanali, sono visti spesso in cattiva luce dagli umani piu' intransigenti verso il caotico e gaudente culto di Dioniso, e spesso odiano l'enorme superficialita' con cui i Satiri trascorrono la loro breve vita, cosi' molti di loro scelgono come alternativa,almeno per i primi anni di vita, la vita pastorale nelle campagne, durante la quale imparano a muoversi furtivamente e a riconoscere i segni del paesaggio naturale. Come i loro padri orgiastici, i Fauni sono grandi appassionati di musica.) Musica magica: La musica magica di un Faunoo funziona esattamente come quella di un satiro, solo che, essendo il suo sangue fatato diluito in quello umano, risulta meno efficace e,all'orecchio di un ascoltatore esperto,meno meravigliosa. L'unica differenza con la musica magica del Satiro e' che gli incantesimi emulati dalla musica sono uno a scelta tra: Frastornare Ninnananna Allineamento: Generalmente CN Classe preferita: Aedo(qualsiasi) Accetto critiche,commenti e suggerimenti Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demerzel Posted September 22, 2009 Report Share Posted September 22, 2009 Più che intrattenere (musica) vedrei bene intrattenere (strumenti a fiato), anche perché Musica non credo sia previsto come opzione per intrattenere. Nei manuali mi sembra di aver sempre visto Strumenti a fiato/percussione/corda/ecc., non musica in generale. La CD per le capacità magiche non dovrebbe essere 10+livello incantesimo+carisma? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shar Posted September 22, 2009 Report Share Posted September 22, 2009 Per le razze con LEP troppo elevati, prova a vedere se con le Bloodline dell'Unearthed Arcana le potete rendere più giocabili. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Nemesis Posted September 22, 2009 Report Share Posted September 22, 2009 Volendo ci sarebbe anche il satiro di World Of Warcraft RPG... Tratto da "World Of Warcraft RPG, DARK FACTIONS" SATYR Description: Satyrs are sadistic and depraved demons. Like naga, the first satyrs were once night elves. Other races have since joined their ranks; all are now twisted and evil. They delight in bloodshed and pain. Satyrs have their genesis in the War of the Ancients. A kaldorei named Xavius, a Highborne, was one of Queen Azshara’s closest advisors. Xavius helped bring the Burning Legion to the world, and over the course of events leading up to the war, fell more and more under demonic infl uence. He clashed with Malfurion Stormrage, and the young druid came out on top. He killed Xavius and annihilated his body. Xavius faced punishment for his failures. Sargeras tortured Xavius’s disembodied spirit for a time, but eventually decided that Xavius could be of further use after all. He created a new body for Xavius: a body with cloven hooves, shaggy goat legs, goatlike horns, razorsharp claws, and a long, leonine tail. Xavius the satyr perished in the War of the Ancients — Xavius died twice, and both times at Malfurion’s hand — but the satyrs revere him as their creator. As part of his corruption, Xavius could infl ict other creatures with his demonic curse, and thus the satyrs came to be. These new satyrs could also pass their affl iction to others, and the satyrs’ ranks multiplied. In recent years, though, the curse has weakened, and thus few new satyrs appear today. Satyrs are corrupt through and through. Their greatest joy is in abandoning themselves (whatever selves still exist) to slaughter, tearing their opponents apart and reveling in the spatter of fluids and entrails. Satyrs blend recklessness and patience. They have the patience of predators, and delight in the hunt, reveling in their prey’s terror — but sometimes their bloodlust and sadism overtakes them. Most are rogues or tricksters, and calm enough to sneak through the forest shadows toward unsuspecting travelers — but when combat is joined, they are crazed dervishes. Their society is loosely hierarchical, and they are organized into groups. Each group, called a sect, has a specifi c mission. Satyrs hate pretty much everyone who doesn’t work to further the Legion’s goals. They don’t even get along with each other. However, they have a special hatred for night elves, as these creatures handed the demons their fi rst defeat in the War of the Ancients. Appearance: Satyrs resemble the creatures they once were in some respects, particularly the head and torso. However, they develop cloven hooves, furry goat legs, a long leonine tail, elongated limbs, claws, and horns. Skin and fur color varies; many satyrs were once night elves and are deep purple, recalling the skin tone of their former selves, but sickly yellows and dark, moldy greens are also possible. Region: Satyrs live in the forests in northern Kalimdor, where they have dwelt for ten millennia. Felwood is particularly rife with them. Some also live in Desolace, halfway down Kalimdor’s western coast. Rumors say that a few satyrs have established tribes in forested areas across the sea, but these stories remain unsubstantiated. Affiliation: Burning Legion. Satyrs are demons and members of the Burning Legion. However, they are chaotic, and don’t necessarily get along with each other; different groups occasionally go to war. Faith: Satyrs have little inclination toward philosophy or religion. Healers are unknown in their society. Most satyrs venerate Xavius as their creator and patron, and satyrs give their allegiance to the Burning Legion unconditionally. Names: Satyr naming practices are similar to those of their original race, but focus on their unique and corrupt natures. Their surnames often develop from their evil deeds, while some go without surnames. A few satyrs don’t change their names after their transformations. • Male Names: Zalan, Delmanis, Makron, Zevrim. • Female Names: Akhzor, Marigore, Nektis, Zydaxxis. • Tribe Names: Banebreath, Darkthought, Thornhoof, Vileclaw. Satyr Racial Traits • +2 Agility, –2 Spirit, –2 Charisma. Satyrs are quick and dexterous, but their senses are too wild to remain focused for long and their crazed mindset does not endear them to others. • Medium: As Medium creatures, satyrs have no bonuses or penalties based on their size. • Satyr base land speed is 30 feet. • Outsider: Satyrs are outsiders, not humanoids. They are immune to hold person and other effects that specifi cally target humanoids. • Subtypes: Satyrs have the chaotic, demon, evil, and native subtypes. A satyr possesses these subtypes even if he is not evil and/or chaotic. • Darkvision: Satyrs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight. • Claws (Ex): Satyrs have razor-sharp claws. Each claw deals 1d4 points of damage + the satyr’s Strength bonus. Satyrs can make two claw attacks in the same round without penalty. See the Monster Guide, Chapter 5: Monster Types, Subtypes, and Abilities, “Natural Weapons,” for more information on natural weapons. • Satyrs have a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. These skills are class skills for all satyr characters. • Satyrs have a +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks. • Immortality: As demons, satyrs are immortal and never suffer the effects of aging (either bonuses or penalties), nor can they die of old age. They can die through other means, as can mortal creatures. • Automatic Languages: Eredun and whatever was the primary language of the satyr’s former race. • Bonus Languages: Darnassian, Low Common, Goblin, Orcish and Thalassian. (Unless one of these was the satyr’s primary language in his former life, in which case it is an automatic language.) Satyrs pick up the languages of their enemies and those creatures that they might fi nd useful. • Racial Levels: Unlike humans and some other races, satyrs can take a few levels in “satyr” as a class to develop their racial qualities more fully. • Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass satyr’s rogue class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing (see WoW RPG, Chapter 3: Classes, “Multiclass Characters,” XP for Multiclass Characters). Satyr Levels Satyrs can take up to three levels in “satyr” at any time. A satyr who takes racial levels gains power based on the satyrs’ legacy as part of the Burning Legion. Satyrs with racial levels embrace the wild depravity characteristic of their kind. Hit Die: d8. Skill Points at 1st Character Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4. Skill Points at Higher Levels: 4 + Int modifier. “Class” Skills: Bluff (Cha), Escape Artist (Agy), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Stealth (Agy), Survival (Spt), Tumble (Agy), and Use Rope (Agy). See Chapter 5: Skills in WoW RPG for skill descriptions. Starting Gold: A 1st-level satyr with a level in satyr begins play with 3d4 x 10 gold pieces. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Satyrs with levels in satyr gain proficiency with all simple weapons and with light armor. Backstab (Ex): The satyr has the backstab ability, just like a rogue (see WoW RPG, Chapter 3: Classes, “Rogue”). This ability stacks with the rogue ability. Stealthy (Ex): The satyr gains a +2 bonus on Stealth checks. Shadowmeld (Sp): At 2nd level, the satyr can use shadowmeld as a spell-like ability. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his satyr level; his caster level equals his satyr level. Satyr Finesse (Ex): Satyrs are skilled at wielding their weapons dexterously. At 3rd level, the satyr selects a one-handed melee weapon with which he is profi cient (such as morningstar or scimitar). He can add his Agility bonus instead of his Strength bonus on attack rolls with that weapon. Wild Rush (Ex): At 3rd-level, if the satyr charges a foe, he can make a full attack. However, the opponent gets an attack of opportunity against the satyr before the satyr attacks. In addition, the satyr takes a –4 penalty to AC for 1 round instead of the normal –2. The satyr can opt to make a normal charge instead of a wild rush. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1–8: The Satyr Satyr Level // Basic Attack Bonus // Fort Save // Ref Save // Will Save // Special 1st // +0 // +0 // +2 // +0 // Backstab +1d6, stealthy 2nd // +1 // +0 // +3 // +0 // +1 Agility, shadowmeld 3rd // +2 // +1 // +3 // +1 //Backstab +2d6, satyr finesse, wild rush ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In più se fossi in te, metterei il centauro (Manuale dei Mostri I), l'arpia e Medusa (con i livelli di classe da mostro, del manuale Specie Selveagge), sempre che il tuo ventaglio razziale del gruppo sia ampio e non xenofobo. Potresti anche includere PG medusa, in fin dei conti, poichè le gorgoni leggendarie erano 3, ma non è detto che non ne esistessero altre in tutto il mondo, secondo la mitologia greca. Ti consiglio invece di evitare giganti e titani, o qualsiasi altro tipo di creatura troppo potente o comunque fuori dalla portata dei personaggi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thorfiend Posted September 23, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 Il satiro di WOW , a mio avviso, non e' un satiro "alla greca" ma il modo in cui l'uomo medievale e cristiano reinterpreto' il mito dei satiri,trasformandoli da sfrenati festaioli agresti in incubi,demoni della lussuria.(strano il fatto degli artigli...) Forse sulle stirpi potrei fare un pensierino,ma se devo sacrificare livelli, meglio farlo subito e non pensarci piu',oppure ridurre il lep pagando PE come indica il suddetto manuale.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mad Master Posted September 23, 2009 Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 Come razze ci dovrebbero essere anche mezzogiganti, centauri, ninfe varie (driadi, amadriadi, naiadi, nereidi, oreadi, eccetera), nonchè quelle dei popoli adiacenti ai greci, se l'ambientazione è simile a quella storica, quali nani, lepricauni, elfi e troll per i miti celtici e germanici, lamie, naga/yuan-ti e sfingi per i miti mediorientali e persiani, eccetera... Di sicuro i mostri come le arpie e le sirene (mezze donne e mezze uccelli), i minotauri, le gorgoni (non i tori, le tipe coi serpenti), i giganti, i ciclopi eccetera, non dovrebbero essere utilizzati come razze per PG, ma solo come avversari pericolosi... Da considerare anche la possibile variazione e diversificazione delle razze umane, anche per riequilibrarle con quelle più "insolite" aggiungendo loro qualche capacità dovuta all'origine territoriale e culturale, potendo così abbassare di un +1 il LEP delle razze potenti... D'altronde i germani erano più alti, robusti e forti, i celti erano più in sintonia con la natura, gli egizi erano molto mistici e religiosi, i persiani erano bravi astrologi e divinatori, eccetera... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ji ji Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 Campagna greca? Wow. Io voglio fare il PG ecatonchiro. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mad Master Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 In italiano lo si dovrebbe chiamare CENTIMANE (pl. centimani)... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lone Wolf Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 Se ti può essere utile sul manuale dell'ambientazione di Dragonlance, tra le razze base, è presente il minotauro modificato in modo da fargli raggiungere LEP +0: praticamente hanno preso l'Orco e gli hanno messo la testa bovina e l'attacco di incornata quando carica, il resto è più e meno lo stesso. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thorfiend Posted September 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 In pratica il mondo di gioco e' lo stesso dell'Ellade ai tempi delle guerre persiane, solo che fantasizzato(in pratica mostri e magia non sono solo una leggenda che un'aedo vagabondo ti racconta ad un simposio). Comunque per le genti umane che i greci considerano "barbari" penso che usero' il classicissimo umano,diversificando solo nella cultura, ma intanto sto pensando alle basi, poi ad espandere....(anche se penso che in germania i miei amato Orchi e gli Elfi li mettero' eccome...). Per il mezzo gigante volevo pensarci su...a che lep sta?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lone Wolf Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 i mezzo giganti hanno +1, derivante da diversi fattori: anzitutto +2 a For e Cos mentre solo un -2 alla Des, poi sono psionici naturali, e grazie al tratto Struttura Massiccia per molte cose vengono considerati di taglia grande (come per le prove di lotta, o per impugnare armi di una taglia superiore alla propria) anche se sono medi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demerzel Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 Per maggiori dettagli puoi guardare qui. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thorfiend Posted September 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 I mezzo giganti potrebbero essere comuni vicino alla voragine per l'Averno, prigione dei loro genitori Titani... Comunque stomp(non conosco gli psionici purtroppo) a quale incantesimo e' paragonabile? anche se potrei levargli lo psionico naturale e ridurlo a lep 0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mad Master Posted September 24, 2009 Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 In alternativa ci sarebbe il mezzogre, ma è anche più forte e con un +2 di ML (io gli avrei dato +1 con 2 DV da gigante o da umanoide, stesso LEP ma efficacia migliore)... Gli orchi non li devi mettere in germania... devi metterli in RUSSIA... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thorfiend Posted September 24, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2009 Se vuoi dire che mangiano i bambini sono fieramente un orco..... Prossimamente,appena avro' finito di scrivere un po' di cose,mettero' cinocefali,pteradi(uomini alati delle scogliere) e i Ypermetroi(Mezzo giganti e giganti,spesso confusi fra i popolani..) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thorfiend Posted September 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 26, 2009 PTERADI, GLI ABITANTI ALATI DELLE SCOGLIERE. Aspetto fisico: Gli pteradi sono poco piu' bassi degli umani,e, rispetto a questi,decisamente meno robusti e dai tratti facciali molto allungati, decorati da occhi dalle tonalita' chiare, di solito verdi o azzurri come il mare sopra cui trascorrrono le loro esistenze di commercianti e pescatori. La loro peculiarita' principale e' pero' quella di avere,attaccate dietro le scapole,piumate girigio-bianche come il resto del corpo, un paio di grosse ali da gabbiano, con apertura media che varia da 1,80 cm e 2,30 metri. Velocita' base: 6 metri a terra, 9 metri in volo(buona) Caratteristiche: -2 cos +2 des(per volare uno pterade ha le ossa cave,che si, permettono una maggiore leggerezza ed agilita', ma rendono piu' fragili e meno capaci di incassare i colpi). Abilita': gli pteradi hanno +2 a nuotare,+4 ad osservare, -2 a nascondersi ed acrobazia(La loro vista e',per poter meglio avvistare i pesci che affiorano a pelo d'acqua, e simile a quella di un'aquila e le ali possono essere d'aiuto per darsi forza nel nuoto,anche se decisamente ingombranti.) Volare(str): A causa della loro struttura fisica,piu' pesante di quella dei normali uccelli, gli pteradi, per decollare da terra o compiere un'azione di movimento in volo, devono superare una prova di forza con cd 12 per non rimanere a terra o cadere di 18 metri. Uno pterade non puo' volare o spiccare il volo in spazi meno ampi di 3 metri,a causa della grande apertura alare, se indossa un'armatura pesante o media o se ha un' ingombro superiore a leggero. Picchiata(str): uno pterade che sta in aria puo' caricare nemici che stanno piu' in basso di lui di almeno 3 metri. Planare(str): quando uno pterade cade puo' effettuare una prova di destrezza con cd 10, che, superata, permette di rimanere a mezz'aria o giungere a terra senza subire danni da caduta. Arnesi da pesca e da caccia: uno pterade e' comptente nelle seguenti armi: Lancia corta, lancia , giavellotto,arco corto,tridente e rete(queste sono le armi piu' comunemente usate dagli pteradi per arpionare pesci, irretirli o abbattere gabbiani). Classe Preferita:Prescelto(stregone che casta anche incantesimi divini). Allineamento: generalmente neutrale Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ji ji Posted September 27, 2009 Report Share Posted September 27, 2009 Lep? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lone Wolf Posted September 27, 2009 Report Share Posted September 27, 2009 per gli pteradi, se vuoi avere un metro di paragone per il LEP o eventuali modifiche e aggiunte, ti consiglio di guardare la razza dei Raptorian (Races of the Wild): sono degli umanoidi simili ad elfi con alcuni tratti da falco, hanno LEP +0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Nemesis Posted September 27, 2009 Report Share Posted September 27, 2009 Qualche aiutino dal... ...Manuale dei mostri di Faerun Spoiler: PTERAFOLK Large Shapechanger (Reptilian) Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (average) with wings; fly 50 ft. (good) as pteranodon AC: 16 (–1 size, +7 natural) Attacks: 2 claws +7 melee; bite +2 melee Damage: Claw 1d6+5; bite 1d8+2 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6 Abilities: Str 20, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 9 Skills: Climb +12, Jump +8, Listen +8, Spot +8 Feats: Power Attack; Flyby Attack as pterodactyl Climate/Terrain:Warm forest Organization: Solitary, flight (11–30), or tribe (31–100) Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually neutral evil Advancement: 5–12 HD (Large) ... e dal Manuale Regni del Serpente Spoiler: Pterafolk Created by the sarrukh of Mhairshaulk, pterafolk have always lived almost exclusively on the Chultan Peninsula. Overview These violent and primitive lizardkin live in loosely organized tribal communities. The tendency for each pterafolk to place her own needs above those of the others results in a confused and often violent society in which the strong feel free to tread upon the weak. Description A pterafolk resembles a larger-than-normal lizardfolk with no tail. Its small, smooth scales range in color from olive green to shades of tan. Its hands and feet are long and thin, ending in sharp talons. Ordinarily it does not have wings, but when it has need of flight, it can either turn its arms into leathery wings or assume the form of a pteranodon. Pterafolk statistics appear in Monsters of Faerûn. Racial History The sarrukh of Mhairshaulk used the lizardfolk as the base creature for creating the pterafolk. They gave their new creations flight and the ability to shift forms to improve their versatility in combat. They also made the pterafolk more aggressive than standard lizardfolk in order to make them more eager warriors. But while this alteration did indeed produce more effective killers, it also made them diffi cult to manage. When added to the armies of Mhairshaulk, pterafolk units enhanced their killing ability at the cost of poorer control. HIDDEN FOLK The pterafolk stayed primarily under the control of the sarrukh until the fall of Mhairshaulk. At that time, many of the races that had opposed the sarrukh made an effort to track down and destroy all the pterafolk settlements, thus forging an enmity that has lasted for tens of thousands of years. Outlook Pterafolk rarely play major roles in the confl icts of Faerûn for two reasons—they are almost completely unable to trust anyone who approaches them with offers of work, and they are too aggressive (even toward one another) to work effectively in groups. For the most part, the natives of Chult regard them as simply one of many threats to society. The one notable exception occurred when Kaverin Ebonhand assaulted the Chultan city of Mezro in the Year of the Wyvern (DR 1363). Ebonhand somehow managed to enlist several dozen pterafolk into his army, and they fought fi ercely against the inhabitants of the city. When their human commander was slain in battle, however, they disbanded and fled. Pterafolk Society Pterafolk don’t function as a group unless they are conducting raids or engaging in other activities that benefi t individuals at least as much as the whole group. Within a tribe, pterafolk are separated into clans, each of which normally consists of immediate family members. Often, clans are interrelated to such an extent that a tribe is nothing more than an extended clan. RELATIONSHIPS Most pterafolk are loyal to their immediate families and to other clans with which they have forged alliances, but not to anyone else. Betrayal and in fighting are common within the greater pterafolk society. LIFE CYCLE A pterafolk female lays her eggs on a high mountain peak within her own clan’s territory, and both parents tend them until they hatch. As soon as the young are capable of fi nding their own food, the parents introduce them to their clan. Most pterafolk die in battle. Their corpses are looted by their own clans and then left to rot where they fall, since there is no benefi t to any individual in elaborate funereal customs. ORGANIZATION A pterafolk tribe is usually led by a spirit naga chieftain. The pterafolk take their requests and disputes to the spirit naga, who is expected to have the wisdom or raw might to satisfy everyone. But the chieftains, who are normally more interested in satisfying their own desires, make alliances with the pterafolk who can best help them do so and ignore the requests of others. A pterafolk clan that feels slighted by the chieftain may attempt to kill it and replace it with a more responsive one. Laws exist at the discretion of the spirit naga chieftain and are enforced by the individual who has been wronged. The criteria used to measure the power of each clan include established loyalties, fi ghting prowess, size, and possessions. Of these, loyalties tend to be the most important. Several families within a tribe may form an alliance, agreeing to help one another promote their own interests. Such alliances may focus on the resolution of internal diffi culties, or they may simply be agreements to help one another in raids. In the latter case, the agreement normally includes a defined method (though not necessarily an equitable one) for splitting the spoils. Clans that have established numerous links with other individuals and clans within their tribes are considered powerful but not always trust worthy. Fighting prowess varies from one clan to another. Some clans care little for combat training and prefer to fi ght by instinct. Others are more organized, requiring their members to undergo regimented combat training. Members of such clans normally have levels of fi ghter, barbarian, or ranger. The size of a pterafolk clan factors into its overall standing because a clan with numerous members has the raw power to overwhelm others that are competing for the same resources. Pterafolk often fight amongst themselves, and whether or not an outright battle begins is often determined by one clan’s ability to stand against another. Possessions include the territory the clan has staked for itself, as well as equipment and structures. Pterafolk Characters A pterafolk may join an adventuring party if its goals happen to match those of the group. Such alliances are normally short-lived, ending either when the pterafolk has made enemies within the group, or when everyone’s objectives are realized and they part ways. Pterafolk that are raised by races other than their own sometimes overcome their natural penchant for violence and adopt alignments other than evil. Such situation are rare, however, since pterafolk are almost never trusted by humanoid civilizations and are usually driven off or slain in the same way that other hostile invaders would be. Magic of the Pterafolk Pterafolk don’t trust magic, so only a rare few ever become spellcasters of any kind. Divine spellcasters are somewhat more common than arcane ones, since spirit naga chieftains sometimes take on pterafolk students, whom they later place in positions of prominence. This general distrust of magic gives rise to a hatred of arcane magic items among the pterafolk. Given the chance, pterafolk steal such items and destroy them at their earliest convenience. Unlike the dragonkin, however, the pterafolk are not innately compelled to seek magic items. Deities of the Pterafolk Like most of the scaly races of Faerûn, the pterafolk originally worshiped the World Serpent. When that deity fragmented, they transferred their worship to Shekinester, the deity of their spirit naga chieftains. For the pterafolk, worship of Shekinester centers around the belief that the ultimate agents of creation are those of destruction and chaos. Because these forces are constantly at work within their society, the pterafolk fi nd it easy to worship this deity. While the spirit naga chieftains form the religious focus of their society, the pterafolk themselves spend little time in worship. Instead, they act as agents of Shekinester’s will, sewing the seeds of destruction wherever they happens to be. The pterafolk often pray only before or during a battle or raid, or on the rare occasions that they seek divine intervention, which their deity almost never gives. Relations with Other Races The pterafolk pose a serious threat to all the major races surrounding their settlements, including humans and batiri (goblins). They regularly conduct raids on the villages and towns of Chult and assault supply caravans and travelers passing through the area. The nearby settlements have grown weary of pterafolk raids and are currently working to fi nd the creatures’ strongholds in order to chase them out of their territory. Pterafolk Equipment Pterafolk prefer armor that does not cover their arms and equipment that can easily be carried on a bandolier, so that they can transport it while in pteranodon form. They often make their own weapons and armor to ensure that it meets their needs. Hidden Folk Encounters Player characters can encounter hidden folk individually or in groups almost anywhere. Ophidians are nearly always in service to more powerful creatures, but pterafolk may be encountered in warbands or as individuals. Ready-to-Use Villain The hidden folk have access to most of the same classes as humanoid characters. The following pterafolk character can be encountered alone or with his tribe. K’RR’ZAALT K’rr’zaalt is the chieftain and spiritual leader of the Kron’ikl tribe of pterafolk. Following the untimely death of its spirit naga chieftain at the hands of adventurers, the tribe was in shambles. K’rr’zaalt, who had been taught the dogma of Shekinester by the old chieftain, decided to assume control of the tribe when no other leaders emerged. Several months after he appointed himself chieftain, the tribe encountered a group of spirit nagas on their way to a meeting known as the Great Conclave. They invited K’rr’zaalt to attend, and he accepted. At the end of the conclave, he was deemed worthy to lead his tribe. K’rr’zaalt now regularly attends the Great Conclave and is the only pterafolk there. Many of the spirit nagas are not happy with this arrangement, and some have been plotting to assume control of the Kron’ikl tribe. K’rr’zaalt is aware of these plots, but he does not know that some of his own people are conspiring to overthrow him. K’rr’zaalt: Male pterafolk cleric 8 of Shekinester; CR 11; Large monstrous humanoid (reptilian, shapechanger); HD 4d8+20 plus 8d8+40; hp 114; Init +4; Spd 30 ft., climb 20 ft.; fly 30 ft. (average) with wings/50 ft. (good) as pteranadon; AC 22, touch 10, fl at-footed 22; Base Atk +10; Grp +20; Atk +15 melee (1d6+6, claw) or +17 melee (1d8+8, +2 heavy mace) or +9 ranged (1d10/19–20, heavy crossbow); Full Atk +15 melee (1d6+6, 2 claws) and +13 melee (1d8+3, bite) or +17/+12 melee (1d8+8, +2 heavy mace) or +9 ranged (1d10/19–20, heavy crossbow); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA rebuke undead 3/day; SQ alternate form, darkvision 60 ft.; AL CE; SV Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +14; Str 23, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 19, Cha 10. Skills and Feats: Climb +14, Concentration +7, Diplomacy +2, Hide –2, Jump +9, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen +8, Spellcraft +1, Spot +8; Alertness, Chameleon Hide, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack. Alternate Form (Sp): At will, a pterafolk can change its arms into leathery wings or assume the form of a pteranodon as a fullround action. It can remain in either form for as long as desired. Returning to its normal form requires another full-round action. Cleric Spells Prepared (6/5+1/4+1/4+1/3+1; save DC 14 + spell level): 0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, detect poison, light, purify food and drink, read magic; 1st—cause fear, command, doom, hide from undead, protection from law*, shield of faith; 2nd—bull’s strength, darkness, desecrate, shatter*, silence; 3rd—contagion, dispel magic, invisibility purge, magic circle against law*, wind wall; 4th—chaos hammer*, cure critical wounds, death ward, poison. *Domain spell. Deity: Shekinester. Domains: Chaos (cast chaos spells at +1 caster level), Scalykind (rebuke/command lizards and snakes 3/day). Possessions: +2 heavy mace, heavy crossbow, 25 bolts, cloak of resistance +1, bracers of armor +5, 2 scrolls of cure moderate wounds, holy symbol, 6 torches, 388 gp. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thorfiend Posted September 27, 2009 Author Report Share Posted September 27, 2009 avevo gia' visto i raptoran,ma il fatto di non poter volare prima di aver raggiunto i 5 dv di classe mi pareva un'assurdita'....cosi',perridurre il lep a 0 gli ho dato la prova di forza per volare. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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