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Tiri salvezza e fortuna


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Viene ribadito esplicitamente nelle FAQ ufficiali.

Exactly when can a character make a Reflex saving throw? The saving throw section on the PH says Reflex saves depend on a character’s ability to dodge out of the way. Does that mean you can’t make Reflex saves if you can’t move?

A character can attempt a Reflex save anytime she is subjected to an effect that allows a Reflex save. A Reflex save usually involves some dodging, but a Reflex save does not depend completely on a character’s ability to move around. It also can depend on luck, variations in the effect that makes the save necessary in the first place, and a host of other miraculous factors that keep heroic characters in the D&D game from meeting an untimely fate. [...]

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  • Supermoderatore

Il manuale non specifica condizioni che neghino la possibilità di effettuare un tiro salvezza, la FAQ lo ribadisce esplicitamente. :yes:

Generally, when you are subject to an unusual or magical attack, you get a saving throw to avoid or reduce the effect. Like an attack roll, a saving throw is a d20 roll plus a bonus based on your class, level, and an ability score
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