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Armi pietose-infuocate


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Can the holy touch power of the saint template (from Book of Exalted Deeds) deal nonlethal damage? If not, can my saint choose not to deal holy damage, in instances where he would rather subdue a foe rather than kill it?

The saint can’t choose for his holy touch damage to be nonlethal damage, just like a fighter wielding a +1 flaming sword can’t choose for the fire damage to be nonlethal (even if the base weapon damage is nonlethal). The saint can’t turn this power off. (In general, special abilities that don’t involve activation can’t be turned off.)

Ho trovato questo nelle faq ma non c'entra nulla perchè nel caso in questione il danno è non letale in conseguenza di una capacità magica e non di una tua scelta.

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