Rikythebestia Posted December 21, 2011 Report Posted December 21, 2011 A breve inizierò una campagna pbf guerriera con gruppo di allineamento buono/neutrale, si inizia dal livello 4. Per il pg avevo pensato a qualcosa come guerriero 2/ladro 3/Dashing Swordsman 10[cdp Homemade]/ultimi 5 livelli?, razza : umano, allineamento CB I miei dubbi sono i seguenti : quali talenti dargli, come finire la progressione dal 16 al 20 e come distribuire i 32 buy point iniziali Qui ci sono le direttive del master riguardo a ciò che è disponibile Spoiler: Razze disponibili: Umani, Elfi, Mezzelfi, Mezzorchi, Halfling, Nani, Gnomi. Classi disponibili: Barbaro, Bardo, Chierico, Druido, Guerriero, Ladro, Paladino, Ranger, Anima Prescelta, Guaritore, Mago Combattente*, Maresciallo, Esploratore. *da discutere via PM Classi di prestigio disponibili: Cacciatore del Clan Teschio, Mago Distruttore*, Soldato Tattico, Ammaestratore, Artista, Avanguardia delle Pianure Selvagge, Cacciatore Anatema delle Ombra, Druido dei Pugnali Incantati, Esemplare, Esploratore di Dungeon, Flagello dei Mari, Guerriero di Strada, Inquisitore Anatema delle Ombre, Ladro-acrobata, Maestro dalle Molte Forme, Ollam, Predatore delle Montagne, Segugio, Signore delgi Animali, Tempesta, Cacciatore Consacrato, Crociato Divino, Esorcista Sacro, Evangelista, Inquisitore, Ospedaliere, Sacerdote-guerriero, Sacro Liberatore, Templare Devoto, Apostolo di Pace, Cacciatore di Kharash, Campione di Gwynharfwyf, Difensore di Sealtiel, Donna Cigno, Emissario di Barachiel, Leone di Talisid, Martire Risorto, Protetta di Valarian, Pugno di Raziel, Sentinella di Bharrai, Signore dei Cieli, Spada della Giustizia, Uccisore di Domiel, Vassallo di Bhamut, Difensore Nanico, Duellante, Gerofante, Viandante dell'Orizzonte, Bruto Minaccioso, Camaleonte, Campione dei Reietti. Tutte quelle del Perfetto Combattente previa richiesta via PM. *solo per Mago Combattente Manuali consentiti: Manuale del Giocatore, Guida del Dungeon Master, Perfetto Avventuriero, Perfetto Sacerdote, Perfetto Combattente, Libro delle Imprese Eroiche, Manuale delle Miniature, Razze del Destino, Razze Selvagge*, Razze di Pietra*, Arcani Rivelati *se usate questi due manuali, dovrete spiegarmi come funzionano perchè non li ho. Solo variante del paladino della libertà e massimo 2 tratti per personaggio. Non è concesso nient'altro. Niente razze con LEP e niente che non sia elencato qui sopra. Se poi avete richieste specifiche, non sono un pazzo invasato e se ne può discutere Per le caratteristiche: 32 point buy Soldi come da Guida del Dungeon Master: 2700 mo Avete accesso a qualunque oggetto non costi più di 1400 mo. E qui la cdp da me elaborata e già accettata dal master Spoiler: Dashing Swordsman There is more to combat than brute strength. For some, their sharpest blade is their tongue. These Dashing Swordsman are renowned for their quick swordplay and quicker wits. For the most part, these swordsmen are unable to rest in any one place–instead, they roam the world in search of adventure and glory. d8 HD Requirements : To qualify to become a Dashing Swordsman, you must fulfill all the following criteria. Alignment: Any Non-Lawful BAB: +4 Feats: Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse Skills: Bluff 8 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks, Perform (Comedy) 4 ranks The Dashing Swordsman's class skills are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha) and Use Rope (Dex). Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special 1st +1 +0 +2 +0 Bonus Feat, Dashing Strike 2nd +2 +0 +3 +0 Quip, Extra Critical Damage +1d6 3rd +3 +1 +3 +1 Dramatic Entrance, Fast Like a Freak 4th +4 +1 +4 +1 Quip 5th +5 +1 +4 +1 Too Pretty To Die, Extra Critical Damage +2d6 6th +6 +2 +5 +2 Quip 7th +7 +2 +5 +2 Greater Dashing Strike 8th +8 +2 +6 +2 Quip, Surprising Entrance, Extra Critical Damage +3d6 9th +9 +3 +6 +3 Rapier Wit 10th +10 +3 +7 +3 Better Lucky Than Skilled, Quip Class Features : Weapon and Armor Proficiency : You gain proficiency with the rapier, sap, short sword, and whip. You gain proficiency with all light armor. Bonus Feat (Ex) : At 1st level, you gain Combat Expertise as a bonus feat, even if you don't already meet the prerequisites for it. If you already have that feat, you may instead gain any feat which has Combat Expertise for a prerequisite as a bonus feat. Dashing Strike (Ex) : You gain the ability to strike your foe with your sheer force of personality. Whenever you hit a foe with a weapon to which you can apply the Weapon Finesse feat, you may make a witty pun or spout a catch-phrase. You must be able to speak in order to do so, but your foe need not be able to hear nor understand you. If you do, then you add your Cha modifier, rather than your Str modifier, to the damage roll. Quip (Ex or Su) : At 2nd level, and each subsequent even level, you learn a quip. Whenever you use your dashing strike ability, you may choose to use a single one of your quips along with it. You may use each quip three times per encounter, twice if it requires you to be a 4th Level Dashing Swordsman, or once if it requires you to be a 6th Level Dashing Swordsman. You may use each quip a total number of times per day equal to your Cha modifier. Some quips have minimum class level requirements you must meet before you can learn them. The quips you may learn are as follows: “Cat Got Your Tongue?” (Su) When you use the “cat got your tongue?” quip, the enemy you strike must make a Will save, DC 10 + your class level + your Cha modifier, or be silenced, as the spell, with caster level equal to your class level. The silence affects only the enemy you strike–it does not emanate from him. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your class level. You must be at least a 4th level Dashing Swordsman in order to learn this quip. “Don’t Let Your Guard Down!” (Ex) When you use the “don’t let your guard down!” quip, you attack ignores any damage reduction the enemy struck might have. You must be at least a 4th level Dashing Swordsman in order to learn this quip. “Gotcha!” (Ex) When you use the “gotcha!” quip, you deal an additional amount of damage equal to half the number of ranks you have in Perform (Comedy). “I’ll Be Gentle!” (Ex) When you use the “I’ll be gentle!” quip, you attack deals only subdual damage. However, you deal an additional 1d8 points of damage. “Just Quit!” (Ex) When you use the “just quit!” quip, the enemy you strike must make a Will save, DC 10 + your class level + your Charisma modifier, or take a -3 penalty on all attack rolls it makes against you. This penalty increases by one for every two class levels beyond 6th you have. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your class level. You must be at least a 6th level Dashing Swordsman in order to learn this quip. “Looks Like That Hurt!” (Ex) When you use the “looks like that hurt!” quip, the enemy you strike must make a Fortitude save, DC 10 + your class level + your Charisma modifier, or be stunned for 1 round. You must be at least a 6th level Dashing Swordsman in order to learn this quip. “Ooh, Burn!” (Su) When you use the “ooh, burn!” quip, your attack deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. “Watch Your Feet!” (Ex) When you use the “watch your feet!” quip, the enemy you strike must make a Reflex save, DC 10 + your character level + your Charisma modifier, or fall prone. “You Fail!” (Su) When you use the “you fail!” quip, the enemy you strike must make a Will save, DC 10 + your class level + your Charisma modifier, or take 1d6 points of Charisma damage. Even if he successfully saves, he still takes 1 point of Charisma damage. You must be at least a 6th level Dashing Swordsman in order to learn this quip. "You'll Feel That One!" (Ex) You may only use the "you'll feel that one!" quip when you successfully score a critical hit. You gain a luck bonus on the roll to confirm the critical hit equal to your Charisma modifier. Extra Critical Damage (Ex) : At 2nd level, the Dashing Swordsman learns it's easier to be heroic when you're not just scoring lucky hits, but when you're dealing more damage on those hits. The Dashing Swordsman deals an extra +1d6 damage on a critical hit at 2nd level, and every three levels there after (+2d6 at 5th level, and +3d6 at 8th level). Dramatic Entrance (Ex) : At 3rd level, you leap into action just in the nick of time, catching the perfect moment for maximum dramatic effect. Whenever you make a particularly striking entrance, as determined by the DM, you gain a number of benefits. You do not take any damage from hazards of the entrance, such as breaking through windows or leaping through flames. Any enemies that see you make the entrance must make a Will save, with a DC equal to 10 + your class level + your Charisma modifier, or be dazzled for 1 round. Fast Like A Freak (Ex) : At 3rd level, when wielding a melee weapon that you can apply the Weapon Finesse feat with, you may feint within it in combat as a swift action. Too Pretty To Die (Su) : At 5th level, you can dodge unavoidable blows through sheer force of will and luck. As an immediate action, you may grant yourself a luck bonus to AC equal to your Cha modifier until the beginning of your next round. You may only use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Cha modifier. Greater Dashing Strike (Ex) : At 7th level, whenever you attack a foe with a weapon to which you can apply the Weapon Finesse feat, you may make a witty pun or spout a catch-phrase. If you do, then you add your Cha modifier, rather than your Str or Dex modifier, to the attack roll. Surprising Entrance (Ex) : At 8th level, you can catch your foes off guard if you make a dramatic entrance. If you make a dramatic entrance immediately before the start of combat, you receive a +5 morale bonus to your Initiative check and may act during the surprise round, if there is one, even if you normally could not. Rapier Wit (Ex) : At 9th level, the critical threat range of any melee weapon to that you can apply the Weapon Finesse feat to is doubled when you wield it. If the weapon's critical threat range is already effected by Improved Critical, or any other effect such as the keen edge spell, this feature stacks. Better Lucky Than Skilled (Su) : At 10th level, Fate bestows her favors upon you. Once per day, at the beginning of an encounter, you may choose to draw upon supernatural luck. For the duration of the encounter, whenever you make an attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw, you may roll two dice, and choose which die roll to use. However, after using this ability, you become drained. You are exhausted, and cannot use any of the spell-like or supernatural class features of the Dashing Swordsman class until you have had eight hours of rest.
D@rK-SePHiRoTH- Posted December 21, 2011 Report Posted December 21, 2011 Direi che potresti prendere "combattere con 2 armi" e concludere con la Tempesta, un classico. Se non vuoi combattere con 2 armi, il Duellante è molto vicino come concept a quello che hai in mente, ma anche portare avanti semplicemente ladro e guerriero non è una cattiva idea. Peccato che non sia concesso il Rodomonte, sembra perfetto per questa CdP essendo lo stereotipo del combattente sbruffone e acrobatico.
Rikythebestia Posted December 21, 2011 Author Report Posted December 21, 2011 Mah guarda, alla fine per il bg del personaggio i primi 5 livelli sono ok, inoltre per il duellante eviterei visto che già per essere un pò ottimizzato questo pg richiede alta des e alto car (e anche un pò di cos che non fa mai male) se devo aggiungere pure l'int è finita XD. Ad ogni modo l'idea della tempesta non è affatto male visto che stavo accarezzando l'idea di farlo combattere con stocco e spada corta
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