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Beh ho fatto anche il test in inglese che è lo stesso...ho cambiato qualche risposta (5 o 6), ma stranamente ( :roll: ) son sempre elfo ranger/mago caotico buono... ovviamente cambiano i punteggi... (chissà magari nel mio intimo aspiro pure al bladesinger, o ad essere cavaliere mistico, o ad arciere arcano...mi...quante scelte nella vita! :P )

Il test è carino e non so se chiedendo ai siti ospitanti forniscono anche risposte sul metro della valutazione, quella dei colori non saprei...sarei curioso anch'io di capire come giudicano e magari se fra di voi c'è qualche psicologo o affine forse sa se esiste una teoria che abbina quantomeno colori a stile di vita...mah! :wink:

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  • Risposte 43
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Quasi me

Neutral Good Human Cleric

Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.

Humans are the 'average' race. They have the shortest life spans, and because of this, they tend to avoid the racial prejudices that other races are known for. They are also very curious and tend to live 'for the moment'.

Clerics are the voices of their God/desses on Earth. They perform the work of their deity, but this doesn't mean that they preach to a congregation all their lives. If their deity needs something done, they will do it, and can call upon that deity's power to accomplish their goals.

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Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.


Half-Orcs are a cross between a human and an orc. Generally, this kind of mating does not occur willingly, so half-orcs are almost never raised by a full set of parents. They tend to be less intelligent and attractive than humans, but are generally stronger and hardier. Violence is a part of their nature, and few half-orcs manage to overcome this to follow other professions. They are generally treated with disdain by other races, if not outright hostility.

Primary Class:

Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

Secondary Class:

Paladins are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.


Mielikki is the Neutral Good goddess of the forest and autumn. She is also known as the Lady of the Forest, and is the Patron of Rangers. Her followers are devoted to nature, and believe in the positive and outreaching elements of it. They use light armor, and a variety of weapons suitable for hunting, which they are quite skilled at. Mielikki's symbol is a unicorn head.

Sbagliato sono un Monaco che prega Hoar!!! :mrgreen:

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Mago Ranger Elfo Neutrale Buono

Seguace di Mystra


Neutrale Buono - Questi personaggi credono che il potere della bonta' sia sopra ogni altra cosa. Lavorano per rendere il mondo un posto migliore, e faranno tutto cio' che e' loro possibile per raggiungere questo obiettivo.


Elfi - Sono la razza piu' longeva, benche' essi siano generalmente poco piu' piccoli degli Umani. Sono solitamente acculturati, con un forte senso artistico, amanti della vita facile, ed a causa di questa loro 'lunga vita' tendono a dissociarsi dalle altre razze, svolgendo le loro attivita' soltanto tra di loro. Gli Elfi sono 'effettivamente' una razza immortale, benche' comunque posson essere uccisi. Dopo migliaia di anni o finito il loro tempo, essi passano semplicemente al prossimo piano di 'esistenza'.

Classe Primaria

Maghi - Studiano le energie magiche per il loro personalissimo uso. Amano restare ore ed ore a studiare nuovi incantesimi o decifrare libri od oggetti magici. Sebbene generalmente non siano fisicamente forti, i loro talenti mentali li aiutano nella sopravvivenza.

Classe Secondaria

Rangers - Sono i difensori della natura e degli elementi; vivono in sintonia con la Terra, e si prodigano per mantenerla forte e conservarla al meglio.


Mystra is the Neutral Good goddess of magic. She is also known as the Lady of Mysteries. Followers of Mystra wear armor and carry shields with her symbol on them. Mystra's symbol is a ring of stars.


Risultati dettagliati:

Legge & Chaos:

Legale --- XXXXX (5)

Neutrale - XXXXX (5)

Caotico -- XXXXX (5)

Buono & Malvagio:


Neutrale - XXXXXXXX (8)

Malvagio - (-11)


Umano ---- X (1)

Mezzelfo - (0)

Elfo ----- XXXXXXXXX (9)

Halfling - XXXX (4)

Nano ----- X (1)

Mezzorco - (-6)

Gnomo ---- XXXX (4)


Guerriero --- (-5)

Ranger ------ XXXX (4)

Paladino ---- (-6)

Chierico ---- XXX (3)

Mago -------- XXXXXXXXXX (10)

Druido ------ XX (2)

Ladro ------- X (1)

Bardo ------- X (1)

Monaco ------ XXXX (4)

Ma sbaglio o c'è una quantità di ranger enorme....

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Lawful Good Elf Mage Bard

Follower Of Mystra


Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.


Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

Primary Class:

Mages harness the magical energies for their own use. Spells, spell books, and long hours in the library are their loves. While often not physically strong, their mental talents can make up for this.

Secondary Class:

Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.


Mystra is the Neutral Good goddess of magic. She is also known as the Lady of Mysteries. Followers of Mystra wear armor and carry shields with her symbol on them. Mystra's symbol is a ring of stars.

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  • 1 mese dopo...

I Am A: Chaotic Evil Halfling Ranger Druid

Alignment:Chaotic Evil characters are the most 'evil' people out there. They are willing to do anything to get ahead, and will kill anyone who stands in their way. A chaotic evil person sees no value in order and governments, and believes to the utmost in the tenant that 'Might Makes Right'.

Race:Halflings are short and fat, like minuature people. (Think 'Hobbits') They enjoy the easy life, but aren't averse to the idea of an adventure from time to time. They get along with all races, and are known for their senses of humor. Halflings also tend to be light of foot, and can move quietly when necessary.

Primary Class:Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

Secondary Class: Druids are a special variety of Cleric who serves the Earth, and can call upon the power in the earth to accomplish their goals. They tend to be somewhat fanatical about defending natural settings.

Deity:Talos is the Chaotic Evil god of storms, forest fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, and destruction in general. He is also known as the Destroyer. His followers fear him more than worship him, and they revel in the destructive fury of nature - while praying to be spared from its wrath. Talos's symbol is three lightning bolts, of different colors, coming from a central point.

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You Are A:

Chaotic Evil Dwarf Fighter Ranger

Follower Of Abbathor


Chaotic Evil characters are the most 'evil' people out there. They are willing to do anything to get ahead, and will kill anyone who stands in their way. A chaotic evil person sees no value in order and governments, and believes to the utmost in the tenant that 'Might Makes Right'.


Dwarves are short and stout, and easily recognizable by their well-cared-for beards. They are hard workers, and adept at stonework and engineering. They tend to live apart from other races; generally in deep, underground excavated systems, and as such tend to be distant from other races.

Primary Class:

Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.

Secondary Class:

Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.


Abbathor is the Neutral Evil dwarven god of greed. He is also known as the Great Master of Greed, the Trove Lord, and the Avaricious. His followers believe in the gaining of riches and wealth by any means necessary. Their preferred weapon is the dagger. Abbathor's symbol is a jeweled dagger.

:shock::shock::shock::shock: :shock::shock::shock:

deve esserci qualcosa di sbagliato forse il test è rotto


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<b>I Am A:</b> True Neutral Half-Elf Paladin

<br><br><b>True Neutral</b> characters are very rare. They believe that balance is the most important thing, and will not side with any other force. They will do whatever is necessary to preserve that balance, even if it means switching allegiances suddenly.

<br><br><b>Half-Elves</b> are a cross between a human and an elf. They are smaller, like their elven ancestors, but have a much shorter lifespan. They are sometimes looked down upon as half-breeds, but this is rare. They have both the curious drive of humans and the patience of elves.

<br><br><b>Paladins</b> are the Holy Warriors. They have been chosen by a God/dess to be their representative on Earth, and must follow the code of that deity, or risk severe penalties. They tend towards being righteous, but not generally to excess.

<br><br>Find out <a href='' target='mt'>What D&D Character Are You?</a>, courtesy of <a href=''>NeppyMan</a>!<br><br>

uff... non mi rispecchia... :cry::cry:

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Notate lo 0 nella casella "malvagio"... 8)

Tu sei un:

Guerriero Ranger Umano Neutrale Buono

Seguace di Lathander


Neutrale Buono - Questi personaggi credono che il potere della bonta' sia sopra ogni altra cosa. Lavorano per rendere il mondo un posto migliore, e faranno tutto cio' che e' loro possibile per raggiungere questo obiettivo.


Umani - E' la razza piu' comune. Essi hanno il piu' breve periodo d'esistenza, e a causa di cio', tendono ad evitare qualsiasi pregiudizio che caratterizza le altre razze. Sono anche molto curiosi ed aman vivere la vita 'al momento'.

Classe Primaria

Guerrieri - Sono i Combattenti. Essi usano le armi per raggiungere i propri obiettivi. Non e' detto che non siano intelligenti, ma in tutto cio' che fanno, mettono nell'uso della violenza il loro credo, e quindi la piu' frequente risposta a tutti i problemi.

Classe Secondaria

Rangers - Sono i difensori della natura e degli elementi; vivono in sintonia con la Terra, e si prodigano per mantenerla forte e conservarla al meglio.


Lathander is the Neutral Good god of spring, dawn, birth, and renewal. His followers believe in new beginnings, and work for the betterment of all. They have no preferred weapon, but they typically wear plate mail and a shield, with red and yellow tinting. Lathander's symbol is rosy pink disk, typically cut from rose quartz.

Risultati dettagliati:

Legge & Chaos:

Legale --- (-1)

Neutrale - XXXXXXXXXX (10)

Caotico -- XXX (3)

Buono & Malvagio:


Neutrale - XX (2)

Malvagio - (-8 )


Umano ---- XXXX (4)

Mezzelfo - XX (2)

Elfo ----- XXX (3)

Halfling - (-3)

Nano ----- (-1)

Mezzorco - XX (2)

Gnomo ---- XX (2)


Guerriero --- XXXXXX (6)

Ranger ------ XXXXXX (6)

Paladino ---- X (1)

Chierico ---- (-1)

Mago -------- X (1)

Druido ------ (-1)

Ladro ------- (-4)

Bardo ------- XXXXXX (6)

Monaco ------ (-3)

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