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====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======

Khyar al-Din, level 8

Sun Elf (Eladrin), Bard

Bardic Virtue Option: Virtue of Cunning

Background Benefit: Among Another Race (Dwarf)

Birth - Among Another Race (Among Another Race (Dwarf))

Theme: Templar


STR 8, CON 12, DEX 10, INT 20, WIS 12, CHA 20


STR 8, CON 12, DEX 10, INT 16, WIS 12, CHA 16

AC: 19 Fort: 15 Ref: 20 Will: 21

HP: 59 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 14


Arcana +14, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +14, Endurance +12, History +14, Nature +10, Perception +10


Acrobatics +5, Athletics +4, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, Insight +8, Intimidate +10, Religion +10, Stealth +5, Streetwise +10, Thievery +5


Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack

Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack

Templar Feature: Templar's Fist

Eladrin Racial Power: Fey Step

Bard Feature: Majestic Word

Bard Feature: Words of Friendship

Bard Attack 1: Vicious Mockery

Bard Attack 1: Song of Serendipity

Bard Attack 1: Victim of the Feywild

Bard Attack 1: Stirring Shout

Wizard Attack 1: Hypnotism

History Utility 2: Strategist's Epiphany

Bard Attack 3: Impelling Force

Bard Attack 5: Timeless Trek in Mithrendain

Bard Utility 6: Revitalizing Incantation

Bard Attack 7: Unluck


Level 1: Ritual Caster

Level 1: Staff Expertise

Level 2: Advantage of Cunning

Level 4: Resourceful Leader

Level 6: Arcane Initiate

Level 8: Combat Virtuoso

====== End ======

Mi sono appena abbonato a d&d insider e non ce l'ho fatta a resistere alla tentazione. Ecco qui il mio pG.

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