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Messaggi inviato da Wazabo

  1. Tu invece affermi che il danno base è il +1, quindi aggiungerebbe +1 al +2 classico, per un totale di +3, è corretto? :mmm2:

    Si esatto.

    Io ho sempre dato per scontato che attacco in salto sia -1 +3, com'è specificato nella famosa terza frase.

  2. Non volendo usare il Tob-Psionici, che risolverebbero i tuoi problemi in un colpo solo, la classe che secondo me può replicare personaggi del genere è il factotum.

    E' altamente personalizzabile, ha tutte le abilità del gioco può essere incredibilmente agile, e possiede delle capacità magiche (poche ma buone).

    Il primo dei tre potrebbe essere un semplicissimo Factotum 20, oppure un factotum incrociato con qualche altra classe base, rodomonte ad esempio.

    Per gli altri, classi combattenti con qualche capacità magica possono essere: Hexblade (perfetto combattente), Duskblade (player's handbook 2)

    Alternativa come già suggerito, incrocia lo stregone con il ladro.

    Cdp che facilitano l' unione di classi arcane e combattenti sono parecchie:

    Mistificatore arcano,

    Unseen seer (C mage),

    Abjurant champion (C mage),

    Spellwarp sniper (C scoundrel) questo specialmente se i belmont alla fine usano dei raggi per colpire i nemici, perchè permette di trasformare molti incantesimi ad area in raggi.

    Sacred Exorcist (C divine) Se vuoi che diventino abili nel combattere i non morti

    Così facendo avresti un personaggio agile, potente con capacità magiche (non molte, ma sicuramente potenti, quasi uno stregone puro, inc di 9° volendo)

    Il problema grosso è soprattutto la frusta, in D&D è un po' deboluccia, però apre a diverse opzioni come disarmare e sbilanciare e quindi a questi talenti.

    Per renderla infuocata già dal primo livello c'è l' incantesimo blades of fire (spell compendium sia da ranger che mago/stregone)

    Per il resto, boh potrei aver scritto un sacco di sciocchezze, mi sono basato sulle poche info che hai dato sui Belmont

  3. Sinceramente non riesco a capirvi, lasciate perdere tutte le errata e cavolate varie scritte dalla wotc (soprattutto quelle in italiano) e guardate i RISULTATI dei vari poderosi presi SINGOLARMENTE e dopo metteteli insieme. Fa -1 +5, non vedo come siano possibili altre interpretazioni.

    Leap attack aumenta di 1 il danno del poderoso!!!

    Il poderoso supremo lo aumenta di 2, in totale è un +3 rispetto ad un poderoso normale. Totale +5

    Se funzionasse come dite voi secondo le regole sui moltiplicatori della wotc leap attack dovrebbe fare di partenza -1 +4, e non lo fa...

    Ma sembra solo a me (e a Demerzel) così semplice? Tra l' altro è la stessa spiegazione che dà il costum service (per quel che conta) ed è ampiamente accettata sulle board wotc..

  4. Si, ho divagato brutalmente io facendomi prendere dalla discussione meccanica. Avevo un pensiero in testa fin dall' inizio ma non l ho mai scritto:

    "Per quanto mi riguarda la cdp resta comunque pessima. Perchè una cdp si giudica anche dai prerequisiti ed essere un vampiro è un pre-requisito pessimo."

    Inoltre come fa ad essere considerata straordinaria una cdp o un personaggio in generale che non può fare praticamente nulla contro una buona fetta dei possibili scontri di D&D?

    Con questo chiudo sull' argomento, penso si sia capito come la penso sui vampiri SU D&D (Per il resto forza Ventrue!!)

    Comunque aggiungo un po' di info utili pure io perchè abbiamo divagato parecchio :D

    Cdp mostruose:

    Beholder mage (Potente) Mostri del faerun

    Ilithid savant (Possibilmente molto potente usata spesso in build teoretiche) Specie selvagge

    Cdp per maghi/incantatori:


    Malconvoker (Evocatore definitivo per chierici/maghi/stregoni/archivisti) Complete scoundrel

    Master specialist (Potere di 10° livello impressionante) Complete mage


    War weaver (Poteri impressionanti) Heroes of battle


    Abjurant champion (Molto potente) Complete mage

    Swiftblade (Perde CL ma ha poteri impressionanti) Web Enhancement

    Mago dai pugnali incantati (Forse migliore cdp da glass cannon) Complete adventurer

    Maestro trasformista (Principalmente potente se si arriva ai limiti del teoretico, secondo me rientra fra le cdp: scarse giocate in un modo, troppo forte altrimenti)


    Shadowcraft mage (Cdp forse troppo potente) Races of stone

    Blaster e tutto il resto:

    Incantatrix (Sicuramente troppo potente) Player's guide to Faerun


    Planar sheperd (Qualche spanna sopra ad un druido liscio....) Faiths of Eberron

    Master of many forms (Potente ma si rischia di essere o troppo forte o troppo debole, usata per teoriche Pun pun?) Complete Adventurer


    Accordo sublime (Mi sembra ovvio)


    La maggior parte delle cdp contenute nel manuale "Faiths of Faerun" in particolare quella di Bane.

    Dweomerkeeper (Molto potente, anche se per maghi/chierici, ha delle abilità uniche)

    Sacred exorist (Idealmente sarebbe per chierici, ma in realtà è un metodo per non chierici di prendersi scacciare non morti, con tutto quello che ne consegue)

    Ur priest (nota a parte per questo incantatore, alquanto ingiocabile su un party standard, che però lancia incantesimi di 9° ben prima di tutte le altre classi)


    Perchè inserire cdp incantatore che perdono livelli per strada?

    Semplice, le cdp nominate hanno dei poteri tali da sormontare questa perdita. In particolare il malconvoker duplica gli effetti gratuitamente del talento incantesimi raddoppiati (è un +4), mentre il war weaver duplica gratuitamente il talento incantesimi concatenati (è un +3). Entrambe inoltre fanno un sacco di altre cose, il malconvoker poi alza il limite dadi vita sui planar binding. Anche il mago dei pugnali incantati imita un talento +4, incantesimi rapidi. E anche in questo caso tutte le atre abilità di classe rimangono impressionanti.

    Perchè non c'è l' iniziato dei sette veli?

    Non considererò mai una cdp impressionante l' iniziato dei sette veli, benchè sia potente ha dei pre-requisiti orrendi, che automaticamente indeboliscono personaggi già deboli a livelli bassi.

    Inoltre, per la meccanica di D&D attaccare è molto meglio che difendersi. Più velocemente sparisce l' avversario meglio è.

    Cdp per skill monkey:

    Chamaleon (Versatilità estrema) Races of destiny

    Esemplare (Prendere 10 alle abilità quando normalmente non si può è fantastico, usato nella build teoretica dei nanobots) Complete adventurer

    Cdp per combattenti:

    Le uniche due che mi vengono sinceramente in mente come ottime cdp sono:

    Exotic weapon master (Bonus ottimi, e soprattuto l' arma più bella del gioco, la catena chiodata, è un' arma esotica) Complete warrior

    Hulking Hurler (Fa molto male, anche qui build teoretiche) Complete warrior

    Perchè non ho nominato il berserk furioso? Perchè una cdp che viene messa completamente off combat da un incantesimo di 1° livello è, per quanto mi riguarda, una cdp alquanto bruttina, sebbene i bonus non siano male. (Tra l' altro ci sono dps migliori e senza le pecche del berserk)

    Cdp Tome of battle:

    Teflammar shadow lord (non è del tome of battle, ma è un' arma definitiva se incrociata con uno swordsage, tanti tanti danni, altro che berserk furioso.) Irragiungibile est

    Ruby knight vendicator (Azioni veloci in più... E automaticamente più incantesimi attraverso DMM quicken)

    Magic of incarnum (Tutto abbastanza orrendo, si salva secondo me il Totem Rager, un buon picchiatore, carina anche l' idea di biclassare le uniche due classi del gioco illiterate)

    Tome of magic (Unica cdp molto carina è l' anima mage un buon connubbio fra binder e arcani)

    Perchè non ho nominato psionici, semplice, non li conosco.

    Perchè non ho nominato il gerofante arcano? Semplice resta una cdp mediocre come tutte le cdp che incrociano incantatori. Qualità > quantità, sempre.

  5. Si, tutto si può ottimizzare e si volendo si fanno bardi che fanno quei danni a quel livello (anche di più) ma capisci che te hai tirato fuori il vampiro in un topic che parla delle migliori cdp del gioco?? :confused:

    Oltre che a non essere una cdp ma un template è anche orrendo come template.

    Il tarrasque lo si riesce ad ammazzare anche con un popolano di 13° livello, quindi non mi sembra un grand esempio. Prova ad ammazzare con il tuo vampiro qualcuno immune agli effetti mentali e ai risucchi di livello/costituzione (in pratica qualsiasi personaggio da un certo livello in poi) con il tuo vampiro ^^ Ah, il popolano forse ce la fa.

    Il fatto che tu possa averne fatto uno giocabile, con un ottimizzazione estrema (non so neanche se tutta completamente legale prendendo in considerazione solo manuali wotc ufficiali) che se applicata a qualsiasi altro pg vengono fuori delle mostrusità ingestibili?

    Esempio rapido, un mago di 13° con il talento metamagico Twin spell e una verga metamagica della massimizzazione, fa 3 volte al giorno 36 danni alla destrezza, senza alcun TS. Oltre che a fare un' altra infinità di cose. Paralizza qualsiasi mostro che non sia immune di tutti i manuali non epici in 1 round.

    E se prendessimo in considerazione talenti come Arcane thesis sarebbero molti di più, di fatto paralizzando anche tutti i mostri non immuni epici.

    Paragonare un pg vampiro e uno non vampiro allo stesso livello di ottimizzazione non ha alcun senso, il vampiro è qualche eone indietro.

  6. Sarebbe interessante incrociare il tutto con il factotum.

    Qualcosa come Ladro 1 - Factotum 8 - Warblade 8 - Bloodclaw master 3 (Oppure Warblade 11)

    Ed invece di basare i danni su quei 7d6 da furtivo, prendi il talento Craven (champions of ruin) che aggiunge il tuo livello personaggio ai furtivi.

    Quindi avresti 2d6 +X invece di 7d6.

    Questo ovviamente ti crea qualche problema con crippling strike.

    Vantaggi sono l' int a tutte le prove su Des, For, Cos. Volendo int nuovamente ai danni e TxC, avresti un paio di Spell like (Wraith strike?).

    Azione standard in più..

    Tutte le skill del gioco, comprese quelle particolari come quella del samurai e quelle degli psion.

    Ovviamente per farlo dovresti incrociare di continuo livelli da warblade e factotum per non andare in malus exp (andresti in malus solo a livelli molto alti nel caso di warblade 11).

    Ah, manovre di 8°

    Problema principale di questa cosa, servono talenti, specialmente qualche font of inspiration... Ottieni un talento bonus in più da warblade che però serve fino ad un certo punto.

  7. Veramente diventa -1 +5.

    Non si può sommare più volte il danno base del poderoso.....

    Normalmente poderoso aggiunge un 100% al danno -1 +2

    Poderoso supremo aggiunge un altro 200% -1 +4

    Attacco in salto aggiunge un ulteriore 100% -1 +5

    Nello stesso link che ha postato Seller viene specificato da Blackstorm...

    Su D&D x2 +x2 = x3

    Comunque era stato chiarito in altri millemila topic.

  8. Se ti piacciono così tanto i vampiri, gioca a vampiri :D (Masquerade) gioco stupendo tra l' altro.

    Quello che voglio dire io è: D&D non è stato fatto per giocare vampiri, specialmente per i giocatori (npc è ovviamente un altro discorso).

    Guarda penso sia solo una questione di ottimizzazione, nella mia campagna attuale ho tre pg che volendo fanno un 100-150 danni ad attacco completo a livello 11, e non sono niente di particolare, dei pg tome of battle senza tanti fronzoli, uno e' uno swordsage puro, un altro è un warblade/swordsage il terzo un chierico/crusader. Ora cercare di fare qualcosa del genere con un vampiro è praticamente impossibile...

  9. Il fatto è che un guerriero o qualsiasi altra classe non vampiro sarà sicuramente migliore di un vampiro. E' questione di pura matematica.

    Un umano guerriero di 13° fa 3 attacchi con un completo, un vampiro 1. E difatti un guerriero non vampiro non solo ha più possibità di colpire di un guerriero vampiro, ma farà anche più male, perchè potrà dedicare ad attacco poderoso parte di quel BaB, sorpassando il bonus di forza del vampiro.

    Quindi un guerriero normale farà 3 attacchi, con più possibilità di colpire e faranno più male.

    Possiamo fare la stessa considerazione con un pg furtivo. Qui il vampiro è avvantaggiato, perchè ha dei buoni bonus alle abilità. Tuttavia ha anche 8! gradi in meno, e quindi il bonus abilità è già andato. Restano i bonus alle statistiche. Di fatto però ci sono altri template con un LA neache lontanamente osceno come quello di un vampiro che concedono parte di questi bonus, quelli che interessano a questo tipo di personaggio. (Vedi il template Sepulcral Thief dal cityscape oppure Shadow creature dal tome of magic, rispettivamente un +2 e un +1, se messi insieme alquanto paurosi).

    Inoltre non dimentichiamo i pochi gradi. Avere pochi gradi in alcune abilità potrebbe compromettere l' acquisizione di altre opzioni, come gli skill tricks del complete scoundrel.

    Penso che parlare di vampiri caster sia totalmente inutile, le controparti non vampiri vincono a mani basse, lanciando incantesimi di 7°! mentre il nostro vampiro sta ancora giocherellando con quelli di 3°, con CD Inferiori anche considerando il bonus alle statistiche del vampiro.

    Quindi si arriva alla conclusione che un vampiro qualsiasi ruolo voglia ricoprire sarà sicuramente peggiore della contro parte non vampiro.

    Gli restano le altre capacità, per carità, alcune sono carine, dominare, livelli negativi, "immortalità". Ma anche qua ci sono se e ma da considerare.

    Un mago riesce a dominare persone molto prima di un vampiro 9° livello contro 13°. L' immortalità, la stai sopravvalutando parecchio secondo me, perchè un qualsiasi caster del tuo livello, appena ti ha fatto fuori (spendendo non più di 6 secondi della sua vita) ha lanciato qualche divinazione e sa immediatamente dov'è la tua bara (o dove sei tu), a meno che tu non abbia preso precauzioni, cosa per altro possibile, ma non così semplice. Inoltre che senso ha star li a preoccuparsi di un vampiro quando gli altri membri della squadra sono molto probabilmente più pericolosi di lui?

    Io penso che il template del vampiro sia stato fatto male. Avrebbe dovuto avere meno poteri (quella strage di talenti mezzi inutili in particolare) e un LA molto più basso. Ha un LA ingestibile, e abbassarlo troppo lo renderebbe troppo potente. Io personalmente lo vedrei come un LA +4, togliendo un pochi di talenti bonus.

  10. E' una cpd per druidi del manuale, boh uno dei manuali di Eberron.

    In pratica oltre ad alzare incantesimi e forma animale piena del druido ti permette anche di trasformarti in bestie magiche ed esterni di un particolare piano che tu scegli. La trasformazione e' maglio dell' incantesimo Trasformazione stesso perche' oltre a tutte le EX e SU ti prendi anche le spell like abilities ed eventuali abiità di lancio incantesimi.

    Se non bastasse, puoi ricreare una bolla planare attorno a te, ricreando i tratti del piano scelto. Ci sono piani carini che hanno trascorrere del tempo diverso dal piano materiale. In particolare quello dei sogni di Eberron, dove il tempo scorre 10 volte più velocemente. Quindi di fatto tutti quelli dentro l' area della bolla planare agiscono 10 round mentre fuori ne passa uno.

    Come tutte le cose puo' essere giocato a vari livelli di ottimizzazione, ma di fatto è una cdp con poteri stratosferici.

  11. Le mie considerazioni si avvicinano molto a quelle di Kursk, seguendo le regole per l' esperianza wotc, mettendo pochi scontri ma tosti e passando qualche sessione senza combattere di media si fa un livello ogni 3 - 4 sessioni, quindi circa un' anno e mezzo giocando ogni settimana per arrivare al 20°.

    Poi dipende molto dai pg. Se cominciano a creare loro progetti che esulano dalla campagna principale ovviamente il tutto si allunga. Ovviamente si allunga positivamente.

  12. Il gioco non vale la candela, calcola quanti pf avrebbe un pg vampiro di 13° livello... 5DV... Guarda i danni medi fatti a quei livelli... Verrebbe steso al primo round di combattimento, e probabilmente prima che finisca l' attacco completo... Non è questione di debolezze, è la mancanza totale di DV da classe rispetto ad un pg con una razza LA +0.

    Le cdp più forti penso siano state nominate in lungo ed in largo:

    Dweomerkeeper, Shadowcraft mage, Planarsheperd, Incantatrix...

  13. Spoiler:  
    Name: Mirienemi

    Race: Greater Deity (Divine Rank 18)

    Type: Fey, Outsider

    Level: 68

    Class: Nymph (+7 LA), Sorcerer 6, Mystic Theurge 6, Loremaster 2, Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7, Sorcerer 13, Mystic Theurge 4, Loremaster 8, Fatespinner 5, Master of the Sevenfold Veil 10

    Size: Medium

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Strength-8 (-1 mod) (5 naturally +3)

    Dexterity-82 (+36 mod) (70 naturally + 12 from an Epic Belt of Dexterity +12)

    Constitution-70 (+30 mod) (50 naturally +20 from Epic Bracers of Health +20)

    Intelligence-60 (+25 mod) (40 naturally +12 from ability points and +8 from Boots of Intelligence +8)

    Wisdom-60 (+25 mod) (40 naturally +20 from Mask of Wisdom +20)

    Charisma-85 (+37 mod) (60 naturally + 5 from ability points and +20 from Cloak of Charisma +20)

    Speed (land): 30 ft.; (fly): 160 ft. (perfect maneuverability); (swim): 50 ft.

    HP: 61d4+7d6+30 (2,296 hp)

    AC: 145 (+36 Dex, +15 Natural Armor granted from divinity, +18 Divine Rank bonus, +74 deflection from Charisma and Unearthly Grace racial ability, +1 Dodge, +1 Haste conferred from weapon); increases to 163 vs. lawful opponents (Favor of Chaos SDA)

    Touch AC: 104 (122 vs. lawful opponents)

    Flatfooted AC: 101 (119 vs. lawful opponents)

    Space/face/reach: 5 ft

    Weight: Insubstantial

    Base Attack Bonus: 53/48/53 (3+3+3+1+21 Epic +18 Divine +3 Fey +1 Ioun Stone)

    Primary Attack: 11 arrows

    Secondary Attack: 8 arrows

    Fort Save: 121 (10 from classes and prestige classes, +30 Con mod, +21 epic bonus, +18 divine bonus, +37 Unearthly Grace bonus, +1 Nymph's Kiss, +1 Permanent Resistance bonus, +1 from Ioun Stone, +2 from The Lore of True Stamina. Increases to 139 vs. lawful opponents due to the Favor of Chaos SDA).

    Reflex Save: 126 (9 base, then bonuses added as above with a 36 Dex mod and Secret Knowledge of Avoidance. Increases to 144 vs. lawful opponents).

    Will Save: 124 (18 base, then bonuses added as above with a +25 Wis mod. Increases to 142 vs. lawful opponents).

    Initiative Bonus: +40 (36 Dex mod+Improved Initiative)

    Feats (0 left): Greater Spell Focus (Abjuration), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Extra Rings, Point Blank Shot, Epic Spellcasting, Extra Spell, Still Spell, Eschew Materials, Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Intensify Spell, Ignore Material Components, Automatic Still Spell (x6), Nymph's Kiss, Rapid Metamagic, Silent Spell, Quicken Spell, Multispell (x2), Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Improved Manyshot, Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Improved Spell Capacity, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Forge Ring, Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Staff, Craft Rod, Favored Magic Foe (Evil Outsiders), Reach Spell, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Epic Spell Penetration, Sharp Shooting, Arcane Mastery, Transdimensional Spell, Sculpt Spell, Spell Stowaway (Time Stop), Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Craft Contingent Spell, Craft Epic Contingent Spell, Improved Metamagic (x3)

    Bonus Feats (from SDAs and domains): Improved Initiative (Time Domain), Spell Focus: all schools (SDA: Divine Spellcasting), Improved Combat Casting (SDA: Divine Spellcasting), Epic Counterspell (SDA: Instant Counterspelling), Combat Archery, Distant Shot, Swarm of Arrows, Uncanny Accuracy (SDA: Divine Archery), Craft Epic Arms and Armor, Forge Epic Ring, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Craft Epic Staff, Craft Epic Rod (SDA: Craft Artifact)

    Special Abilities: Uncanny Dodge (granted from Fate domain), Use scrolls, wands, and other devices with spell trigger or spell activation as a 20th-level cleric (Magic Domain), Can reroll any damage roll and take the better of the two rolls once per day (Force Domain), Can cast healing spells at +1 caster level (Healing domain), Can cast good spells at +1 caster level (Good domain), Can cast divination spells at +1 caster level (Knowledge domain), Gains +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome an evil outsider's spell resistance; evil outsiders take -1 penalty on saves against Mirienemi's spells and spell-like abilities (Favored Magic Foe feat).

    Special Attacks: Blinding Beauty (DC 81 Fort save), Stunning Glance (DC 81 Fort save), spells, spell-like abilities

    Loremaster Secrets: Dodge Trick (+1 AC), The Lore of True Stamina (+2 Fort), Secrets of Inner Strength (+2 Will), Secret Knowledge of Avoidance (+2 Reflex), Applicable Knowledge (One extra feat)

    Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 10/cold iron, low-light vision, unearthly grace, wild empathy (+6 bonus), outsider traits, fey traits, greater deity traits, permanent resistance spell, permanent darkvision spell, casts as a 7th-level Druid by nature, resistance 38/electricity, immunity (fire and acid), regeneration 114, divine aura, DR 40 (Epic, Chaotic and Frystalline), SR 105, immunity to polymorphing, ability damage, ability drain, petrifaction, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, disease, poison, stunning, death effects, disintegration, sleep, paralysis, imprisonment, banishing, anyone that attacks her automatically suffers a -18 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks for one day (no save), can grant +18 bonus or penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks 18/day (no save), +2 bonus on all Charisma-based checks, +1 to saving throw bonuses against spells, Gains +1 bonus on all attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks due to her pale green prism Ioun stone, 70% chance that any attack against her will automatically miss.

    Salient Divine Abilities (0 left): Extra Domain, Extra Domain, Automatic Metamagic (Maximize Spell), Instant Counterspell, Divine Blast, Favor of Chaos, Automatic Metamagic (Purify Spell), Gift of Life, Divine Archery, Divine Fast Healing (SDA taken three times), Power of Luck, Divine Dodge, One With The Magic*, Automatic Metamagic (Quicken Spell-like abilities), Divine Spellcasting, Increased Spell Resistance, Increased Damage Reduction (Chaotic), Supreme Damage Reduction (Requires a weapon of Frystalline that has been knowingly made against Mirienemi and willingly mined by a Tulani Eladrin, forged by a Ursinal Guardinal, and cooled in the tears of a Throne Archon), True Knowledge, Craft Artifact, Divine Skill Focus (Spellcraft)

    *One With The Magic (Ex)

    Benefit: The deity with this powerful ability may, once per day as a full-round action, merge with the power of all magic within the multiverse. This allows the deity to regain all spell slots (including epic spells) and spell-like abilities expended as if they had rested a full day. If the deity possesses levels in divine spellcasting classes they can choose new divine spells prepared exactly as if a new day had begun. The deity does not become flat-footed during this brief trance and is surrounded by an impenetrable bubble of pure mystic energy that negates attacks, spells, spell-like abilities, psionic powers, psi-like abilities, and supernatural and extraordinary powers, whether hostile or friendly.

    Prerequisite: Magic Domain, Time Domain, Force Domain, Spellcaster level 60th

    Class Skills (from all classes): Appraise, Concentration, Craft (alchemy), Decipher Script, Gather Information, Sense Motive, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (all skills taken individually), Perform, Profession, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device, Sleight of Hand, Bluff

    Skills (0 left): Appraise 73 (+2 to appraise bows, armors, shields, and art), Autohypnosis 40, Balance 56, Bluff 124, Climb 15, Concentration 105, Craft (bowmaking) 40, Craft (armor or shield) 40, Craft (artistry) 40, Decipher Script 40, Diplomacy 119, Disable Device 40, Disguise 50 (+2 when acting in character), Escape Artist 54, Forgery 40, Gather Information 115, Handle Animal 115 (+2 to wild empathy), Heal 105, Hide 119, Innuendo 46, Intimidate 120, Jump 17, Knowledge (arcana) 105, Knowledge (history) 105 (+2 to lore checks), Knowledge (local: Arvandor) 105, Knowledge (nature) 107, Knowledge (nobility and royalty: The Nine Hells) 105, Knowledge (religion) 105, Knowledge (the Planes) 105, Knowledge (Psionics) 60, Listen 105, Lucid Dreaming 73, Move Silently 54, Open Lock 54, Perform (dance) 50, Profession (Gambler) 45, Psicraft 40, Ride 54, Search 90, Sense Motive 170, Sleight of Hand 56, Speak Language 41, Spellcraft 211 (+2 to use spells on scrolls), Spot 40, Survival 40 (+2 aboveground, +2 to find and follow tracks, +2 on other planes), Swim 61 (+8 from Nymph racial bonus; can take 10 on Swim checks at any time and move at 4x speed in a straight line), Tumble 54, Use Magic Device 118 (+2 when using scrolls), Use Psionic Device 50, Use Rope 54

    Cleric Domains she grants to followers: Time, Fate, Luck, Magic, Force, Healing, Good, Knowledge

    Spell-like abilities useable at will: True Strike, Gentle Repose, Haste, Freedom of Movement, Permanency, Contingency, Legend Lore, Foresight, Time Stop, Augury, Bestow Curse, Status, Mark of Justice, Geas/Quest, Vision, Mind Blank, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Blast of Force, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Wall of Force, Repulsion, Forcecage, Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere, Bigby's Crushing Hand, Nystul's Magic Aura, Identify, Dispel Magic, Imbue with Spell Ability, Antimagic Field, Spell Turning, Protection from Spells, Mordenkainen's Disjunction, Protection from Evil, Aid, Magic Circle against Evil, Holy Smite, Dispel Evil, Blade Barrier, Holy Word, Summon Monster IX (good), Entropic Shield, Protection from Energy, Break Enchantment, Moment of Prescience, Miracle, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Thoughts, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Divination, True Seeing, Find the Path, Discern Location, Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Heal, Regenerate, Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Heal, Analyze Dweomer, Greater Plane Shift, Greater Teleport.

    Spell-like abilities 1/day: Dimension Door

    Mirienemi casts as a 61st-level sorceress normally. She casts as a 63rd-level sorcerer due to her orange Ioun stone and Ring of Arcane Might. She also casts as a 17th-level Druid normally (18th due to her orange Ioun stone). Her effective caster level is as a 81st-level Sorcerer and as a 36th-level Druid due to her +18 divine rank bonus.

    Close-range spells are cast at a range of 165 ft.

    Sorcerer spells per day: 6/15/15/15/12/12/12/12/11/9/10/10/10/10/8/8/8/8/6/6/6/6/4/4/4/4

    Spells known: Stick, Resistance, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound (x2), Grease, Buzzing Bee, True Casting (x13), Karmic Aura, Phantom Foe (x2), Ectoplasmic Feedback, Baleful Transposition, Eagle's Splendor, Spectral Hand (x2), Scintillating Scales (x3), Sting Ray (x4), Augment Familiar (x2), Scale Weakening (x3), Slow (x2), Karmic Backlash, Unluck, Spellcaster's Bane (x2), Elation (x2), Spell Vulnerability (x5), Enhance Familiar, Ray of Deanimation (x2), Assay Spell Resistance (x4), Wings of Flurry (x2), Aerial Alacrity, Orb of Sound (x5), Reciprocal Gyre (x5), Graymantle, Gelid Blood (x2), Telepathy Block, Orb of Force (x3), Greater Heroism, Entomb, Quickshift, Wages of Sin, Karmic Retribution, Howling Chain (x2), Orb of Force (x5), Delayed Blast Fireball, Waterspout, Sword of Darkness, Retributive Enervation, Radiant Assault (x7), Prismatic Spray, Greater Prying Eyes, Greater Shout (x2), Greater Arcane Fusion (x2), Superior Invisibility (x2), Orb of Sound (x4), Iceberg (x3), Reality Maelstrom, Exalted Fury, Deadly Sunstroke, Maw of Chaos, Replicate Casting (x2), Iceberg (x5), Orb of Force (x5), Intensified Wings of Flurry (x4), Intensified Ray of Deanimation (x3), Intensified Orb of Sound (x3), Intensified Reciprocal Gyre (x5), Intensified Orb of Force (x5), Intensified Orb of Force (x10), Intensified Delayed Blast Fireball (x2), Intensified Radiant Assault (x6), Intensified Greater Shout (x4), Intensified Orb of Force (x4), Intensified Iceberg (x4), Intensified Maw of Chaos (x2), Intensified Exalted Fury (x2), Magic Miasma (x2), Greater Dragon Ally (x2), Absorption, Iceberg, Wings of Flurry (x2), Reaving Dispel, Radiant Assault (x2), Maw of Chaos (x2), Effulgent Epuration, Iceberg (x5), Magic Miasma, Iceberg (x3), Prismatic Deluge (x2), Reality Maelstrom, Wail of the Banshee, Power Word Kill, Weird, Ironguard (x3), Ironguard, Wings of Flurry (x3), Deadly Sunstroke (x2), Magic Miasma (x2), Iceberg (x3), Magic Miasma, Reality Maelstrom (x2), Superior Invisibility (x2)

    Druid Spells per day: 6/12/12/12/11/10/10/9/7/6/10/10/10/10/8/8/8/8/6/6/6/6/4/4/4/4

    Spells Prepared: Create Water, Guidance, Flare, Resistance, Know Direction (x2), Crabwalk (x3), Foundation of Stone, Healthful Rest (x2), Jump (x2), Kuo-Toa Skin (x4), Heart of Air, Tojanida Sight (x2), Earthbind (x2), Mark of the Outcast (x4), Halo of Sand, Thin Air (x2), Sleet Storm, Binding Snow (x3), Sink (x2), Heart of Water, Kelpstrand, Spirit Jaws (x2), Hypothermia, Wind Wall, Thalassemia, Control Water, Eye of the Hurricane (x3), Boreal Wind, Wall of Water (x3), Control Currents, Heart of Earth, Heart of Fire, Sirine's Grace, Commune With Nature, Wind Tunnel (x2), Call Avalanche (x2), Transmute Mud to Rock (x2), Flaywind Blast, Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Cat's Grace, Mass Owl's Wisdom, Snow Wave, Mudslide (x2), Dinosaur Stampede, Tortoise Shell, Bite of the Werebear, Cometfall, Storm of Elemental Fury (x2), Slime Wave, Rain of Roses (x2), Great Worm of the Earth (x2), Fire Storm (x2), Glacier, Reverse Gravity, Depthsurge, Flashflood, Maelstrom, Deadfall, Red Tide, Tsunami (x2), Greater Whirlwind (x2), Mass Drown (x2), Rain of Black Tulips (x2), Rain of Roses (x2), Leonal's Roar (x2), Poison Vines (x2), Cast In Stone, Unearthly Beauty, Intensified Thalassemia, Deadfall (x4), Depthsurge (x2), Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Cat's Grace, Mass Owl's Wisdom, Intensified Call Avalanche (x10), Intensified Spectral Dinosaurs (x5), Intensified Cometfall (x5), Intensified Fire Storm (x6), Intensified Storm of Elemental Fury (x2), Intensified Deadfall (x4), Intensified Glacier (x4), Intensified Tsunami (x4), Intensified Greater Whirlwind (x4), Greater Whirlwind (x4), Tsunami (x4), Flashflood (x2), Binding Snow (x4), Cometfall (x6), Firestorm (x2), Red Tide, Tsunami (x3), Deadfall (x2), Glacier (x2), Binding Snow (x2), Mudslide (x2), Transmute Mud to Rock (x2), Deadfall (x4), Tsunami (x4)

    Epic Spells per day: 6 (arcane)/6 (divine)

    Epic Spells Known (arcane): Contingent True Resurrection (x2), Second Chance Denied, Esoteric Aegis, Offend Not The Goddess, Spirit To Flesh

    Epic Spells Known (divine): Mirienemi's Kiss (x3), Storm of Slime (x2), Mirienemi's Blessing

    Second Chance Denied


    Spellcraft DC: 173

    Components: XP

    Casting Time: Quickened spell

    Duration: Contingent until triggered, then Instantaneous

    Range: See Text

    Target: One Creature

    Saving Throw: No

    Spell Resistance: No

    When cast, the spellcaster selects one creature as its target. The spell does not take effect until and unless the target dies and an effect that attempts to bring that target back to life (such as epic magic, epic psionics, or lower-level spells and powers like true resurrection, raise dead, resurrection, revenance, last breath, wish, alter reality, bend reality, reality revision, or miracle) go into effect. Second Chance Denied then activates, immediately preventing the resurrection and permanently destroying the targeted creature. A resounding and authoritative feminine voice thunders the word "NO!" across the heavens, accompanied by the brief visual image of a wrathful nymph maid pointing her index finger accusingly at the target.

    To Develop: 1,602,000 GP, 32 days, 64080 XP. Seed: Foresee (DC 17), Dispel (DC 19). Factors: Quickened Spell (+28), No verbal or somatic components (+4), Disallow a saving throw (+60), Ignore spell resistance (+50), Burn 500 XP (-5)

    Mirienemi's Kiss

    Conjuration (Healing)

    Spellcraft: 145

    Casting Time: Quickened spell

    Duration: Instantaneous

    Range: See Text

    Target: Caster and up to four other creatures

    Saving Throw: Will (harmless for caster)

    Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless for caster)

    With a thought the spellcaster heals herself and up to four others fully. This spell works as the Heal spell, save that the subject recovers all hit points and is cured of all afflictions, ability damage, and negative levels. An unwilling subject can make a Will save to resist this effect. There's a visual effect of rainbow light rippling over the subject for a few seconds and then bursting into a spray of prismatic butterflies flying into each injury and exploding in a tinkling sound. Each injury is instantly healed up. Within a few seconds the butterflies are gone on a rose-scented wind.

    To Develop: 1,305,000 GP, 26 days, 52,200 XP. Seed: Heal (25). Factors: Quickened spell (+28), No verbal or somatic components (+4), Dispelling negative levels (+2), Heals temporarily or permanently drained ability damage (+6).

    Offend Not The Goddess


    Spellcraft DC: 211

    Components: V, S, XP

    Casting Time: 1 standard action

    Duration: Contingent until triggered, then 24 hours

    Range: Personal

    Saving Throw: Yes (harmless)

    Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

    This potent spell was developed by Mirienemi long ago in preparation for battle against the wicked. Once cast the spell remains dormant until triggered by a hostile spell or psionic power. When the spell or power would hit, Offend Not The Goddess triggers, reflecting the spell or power back upon its' caster. The caster suffers the full effects of the spell or power at whatever spell level or manifester level was originally used, with the same save DC. In the case of Reaving Dispel, if the attacker fails in their dispel checks then their own magic is reaved and the beneficial effects go to Mirienemi. Harmful effects remain upon the reaved. This spell does not affect Mirienemi's own spells, so she can use her own spells upon herself without difficulty. She can choose to raise or lower the protection of this spell as an immediate action at will, allowing beneficial spells to take effect upon her. She can extend this protection to up to four allies at once and they too may use beneficial spells or powers upon themselves or their allies.

    To Develop: 1,899,000 GP, 38 days, 75,960 XP. Seed: Reflect (29), Reflect spells up to 10th level (+180), Increase duration by 100% (+2), Affect four additional targets (+40), Change from target to area (+4), Burn 4400 XP upon casting (-44).

    Spirit To Flesh


    Spellcraft DC: 173

    Casting Time: Quickened spell

    Duration: Permanent

    Range: 1000 ft. radius

    Saving Throw: No

    Spell Resistance: No

    Having experienced the joys and benefits of incorporeality Mirienemi realized how dangerous it could be in the hands of an enemy. Hence she created this spell to deal with ghost-like foes.

    When cast, Spirit To Flesh releases a pulse of gray energy that forces creatures in range to become corporeal (if incorporeal) or prevents them from assuming incorporeality. They lose all the benefits of incorporeality and all attackers gain a +4 bonus to attack them. The spellcaster chooses which creatures are affected, enabling her to spare allies this effect. Further, whether or not they were incorporeal to begin with, it pins the creatures where they were and blocks them from using any supernatural, extraordinary, psionic, magical, spell-like, or psi-like abilities, feats, or items that would transport it from its' current location. This energy field remains in place for the duration of the spell, affecting any other creature that enters it. Affected creatures can continue to take standard and full-round actions (including attacks). The spellcaster is immune from the effect of the spell and the field of energy moves with her.

    To Develop: 1,557,000 GP, 31 days, 62280 XP. Seed: Transform (21), Factors: Affects incorporeal creatures (+10), Ignores Spell Resistance (+50), Disallow a saving throw (+60), No verbal or somatic components (+4), Increase Area by 700 ft. (+28), Quickened spell (+28), Dismissible by caster (+2), Burn 3000 XP when casting (-30)

    Mirienemi's Blessing


    Spellcraft DC: 130

    Components: None

    Casting Time: Quickened spell

    Duration: Permanent

    Range: 600 ft.

    Saving Throw: Yes (harmless)

    Spell Resistance Yes (harmless)

    This spell was created by Mirienemi to endow her allies with the blessings of good. When cast, up to four creatures at a time find that their attacks become epic, silver, good-aligned, and chaotic-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Their weapons or unarmed attacks become capable of striking incorporeal creatures, and their armor (natural or otherwise) is capable of defending against incorporeal attacks. Their size increases by two categories (to a maximum of Colossal+) with all attendant bonuses and penalties, and receive a +20 boost to any two stats of Mirienemi's choosing, with the attendant rise in modifiers. Finally, they gain the ability to freely move underwater and breathe both water and air.

    To Develop: 1,170,000 GP, 23 days, 46,800 XP. Seeds: Fortify (DC 17), Armor (+14), Transform (DC 21). Factors: Quickened Spell (+28), Affect four targets (+40), No verbal or somatic components (+4), Increase range by 300 ft. (+6)

    Contingent True Resurrection

    Conjuration (Healing)

    Spellcraft DC: 94

    Components: None

    Casting Time: Quickened Spell

    Range: Touch

    Target: You or creature touched

    Duration: Contingent until expended, then instantaneous

    Saving Throw: None (see text)

    Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

    To Develop: 846,000 gp; 17 days; 33,840 XP. Seed: life

    (DC 27). Factors: activates when subject is slain (+25

    DC), no loss of level or Constitution when resurrected

    (ad hoc +10), Quickened spell (+28), No verbal or somatic components.

    Contingent true resurrection works as per contingent

    resurrection, save that the resurrected creature does not

    lose a level (or 1 point of Constitution if the subject was

    first level), and the time between death and resurrection

    is only 1 round.

    Esoteric Aegis


    Spellcraft DC: 175

    Components: None

    Casting Time: Quickened spell

    Range: 300 ft.

    Effect: 10-ft. radius emanation

    Duration: 24 hours

    Saving Throw: None

    Spell Resistance: No

    To Develop: 1,575,000 gp, 31 days, 63,000 XP. Seeds:

    ward (DC 14), transform (DC 21). Factors: gain +10

    bonus on DC to avoid being dispelled (ad hoc +20),

    make spell effect tenacious (as per the feat) (ad hoc +10),

    end dispel checks that fail to dispel this spell automatically

    (ad hoc +4), ward against mage’s disjunction (+16).

    Mitigating factors: Change from personal to area (+4), Change from area to target (+4), Add four other targets (+40), Quickened spell (+28), No verbal or somatic components (+4),

    The caster calls upon the very fabric of magic to fashion

    a ward to protect his own working of the Word from

    those that would tear it down. A shimmering, dusky

    globe surrounds the caster, intercepting any attempts to

    end his spells by means of dispel magic, or similar spells

    and epic spells, and providing a +10 bonus on the DC

    against which the dispel attempt must succeed. Any dispel

    attempt which succeeds can then proceed as normal,

    but Esoteric Aegis works as if under the effects of the

    Tenacious Magic feat, and thus cannot be dispelled, only

    suppressed for 1d4 rounds. Dispel attempts that fail are

    not entitled to checks against lesser spells within the area

    of effect (this differs from the usual procedure of area

    dispel magic attempts). Furthermore, mage’s disjunction

    is warded against in its entirety.

    Storm of Slime

    Conjuration (Summoning)

    Spellcraft DC: 166

    Components: None

    Casting Time: 1 standard action

    Duration: 1 round per level

    Range: 1,040 ft.

    Saving Throw: No

    Spell Resistance: No

    This potent spell was devised by Mirienemi to deal with exceptionally tough creatures immune to normal types of damage. When cast, Storm of Slime calls up massive clouds that unleash a deluge of green slime upon all in the area that the spellcaster designates (exempting allies as she wishes). This deadly slime is far more potent than the normal variety of green slime. Against organic creatures, the slime does 2d20 points of Constitution damage per round as it consumes them. Against wood or metal the damage increases to 2d20 of damage per round, ignoring the hardness of any metal. Stone is not affected by this slime. This green slime can be destroyed in all the ways that normal green slime can, but more green slime falls from the storm each round.

    To Develop: 1,494,000 GP, 30 days, 59,760 XP. Seed: Slime Wave (DC 26). Factors: Increase damage by four steps (+40), Increase range by 600 ft. (+12), Change area to four ten-foot cubes (+4), Increase area by 1000 ft. (+20), No verbal and somatic components (+4), Disallow a saving throw (+60)

    Major Artifacts Possessed: Lament of the Wicked, Nymph's Integrity, Clarity of Thought, Unbalanced Fate, Intangible Will

    Lament of the Wicked: This longbow of purest Frystalline was forged for Mirienemi in the time when the Gods were first establishing themselves in the cosmos. The mysterious deity who now sleeps beneath the mountains of Eronia on Elysium took pity on the confused, newly-deified nymph and crafted a weapon for her to defend herself with as she searched to find meaning for her new life. This elaborately-curved bow is of palest-gold crystal, with twining vines of mithral that support leaves of emerald and berries of ruby. Writing in Celestial and primal Sylvan is engraved into the bow. It reads: "Dear Mirienemi. May this bow protect you wherever you wander, my dear little dancer. Always remember that the light of hope can never be overcome, even in the depths of the blackest darkness." When Mirienemi joined with the forces of Good and took up the portfolio of Divine Retribution upon the death of another deific friend in combat, she took this bow to be her weapon of choice. Rarely has she drawn Lament of the Wicked, for she prefers to encourage mortals to rise up against evil on their own or to use her powers to aid them, but the deadliness of the weapon when she has used it has well earned it its name.

    Lament of the Wicked confers several effects to its' holder. First, merely possessing the bow (drawn or not) grants the holder the benefits of the following spells: True Seeing, Guided Shot, Critical Strike, Hunter's Mercy, Find the Gap, and Haste. The bow automatically produces arrows when its' mithral string is drawn. The number of arrows is equivalent to the number that the holder can fire on a full attack. Further, the holder can choose what types of arrows are produced as an immediate mental action. Arrows so produced can have up to a +10 bonus and be of any material or substance known to the holder. This semi-sentient bow is attuned to Mirienemi and resists being removed from her against her will. Anytime a person or force tries to remove Lament of the Wicked from Mirienemi, the bow gets not only a Strength check, but also a Will roll (at Mirienemi's Will DC). If both fail then the bow is removed. However, the bow automatically teleports or flies (whichever is more effective) back to Mirienemi at the start of her next turn. Lament of the Wicked has the effects of the Dread (Evil Outsiders), Holy, Impedance, Ghost Touch, Unerring Accuracy, and Maiming weapon traits. The arrows that it shoots ignore an opponent's AC bonus from cover. Finally, Lament of the Wicked is treated as epic, chaotic and good for the purpose of overcoming DR.

    Lament of the Wicked can be destroyed only by immersion in the Venom Fount or by being destroyed by the God who forged it.

    Nymph's Integrity: During her wanderings across reality Mirienemi saw the rise of planes devoted to law and chaos, to good and to evil. In her early days as a deity of good she traveled into the Gray Waste of Hades in pursuit of a wicked archmage of great power who had fled from the wrath of the citizens he'd once oppressed. The traits of the dark plane were a hindrance to Miri as she battled, and once the defeated archmage was returned to his world to face his fate at the hands of a lynch mob, Miri decided that she had to do something to prevent such problems in the future. Thus was born Nymph's Integrity.

    Nymph's Integrity is a pendant forged of platinum and mithral links. A simple crystal of deepest blue, a gift from a clan of Bariaur Miri once helped, is held within a mithral filigree. When worn, the pendant creates both a consecrated area and a persistent planar bubble effect (as the spell) about the wearer as well as up to four subjects of the wearer's choosing, enabling them to emulate the traits of their native reality no matter where they go. Nymph's Integrity also grants immunity to fire, cold, acid, electricity, and sonic damage and effects, as well as immunity to the effects of immersion in any deadly liquid.

    Nymph's Integrity can only be destroyed on the Plane of Mirrors, by being brought into direct contact with its' opposite version on Mirienemi's mirror-self.

    Unbalanced Fate: Mirienemi well knows that fate can be an unfair thing at times. Though devoted to both chaos and good, she has often seen the innocent struck down by a fate that seemed cruel or needless. It was this imbalance of destiny that inspired her to create this defensive artifact for herself.

    Unbalanced Fate appears as a wispy, flowing dress that reveals much of both the leg and the cleavage. It is a deep midnight-blue in color, gold-trimmed at the edges, with swirling indigo that moves and ripples along its' length as if alive. Each thread contains a deep, internal gleam that creates patterns of swirling light before the eyes of those who look at it.

    When worn, Unbalanced Fate creates a number of effects. First and foremost, anyone who strikes at the wearer of Unbalanced Fate with a weapon (including unarmed strikes), spell, power, class ability, spell-like ability, psi-like ability, or supernatural or extraordinary ability becomes instantly fatelinked to the wearer (no save). The attacker takes the negatives of this link. Any damage done to the wearer is done in full to the fatelinked other (s). If the damage is of a type (i.e. acid damage), the fatelinked other (s) takes the typed damage as well. Additionally, the fatelinked other (s) receives a luck penalty to their attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and caster/manifester level checks equal to the wearer's class level or divine rank, whichever is lower. This penalty stacks with any other penalty the fatelinked other (s) is currently under. If the wearer of Unbalanced Fate is killed, all others they are fatelinked to instantly die (deities and cosmic beings get a rank check to avoid this; if they succeed on the rank check then a successful Fort save negates all damage and an unsuccessful one results in half damage). Unbalanced Fate can fatelink a number of people equal to the character level of the wearer or the wearer's divine rank, whichever is lower.

    Additionally, the wearer of Unbalanced Fate gains the benefits of any magical or psionic enhancements and defenses of those they are fatelinked to, as well as the benefits of any supernatural, spell-like, psi-like, or extraordinary abilities they may have. They cannot use the fatelinked's spells, powers, supernatural or extraordinary abilities, but they do receive the benefits of said abilities when they are used. The wearer receives the benefit of any healing or buffing spell the fatelinked casts on themselves during the duration of the link. The wearer does not take any damage or the negative effects of spells, powers, spell-like or psi-like abilities, or supernatural or extraordinary abilities that the fatelinked suffers during the time of the link. The fatelink lasts for a number of hours equal to the wearer's character level or divine rank (whichever is lower); until the wearer chooses to break off the link, or until Unbalanced Fate is willingly removed.

    Unbalanced Fate can only be destroyed by being left within a doldrum on the Negative Energy Plane for three days.

    Clarity of Thought: As a Goddess of Chaos, Mirienemi once felt obligated to explore the inherent chaos in the minds of mortals. To that end she entered the Plane of Dreams and sought out the Dreamheart. Enchanted as she was by the sheer variety of dreamscapes, Miri soon realized that some mortals feared the chaos in their hearts. That fear was what allowed the likes of devils and tyrants to take over, with their promises of easing the confusion. Going one step further, Miri wondered if there was a realm where the chaos of deities was made manifest. Fond as she is of change and growth, Miri has no desire to experience insanity. Hence she created Clarity of Thought.

    Clarity of Thought is a circlet of gold with a crystal orb of iridescent indigo mounted in it. Although simple in appearance this artifact grants amazing power. The wearer of Clarity of Thought is immune to all fear and compulsion effects, as well as all gaze attacks. In addition, the headband creates a zone of intense psionic "static" in its' vicinity when worn. Psionic powers are greatly impeded in the presence of the artifact, requiring an additional 30 power points per level of the manifestation to even function. For example, a 1st-level power would require 30 points plus the normal cost to manifest. This effect is not permanent as it moves with the wearer. Once the wearer moves out of range or removes Clarity of Thought psionic powers can be manifested at their normal cost again. Finally, at will as a free mental action, Clarity of Thought can be commanded to produce a zone of celestial brilliance (as the Exalted spell). This brilliance can be turned off just as easily.

    Clarity of Thought can only be destroyed in the Soul Forges of Moradin, or by casting it into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone in Phelgethos, the Fourth Perdition of Hell.

    Intangible Will: This pair of white gloves might appear to be harmless bits of near-transparent fabric, but looks can be deceiving. The gloves were created by Mirienemi due to an inspiration she had. In her early wanderings she befriended a wizard who had discovered the joys of intangibility. He showed this to the young divinity and she realized that this would be something she'd like to experience on multiple occasions. She would often visit with her friend and the two would travel his world as ghosts, seeing what others thought was concealed. When her wizard friend neared the end of his life, he taught the secrets of intangibility to Miri, so that she could continue to have adventures after he was gone. It was for this reason that she fashioned Intangible Will.

    When worn, Intangible Will enables their wearer to go incorporeal or to regain corporeality at will as an immediate action. They also prevent an incorporeal wearer from being forced into corporeality against their will and vice-versa. Intangible Will also grants immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks, the benefits of the Improved Evasion ability (regardless of whether the wearer already has Evasion or not) and enables the wearer to move objects through telekinesis at their fastest move speed while incorporeal.

    Intangible Will can only be destroyed by grinding them (while corporeal and worn) between two of the continent-sized floating cubes of Acheron.

    Starting Gold: 85,780,800 GP

    Remaining Gold: 46,494,648 GP

    Bought: Bag of Holding (IV)-10,000

    Rod of Excellent Magic (x8)-5,200,000

    Rod of The Path-306,870

    Ioun Stone (pale green prism)-30,000

    Ioun Stone (orange prism)-30,000

    Greater Metamagic Rod of Sculpting (x4)-98,000

    Staff of Nature's Fury-500,000

    Staff of Prism-326,812

    Ring of Arcane Might-20,000

    Ring of Sequester-300,000


    Ring of Universal Elemental Immunity

    Ring of Arcane Might-20,000

    Created: Belt of the Divine Wind: This belt of worked platinum and ruby links that bears the image of a nymph bore aloft on a whirlwind on its' silver buckle. It grants a +12 bonus to Dexterity.-1,440,000 +24,400 XP

    Perceptive Mind: This facemask is carved of purest white pearl and fits neatly over Mirienemi's face. It is carved to exactly mimic Mirienemi's own face in all appearance. It grants a +20 bonus to Wisdom.-6,000,000+70,000 XP

    Quickened Thoughts: These spiraling bands of iridescent crystal attach to the ankles of the wearer and extend up to the mid-calf. Tiny golden bells are attached to the bands. Quickened Thoughts grants a +8 bonus to Intelligence.-960,000+19,200 XP

    Nymph's Eternal Beauty: This transparent cloak of lavender silk attaches at the shoulders and wrists, flowing with the wearer's movements. Reflective threads sewn into the cape cause it to sparkle. Nymph's Eternal Beauty provides a +20 bonus to Charisma.-4,000,000+80,000 XP

    Resolve of the Deity: These armbands are forged of iridescent crystal that reflect colors in prismatic displays of light. When both are worn they provide a +20 bonus to Constitution. -4,000,000+80,000 XP.

    Divinità con 70 dadi vita, ovviamente un caster.

    Link originale:

    Se cerchi in quel thread ci sono altre costruzioni "interessanti".

    Ovviamente castano epico arcano o divino (spesso entrambi)

    Attenzione che il buy point usato è per le divinità secondo un manuale alquanto particolare, mi pare fosse un buy point 250 1 a 1.

  14. un altra cosa interessante sarebbe

    guerriero1/bardo6/abjurant champion1/accordo sublime1/abjurant champion+4/cavaliere mistico7

    così hai LI 18, incantesimi arcani di 9° livello e un BaB di +17/+12/+7/+2

    Non qualifica, l ' accordo sublime richiede 13 ranks in alcune skill, tutta via basta rimescolare i livelli e ci si arriva comunque.

    E' interessante un incrocio tra crusader e bardo.

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