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E'Chilla Lossea'n


Messaggio consigliato

Rea u'fisithan o'nomelia,

aissi rea narail in e'llymat ea elen lhossenne,

in il nerdea chi'gilia, ila edu sunil,

in il balenne on edaur

Ila sille glath, llo'rodhin sin llydila, rea e'thimennel.

E'lunn ulunewa chifelia sin elen ede nuidirie,

edil ath anwe sell ora iel aesemaliewa.

In ila lonilissethe aissi ila nechidenethe si'galefi

in elen mellethe chi nedel.

Elen wa lenn, elen wa lenn imi e'chilla lossea'n.

Nith, felde eth thinia nys illea midhami can nadh e'chilla.

E'lunn ulunewa chifelia sin elen ede nuidirie,

edil ath anwe sell ora iel aesemaliewa.


The city ignites

It's a midnight swim,

when it is late and the air is all clear,

and I remember that evening, you on the floor,

and I was attached to the ceiling.

Look behind, that glass in your mouth, is what I am due for.

The sun will set tonight on all the lonely dreamers,

only to rise again, so we can start it over.

And you were right when you wishper in my ear,

and all became so clear.

It's gonna be all right, everything will be all right even if the city ignites.

Now to, get back to the room where there's windows as large as the city.

The sun will set tonight on all the lonely dreamers,

only to rise again, so we can start it over.

Testo di: 36 crazyfists - Rest inside the Flame (2006)

Traduzione di: NoKtA

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