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Commenti profilo inviato da Mythrandir

  1. RT @NYTScience: Seven Earth-size planets that could potentially harbor life have been discovered orbiting a tiny, nearby star…

  2. Ciao! Non so se hai visto ma ho allegato la scheda del paladino per "Un Delicato Equilibrio" nel mio ultimo post nel topic di servizio. E' un pdf e, come dice il titolo, è un Work In Progress. P.S.: cancella un po' di PM, sennò non possiamo mandartene ;)

  3. RT @TaylorMGorham: Cool to see MSC focussing on women in the fishing industry!

  4. RT @NFPower: Thanks to our hard working crews. Stay safe everyone.

  5. This is beautifully amazing!

  6. RT @IvoHDaalder: 1/ Sorry, Mr. President, that’s not how NATO works. The US decides for itself how much it contributes to defending NATO. h…

  7. It's happening... #fieldwork #TERG #nl #berries

  8. Ai miei giocatori o DM: ai primi di Agosto (2-8) sarò in città per qualche giorno e - prometto - risponderò in tutti i PbF in cui sono impegnato. Portate pazienza ancora una settimana circa. Grazie :)

  9. #fieldwork day 16: of the ecologically-creative uses of peanut butter and jam. #nl #TERG #TNNP

  10. RT @envczk: Marine Species up for listing at the next CITES meeting (only Thresher sharks have Canadian range) #IMCC4…

  11. This is when you know you made the right decision in saving that #Kobo gift card ever since #Xmas #HP #Gryffindor

  12. Humpback Whale tail shot. Boom! #NL #sneakyholiday

  13. RT @OceanChampions: The world's oldest #orca is looking spry at 105 years old!

  14. RT @TravHeckford: Just saying.

  15. RT @elijahwood: “That little droid and I have been through a lot together” Farewell, Mr. Baker. We can hear R2′s mournful tone.

  16. And that's a wrap on #fieldwork for the #TERG vegetation sampling!!! Well done @TravHeckford! Now just a few more nights of SSH trapping...

  17. Dear Religion&Government here's a crazy idea: why don't we let everyone wear whatever the hell they want? Plzthx

  18. Ogni cicatrice è un autografo di Dio. E aveva la penna ben carica... #fieldwork #TERG #TNNP #nl

  19. First Monday back at @MemorialU. Feels weird sitting back at a desk… #TERG #fieldwork #nl

  20. RT @ParksCanadaNL: Traffic Notice - Temporary closure of TCH at Tide Waters in #TerraNovaNP Sat Aug 27 3-3:30 PM Pl…

  21. RT @thereaIbanksy: Progress?

  22. True story.

  23. Destiny. #PhD #nl #Turin

  24. RT @AstroKatie: Can only imagine that those yelling about #DACA & the Rule of Law would have found baby Moses in the river & told him to sw…

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