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Questa è la tua canzone... Two non lo sai...

Aerys II

Messaggio consigliato

A chi, nella parola guerra, pensa di vederci qualcosa di buono.

Rise Against

Hero of War

He said "Son, have you seen the world?

Well, what would you say if I said that you could?

Just carry this gun and you'll even get paid."

I said "That sounds pretty good."

Black leather boots

Spit-shined so bright

They cut off my hair but it looked alright

We marched and we sang

We all became friends

As we learned how to fight

A hero of war

Yeah that's what I'll be

And when I come home

They'll be damn proud of me

I'll carry this flag

To the grave if I must

Because it's a flag that I love

And a flag that I trust

I kicked in the door

I yelled my commands

The children, they cried

But I got my man

We took him away

A bag over his face

From his family and his friends

They took off his clothes

They pissed in his hands

I told them to stop

But then I joined in

We beat him with guns

And batons not just once

But again and again

A hero of war

Yeah that's what I'll be

And when I come home

They'll be damn proud of me

I'll carry this flag

To the grave if I must

Because it's a flag that I love

And a flag that I trust

She walked through bullets and haze

I asked her to stop

I begged her to stay

But she pressed on

So I lifted my gun

And I fired away

The shells jumped through the smoke

And into the sand

That the blood now had soaked

She collapsed with a flag in her hand

A flag white as snow

A hero of war

Is that what they see

Just medals and scars

So damn proud of me

And I brought home that flag

Now it gathers dust

But it's a flag that I love

It's the only flag I trust

He said, "Son, have you seen the world?

Well what would you say, if I said that you could?"

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Don't Cry

If we could see tomorrow

What of your plans

No one can live in sorrow

Ask all your friends

Times that you took in stride

They're back in demand

I was the one who's washing

Blood off your hands

Don't you cry tonight

I still love you baby

Don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry tonight

I know the things you wanted

They're not what you have

With all the people talkin'

It's drivin' you mad

If I was standin' by you

How would you feel

Knowing your love's decided

And all love is real

Ooh Baby

An don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

Don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry tonight

I thought I could live in your world

As years all went by

With all the voices I've heard

Something has died

And when you're in need of someone

My heart won't deny you

So many seem so lonely

With no one left to cry to baby

An don't you cry tonight

An don't you cry tonight

An don't you cry tonight

There's a heaven above you baby

And don't you cry

Don't you ever cry

Don't you cry tonight

Baby maybe someday

Don't you cry

Don't you ever cry

Don't you cry



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Vinicio Capossela - Ultimo Amore

Fresca era l'aria di giugno

e la notte sentiva l'estate arrivar

Tequila, Mariachi e Sangria

la fiesta invitava a bere e a ballar

lui curvo e curioso taceva

una storia d'amore cercava

guardava le donne degli altri

parlare e danzare

e quando la notte è ormai morta

gli uccelli sono soliti il giorno annunciar

le coppie abbracciate son prime

a lasciare la fiesta per andarsi ad amar

la pista ormai vuota restava

lui stanco e sudato aspettava

lei per scherzo girò la sua gonna

e si mise a danzar

lei aveva occhi tristi e beveva

volteggiava e rideva ma pareva soffrir

lui parlava stringeva ballava

guardava quegli occhi e provava a capir

e disse son zoppo per amore

la donna mia m'ha spezzato il cuore

lei disse il cuore del mio amore

non batterà mai più

e dopo al profumo dei fossi

a lui parve in quegli occhi potere veder

lo stesso dolore che spezza le vene

che lascia sfiniti la sera

la luna altre stelle pregava

che l'alba imperiosa cacciava

lei raccolse la gonna spaziosa

e ormai persa ogni cosa

presto lo seguì

piangendo urlando e godendo

quella notte lei con lui si unì

spingendo, temendo e abbracciando quella notte

lui con lei capì

che non era avvizzito il suo cuore

e già dolce suonava il suo nome

sciolse il suo voto d'amore

e a lei si donò

poi d'estate bevendo e scherzando

una nuova stagione a lui parve venir

lui parlava inventava giocava

lei a volte ascoltava e si pareva divertir

ma giunta che era la sera

girata nel letto piangeva

pregava potere dal suo amore

riuscire a ritornar

e un giorno al profumo dei fossi

lui invano aspettò di vederla arrivar

scendeva ormai il buio e trovava

soltanto la rabbia e il silenzio di sera

la luna altre stelle pregava

che l'alba imperiosa cacciava

restava l'angoscia soltanto

e il feroce rimpianto

per non vederla ritornar

il treno è un lampo infuocato

se si guarda impazziti il convoglio venir

un momento, un pensiero affannato

e la vita è rapita senza altro soffrir

la poteron riconoscere soltanto

dagli anelli bagnati dal suo pianto

il pianto di quell'ultimo suo amore

dovuto abbandonar

lui non disse una sola parola

no, non dalla sua gola un sospiro fuggì

i gendarmi son bruschi nei modi

se da questi episodi non han da ricavar

così resto solo a ricordare

il liquore pareva mai finire

e dentro quel vetro rivide

una notte d'amor

quando dopo al profumo dei fossi

a lui parve in quegli occhi potere veder

lo stesso dolore che spezza le vene

che lascia sfiniti la sera

la luna altre stelle pregava

che l'alba imperiosa cacciava

a lui restò solo il rancore

per quel breve suo amore

che mai dimenticò

Vinicio Capossela - Decervellamento

Canzone tratta da una poesia ottocentesca contro la pena di morte....almeno credo...

Per molto tempo fui ebanista

operaio in borgo d'Ognissanti

mia moglie lì faceva la modista

e in questo modo tiravamo avanti

Quando la domenica era bella

ci vestivamo a festa per andar

in via dell'Euchadé tanto per fare

contenti di veder decervellare

I nostri due marmocchi impiastricciati

brandendo lieti i miseri balocchi

salivan su con noi nella vettura

felici correvamo in via Euchadé

Strozzati tutti quanti allo steccato

menando colpi per meglio veder

cercando sotto i piedi un asse o un sasso

per non sporcar di sangue gli scarponi

Venite, vedete, la macchina girar

Dal ricco ammirate la testa via volar

Eccoci bianchicci di cervella

i pargoli ne mangiano e noi pure

il palotino affetta con livore

e le ferite e i piombi ci godiamo

Poi vedo sulla macchina spaurito

un brutto ceffo che mi torna poco

ti riconosco in faccia bel tomino

ci hai derubati e non mi fai pietà

A un tratto per la manica mi tira

La sposa mia che avanza con premura

Ma sbattigli sul muso un bel piastrone

Che il palotino si è girato in là

Sentendo il suo superbo ragionare

Mi gonfio di coraggio e da insolente

Di merdra al ricco tiro una gran piastra

Che in faccia al palotino si spatacca

Di colpo oltre il recinto son menato

Dalla folla inferocita strapazzato

E son caduto dritto a testa in giù

Nel vortice da cui non torni più

Venite, vedete, la macchina girar

Dal ricco ammirate la testa via volar

Ecco cosa capita a chi ignaro

Passeggia per veder decervellar

In via dell'euchadé da malaccorti

Si parte vivi e si ritorna morti

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Questa la dedico a chi vuole o deve ritrovare la forza per recuperare un rapporto, a chi si sente scoraggiato dall'umana incapacità di comunicare con i propri simili.

Anche se possediamo due orecchie ed una sola bocca, siamo molto più bravi a parlare che ad ascoltare.

Respirare - Jang Senato

Come vedi non lo so

se è più difficile volare basso

che arrivare a piedi fino alle tue spiagge per i tuoi sentieri.

Forse ancora non lo sai

che voglio bene solo a voce bassa,

non aver paura di saper nuotare

con le mani in tasca.

E per sempre sarai

una timida attesa,

per sempre sarai

la mia vita sospesa.

E non ho voglia di respirare

in questa lacrima di dolore,

dimmi come posso fare

a ritrovare le parole nuove

per dirti ancora ti voglio bene,

per dirti ancora rimaniamo insieme.

In questa goccia di memoria,

sei sempre tu la mia dolce storia.

Credo che ripartirò,

ma è già difficile sfidare il mare

delle tue parole

su piccole navi

senza più motore.

Dimmi allora ciò che vuoi.

Se gli anni sfidano i miei cinque sensi,

guardo da vicino,

ma non vedo niente,

solo il tuo mattino.

E per sempre sarai

una timida attesa,

per sempre sarai

la mia vita sospesa.

E non ho voglia di respirare

in questa lacrima di dolore,

dimmi come posso fare

a ritrovare le parole nuove

per dirti ancora ti voglio bene,

per dirti ancora rimaniamo insieme.

In questa goccia di memoria,

sei sempre tu la mia dolce storia

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Quanto ci speravo :heartbeat:

Devo-Turning japanese

I've got your picture of me and you

You wrote "I love you" I love you too

I sit there staring and there's nothing else to do

Oh it's in color Your hair is brown

Your eyes are hazel And soft as clouds

I often kiss you when there's no one else around

I've got your picture, I've got your picture

I'd like a million of them all round my cell

I asked the doctor to take your picture

So I can look at you from inside as well

You've got me turning up and turning down

And turning in and turning 'round

I'm turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

I'm turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

I've got your picture, I've got your picture

I'd like a million of them all round my cell

I want the doctor to take your picture

So I can look at you from inside as well

You've got me turning up and turning down and turning in and turning 'round

I'm turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

I'm turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

No sex, no drugs, no wine, no women

No fun, no sin, no you, no wonder it's dark

Everyone around me is a total stranger

Everyone avoids me like a psyched lone-ranger Everyone

That's why I'm turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

I'm turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

(think so think so think so)

Turning Japanese

I think I'm turning Japanese

I really think so

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E' da un po di tempo che mi ritrovo a canticchiare questa canzone:

Rancid- Arrested in shanghai

They assured me I was guilty but I commited no crim

They said confessions bring lenience so they put me on the line

So I protest the massacres at the Tiananmen Square

My friends said yo, stay away man, you better not go fucking back there

They wouldn't let me write about my opinions about the state

And freedom of expression they would never tolerate

And the military secrets that I never did steal

I didn't start no violence, and there was nobody that I killed

So I have a clear account of all the abuses of power

And the memories of my homeland have now gone sour

And I only got one weapon, its so plain for me to see

My only weapon I call.. poetry

And I don't even know why

The truth seems like a lie

In my cell there is no sky

When I was arrested in Shanghai

Into wealth and priveledge, huh, I was not born

But a devotion to freedom and liberty, I was sworn

So every emotion is studdied, watched and controlled

Who gets paid, who gets disciplined, who gets rolled

A transmitter beams my coordinates anywhere on earth

And radio waves, surveilance, satellite burst

Open up your skull and let some knowledge come in

Crack open the cranium and let awareness begin.......

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A tutti coloro che hanno figli o sono bimbi dentro (a me sta canzone piace! :-D)

Il gatto puzzolone

Miao, miao, miao, miao, miao,

Miao, miao, miao, miao, miao.

In fondo al mio cortile, c'è un tipo peperino

Lo chiaman Puzzolone ma era un bel gattino

Ha i baffi da tigrotto, lo sguardo malandrino

Ha i denti così gialli che sembra un canarino!

Sembra un canarino!

E' un gatto prepotente e per quell'odorino,

I gatti del cortile si tappano il nasino.

E' un gatto così nero che sembra Calimero,

Neanche San Tommaso ci metterebbe il naso.

Il gatto Puzzolone è allergico al sapone,

Non ha più un pelo bianco

Perché non fa mai lo shampoo.

Mi sembra appena uscito da un tornado Uhh!!!

Se gli fai la doccia, ti fa il brodo senza dado... Bleah!!!

Il gatto Puzzolone è allergico al sapone,

Non ha più un pelo bianco

Perché non fa mai lo shampoo,

Si ostina a non lavarsi No!!!

E ne conosco tanti Si!!!

Che vogliono imitarlo, bambini ma anche grandi!

Il gatto Puzzolone è allergico al sapone,

Non ha più un pelo bianco

Perché non fa mai lo shampoo.

Si ostina a non lavarsi e ne conosco tanti

Che vogliono imitarlo, bambini ma anche grandi!

Il gatto gatto... Miao!

Il gatto gatto... Miao!

Il gatto Puzzolone è proprio fetentone!

Il gatto gatto... Miao!

Il gatto gatto... Miao!

Gatto sei simpatico ma fatti un po' più in là!

Miao, miao, miao, miao, miao,

Miao, miao, miao, miao, miao.

Ha i piedi così neri, che sembrano stivali

E quando lui arriva se ne vanno anche i maiali!

E' un gatto così nero che sembra Calimero

Ed anche un marziano starebbe un po' lontano!

Il gatto Puzzolone è allergico al sapone

Non ha più un pelo bianco

Perché non fa mai lo shampoo.

Mi sembra appena uscito da un tornado Uhhh!!!

Se gli fai la doccia ti fa il brodo senza dado... Bleah!!!

Il gatto Puzzolone è allergico al sapone,

Non ha più un pelo bianco

Perché non fa mai lo shampoo,

Si ostina a non lavarsi No!!!

E ne conosco tanti Si!!!

Che vogliono imitarlo, bambini ma anche grandi!

Il gatto Puzzolone è allergico al sapone

Non ha più un pelo bianco

Perché non fa mai lo shampoo

Si ostina a non lavarsi e ne conosco tanti

Che vogliono imitarlo, bambini ma anche grandi!

Miao, miao! Miao, miao!

Il gatto Puzzolone è proprio fetentone!

Miao, miao! Miao, miao!

Gatto sei simpatico ma fatti un po' più in là!

Gatto sei simpatico ma fatti un po' più in là!!!

Ed ecco il link.

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Si,perche' si.

Gigi d'agostino-The riddle

I got two strong arms.

Blessings of Babylon time to carry on

and try for sins and false alarms

so to American the brave wise man save.


Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground.

Where an old man of iron goes around and around.

And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night.

For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right

But he'll never never fight over you.

I got time to kill.

Sly looks in corridors without a plan of yours.

A blackbird sings on bluebird hill.

Thanks to the calling of the wild

wise mens child.

{Refrain end}

I got plans for us

Nights in the scullery

And days instead of me

I only know what to discuss

Oh, for anything but light

Wise men fighting over you

It's not me you see.

Pieces of valentine

And just a song of mine.

To keep from burning history

Seasons of gasoline and gold

Wise men fold.


Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground.

Where an old man of iron goes around and around.

And his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night.

For a strange kind of fashion there's a wrong and a right

But he'll never never fight over you.

I got time to kill.

Sly looks in corridors without a plan of yours.

A blackbird sings on bluebird hill.

Thanks to the calling of the wild

wise mens child.

{Refrain end}

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Un profondo rock sta nel grido di un uomo... e anche oggi il mare d'inverno a mietuto un cuore...

Poison Roses - Dario Mollo & Tony Martin

Looking back, I can see how we were wrong,

Both of us were just too strong,

And still we feel the same,

Foolish eyes, they don't see behind the face,

Deep inside this lonely place,

Broken hearts are filled with pain.

I gave you truth, you didn't want it,

I gave you future, you didn't want it,

I gave you all of me, but I was blind, oh yeah.

I gave you peace, you didn't want it,

I gave you strength, you didn't want it,

I gave you promises and in return,

You gave me pain, and poison roses,

Oh you fooled me once again,

With poison roses.

l close my eyes, and all my senses fill with you,

It hurts to think that I loved you, but feelings lie to deep for tears,

And even more, I thought that you was paradise,

Like whispers to a willing mind, I died on every word you said.

l gave you truth, you didn't want it,

l gave you future, you didn't want it,

l gave you all of me, but I was blind, oh yeah,

l gave you peace, you didn't want it,

l gave you strength, you didn't want it

l gave you promises and in return,

You gave me pain, and poison roses,

Oh you fooled me once again, with poison roses.

I should have known better, I should have seen it coming my way, coming my way, coming my way, If only I'd noticed, I was blinded, I should have felt the pain, I was fooled again, by the poison roses.

Poison, poison, poison, poison, poison, poison, poison, poison you fooled me once again.

You gave me pain, and poison roses,

Oh you fooled me once again, with poison roses.

All I wanted, poison roses, was someone I could hold, with spirit and a little soul.

All I needed, poison roses, was someone I could love, I really thought it was,

But when I close my eyes, poison roses, all I see is you, take me for a fool,

Thought that I found, poison roses, everything in you, but nothing's further from the truth.

Oh baby, the lies that you told me, poison roses, they're coming back on you,

And I want nothing more from you oh no, just go, poison roses should have felt the pain,

You fooled me once again, oh poison roses.

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Perchè la sto ascoltando ora e mi intrippa un casino...

Iron maiden

Flight of Icarus

As the sun breaks above the ground

An old man stands on the hill

As the ground warms to the first rays of light

A birdsong shatters the still

His eyes are ablaze

See the madman in his gaze

Fly on your way like an eagle

Fly as high as the sun

On your wings like an eagle

Fly and touch the sun

Now the crowd breaks and a young boy appears

Look the old man in his eyes

As he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowd

In the name of God my father I fly

His eyes seem so glazed

As he flies on the wings of a dream

Now he knows his father betrayed

Now his wings burn to ashes to ashes his grave

Fly on your way like an eagle

Fly as high as the sun

On your wings like an eagle

Fly and touch the sun

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Questa la dedico a me e alla situazione frustrante che sto vivendo... :-( ma quando arriva la felicità?

Un cuore malato - Gigi D'Alessio e Lara Fabian

Se finira'

questa avventura

so che sara'

pittosto dura

Questo grande arcobaleno

non puo' sciogliere

il veleno che io dovro' bere insieme a te

Tu come stai

io sto già male

e tu lo sai

che sara' uguale

camminare nella solitudine

Una vita nuova non e' facile

non possiamo cancellare

questo nostro grande amore

Un cuore malato fa male perche'

batte forte soltanto per te

e sa che una speranza non c'e'

E' un abitudine per me

Ma se piangi come faccio a crederti

Tu lo sai sono disposta a perderti

io non voglio far soffrire te

Un cuore malato fa male perche'

batte forte soltanto per te

e sa che una speranza non c'e'

E' un abitudine per me

Io posso morire

No tu non lo devi dire

Come posso stare senza te

Lasciare te

e' innaturale

e sento che mi fa gia' male

Viverti cosi'

non e' possibile

Io non posso certamente perderti

Non dobbiamo cancellare

Questo nostro grande amore

Un cuore malato fa male perche'

batte forte soltanto per te

e sa che una speranza non c'e'

E' un abitudine per me

Ma se piangi come faccio a crederti

Tu lo sai sono disposta a perderti

io non voglio far soffrire te

Una fiamma dentro il cuore

brucera' ogni nuovo amore

non c'e' vita vera senza te

Non c'e' vita vera senza a a a a

Un cuore malato fa male perche'

batte forte soltanto per te

e sa che una speranza non c'e'

E' un abitudine per me

Io posso morire

No tu non lo devi dire

Come posso stare senza te

  • Mi piace 1
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Forse arriverà quando smetterai di ascoltare Gigi D'Alessio...

Gigggi lo ascolta pure mia madre e me lo sono dovuto sorbire diverse volte...Giga volte meglio Angelo Cavallaro

Anzi, visto che ci sono la dedico a tutti i fan di Gigggi D'Alessione

Il testo non riesco a metterlo perché 1- non riesco a reperirlo e 2- perché ci sono parti della canzone che non riesco a decifrare

Buon ascolto

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Sono tornato da qualche ora dal concerto in quel di Milano (ma io ci abito a Milano, quindi non è stata nemmeno una trasferta ^^) dell'accoppiata Turisas & Dragonforce, due band che a me piacciono moltissimo. E volevo condividere con voi il testo di una canzone dei Boney M, di cui i Turisas hanno fatto una cover che mi fa impazzire.

Per tutti quelli che c'erano al concerto, ieri sera, e per tutti quelli che avrebbero dovuto esserci.


There lived a certain man in Russia long ago.

He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow.

Most people looked at him with terror and with fear.

But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear.

He could preach the bible like a preacher,

Full of ecstasy and fire.

But he also was the kind of teacher,

Women would desire.


Lover of the Russian queen,

There was a cat that really was gone.


Russia's greatest love machine,

It was a shame how he carried on.

He ruled the Russian land and never mind the tsar.

But the kasachok he danced really wunderbar.

In all affairs of state he was the man to please.

But he was real great when he had a girl to squeeze.

For the queen he was no wheeler dealer,

Though she'd heard the things he'd done.

She believed he was a holy healer,

Who would heal her son.


Lover of the Russian queen,

There was a cat that really was gone.


Russia's greatest love machine,

It was a shame how he carried on.

But when he’s drinking and musting,

And hungers of power became note to more and more people,

Their demands to do something about this outrageous man,

Grew louder and louder.

"This man's just got to go!" declared his enemies,

But the ladies begged "Don't you try to do it, please".

No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms,

Though he was a brute they just fell into his arms.

Then one night some men of higher standing,

Set a trap, they're not to blame.

"Come to visit us" they kept demanding,

And he really came.


Lover of the Russian queen,

They put some poison into his wine.


Russia's greatest love machine,

He drank it all and he said "I feel fine".


Lover of the Russian queen,

They didn't quit, they wanted his head.


Russia's greatest love machine,

And so they shot him till he was dead.

Oh those Russians.

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Sono più in un periodo da questa, ma visto che l'ho già postata questa può andare più che bene. Perché sì, insomma, che succede?

What's up - 4 non blondes

Twenty - five years and my life is still

Trying to get up that great big hill of hope

For a destination

And I realized quickly when I knew I should

That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man

For whatever that means

And so I cry sometimes

When I'm lying in bed

Just to get it all out

What's in my head

And I am feeling a little peculiar

And so I wake in the morning

And I step outside

And I take a deep breath and I get real high

And I scream at the top of my lungs

What's going on?

And I say, hey hey hey hey

I said hey, what's going on?

Ooh, ooh ooh

And I try, oh my god do I try

I try all the time, in this institution

And I pray, oh my god do I pray

I pray every single day

For a revolution

And so I cry sometimes

When I'm lying in bed

Just to get it all out

What's in my head

And I am feeling a little peculiar

And so I wake in the morning

And I step outside

And I take a deep breath and I get real high

And I scream at the top of my lungs

What's going on?

And I say, hey hey hey hey

I said hey, what's going on?

Twenty - five years and my life is still

Trying to get up that great big hill of hope

For a destination.

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A una delle cose che mi aiuta ad andare avanti, sempre e comunque.. quasi una "droga" personale, e poi sta canzone mi piace un sacco (ed è solo "vagamente" figurata).

Blur - Beetlebum


What you done

She's a gun

Now what you've done


Get nothing done

You beetlebum

Just get numb

Now what you've done


And when she lets me slip away

She turns me on all my violence is gone

Nothing is wrong, I just slip away and I am gone

Nothing is wrong, she turns me on

I just slip away and I am gone


Cause you're young

She's a gun

Now what you've done


She'll suck your thumb

She'll make you come

She's your gun

Now what you've done


And when she lets me slip away

She turns me on all my violence is gone

Nothing is wrong, I just slip away and I am gone

There's nothing wrong, she turns me on

I just slip away and I am gone

He's on, he's on, he's on it


Cos'hai fatto

Lei è una pistola

Ora cos'hai fatto


Non hai fatto niente

Tu beetlebum

L'hai solo stordito

Ora cos'hai fatto


E quando lei mi lascia svignarmela

Mi eccita e tutta la mia violenza se ne va

Nulla di male, me la svigno e vado via

Niente di male, lei mi eccita

Me la svigno e vado via


Perché sei giovane

Lei è una pistola

Ora cos'hai fatto


Ti succhierà il dito

Ti farà venire

Lei è la tua pistola

Ora che hai fatto


E quando lei mi lascia svignarmela

Mi eccita e tutta la mia violenza se ne va

Nulla di male, me la svigno e vado via

Non c'è niente di male, mi eccita

Me la svigno e vado via

Lui ci sta

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Natalie Merchant - Jealousy

O, jealousy

is she fine

so well bred

the perfect girl

a social deb?

is she the sort

you've always thought

could make you

what you're not?

o, jealousy

is she bright

so well read

are there novels

by her bed?

is she the sort

that you've always said

could satisfy

your head?

o, my jealousy

does she talk

the way I do

is her voice reminding you

of the promises

the little white lies too

sometimes, tell me

while she's touching you

just by mistake

accidentally do you say my name?

... perchè ho sempre dovuto dividere l'amore che mi spettava con altre.

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momento piacevole, ma con tanta voglio di andare. con la voglia di non permettere al tempo di fare il suo corso, a nessun costo. Canzone presente in un film che mi guarderò questa notte. dedicata al momento

Where is my mind? - Pixies

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground

You try this trick and spin it, yeah

Your head will collapse

And there's nothing in it

And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind?

Where is my mind?

Where is my mind?

Way out in the water

See it swimmin'

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground

Try this trick and spin it, yeah

Your head will collapse

If there's nothing in it

And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind?

Where is my mind?

Where is my mind?

Ahhhh, Ahhhh...

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Sì, proprio per te, per tutto quello che mi hai dato... Perchè meriti tutta la felicità di questo mondo, perchè sono fiera di te, perchè la parte migliore di me l'ho vista vivere accanto a te.

Grazie, amico mio.

Thank you - Natalie Merchant


You've been so kind and generous

I don't know why you keep on giving

For your kindness I'm in debt to you

For your selflessness--my admiration

For everything you've done

You know I'm bound--I'm bound to thank you for it


Hey, hey

You've been so kind and generous

I don't know why you keep on giving

For your kindness I'm in debt to you

And I never could have gone this far without you

For everything you've done

You know I'm bound--I'm bound to thank you for it


Oh I want to thank you for so many gifts

You gave me love and tenderness

I want to thank you

I want to thank you for your generosity,

The love, and the honesty that you gave to me

I want to thank you, show my gratitude,

My love and my respect for you

I want to thank you

Oh, I want to thank you, thank you,

Thank you, thank you,

Thank you, thank you

Thank you, thank you,

Thank you, thank you,

Thank you, thank you,

Thank you, thank you,

Thank you..

I want to thank you, thank you,

Thank you, thank you,

Thank you, thank you,

Thank you, thank you...

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Perchè a San Valentino non a tutti va per il verso giusto. Per te, se leggerai.

When Susannah cries - Espen Lind

When Susannah cries

she cries a rainstorm

she cries a river

she cries a hole in the ground

she cries for love

she cries a sad song

she cries a shiver

sometimes she cries for me too

And I say I'll never hurt her

but she knows it isn't true

'cos although I never told her

I think she knews bout me and you

now she cries with silent tension

this can't be right

and the downtown special cries along

'cos I'm leaving tonight

When Susannah cries

she cries a rainstorm

she cries a river

she cries a hole in the ground

she cries for love

she cries a sad song

she cries a shiver

sometimes she cries for me too

Now I slip the night around her

and I hope she'll be okay

I just pray someone will find her

and guide her along her way

'cos I'm leaving on the 1 am

by soon I'm out of sight

but she'll always be my baby

though I'm leaving tonight

Every night I hear her

talking in her sleep

she says "You know I always be there"

and I feel like such a creep

please take back the love she gave to me

and in time her grief will pass

just tell her that I loved her

now it's all she has.

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