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Druido metamorfico


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Devo creare un pg, parte dall'7 livello, avevo pensato ad un druido che punta tutto sul picchiare da metamorfato.

Mi servono dei consigli però, anzi, proprio delle build fighe non mi dispiacerebbero affatto :P

Il pensiero che mi guida(oltre a fare una classe che rompa i cul* :D) è quello di creare un pg che, per quanto possibile all'interno di d&d, punti ad ottimizzarsi prendendo caratteristiche animali(ancora più figo se parmanenti :Q_), farmi crescere delle ali, ottenere la rigenerazione di una lucertola, vedere al buoi come un gatto, una cosa così insomma *_*

Dite che è possibile?

Sbizzarritevi :-p

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Maestro delle molte forme e mutaforme combattente (in ordine di importanza) sono sicuramente le migliori classi che puoi aggiungere al druido per dare potenza, d' obbligo anche il talento per lanciare le magie in forma selvatica ed i talenti per ridurre le componenti di lancio (somatiche, verbali ecc), altro al momento non mi sovviene.

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Ma lui chiede di fondere le forme e diventare una bestia combattente naturale e il mutaforma combattente sono le uniche classi che lo permettono...o ce ne sono altre?


Stage 1 drifts have no game effect. Each drift of stage 2 and beyond grants a permanent extraordinary ability. Natural attacks allow for Strength bonuses on damage rolls, except in the case of poison and acid. The damage values given for natural attacks are for Medium creatures. To adjust for Small or Large creatures, use the following table.

Natural Weapon Damage by Size

Small Medium Large

1d2 1d3 1d4

1d3 1d4 1d6

1d4 1d6 1d8

1d6 1d8 2d6

1d6 2d4 2d6

Stage 1

— Leopard spots appear on your body.

— You grow a cat's tail.

— You sprout feathers (but not wings).

— Your eyebrows become green and bushy.

— Your hair becomes a tangle of short vines.

— Light, downy fur covers your skin.

— Your skin turns green and scaly.

— Your touch causes flowers to wilt.

— Your voice sounds like a dog's, though it is still intelligible.

— Zebra stripes appear on your body.

Stage 2

— A small camel's hump grows on your back. (You can go without water for up to five days.)

— You grow a coat of white fur like a polar bear's. (You gain a +8 bonus on Hide checks in snowy areas.)

— The pads of your feet become sticky, like those of a lizard. (You gain a +4 bonus on Climb checks.)

— You become as swift as an elk. (Your land speed increases by +5 feet.)

— You become as comely as a dryad. (You gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks.)

— You become as graceful as a cat. (You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks.)

— You sprout leaves and become photosynthetic. (You can subsist on 1 hour/day of sunlight in lieu of food, though you still require the same amount of water as before.)

— Your blood flows as slowly as tree sap. The speed at which progressive damage, such as that from wounding or decomposition, affects you is halved.

— Your eyes become as sharp as a rat's. (You gain low-light vision.)

— Your skin adapts like that of an octopus. (You can change color to blend with your surroundings, gaining a +4 bonus on Hide checks.)

Stage 3

— Deer antlers grow from your forehead. (You gain a gore attack for 1d6 points of damage.)

— Thorns grow on your body. (Your unarmed attacks do piercing damage, and those striking you with natural weapons take 1d3 points of piercing damage per successful hit.)

— You can constrict like a snake. (You deal 1d3 points of damage with a successful grapple check against a creature of your size category or smaller.)

— You can spin a web like a spider. (You can use your web to snare prey as described in the monstrous spider entry in the Monster Manual, but you cannot attack with it.)

— You sprout fish gills. (You can breathe both water and air.)

— Your eyes become as sharp as an eagle's. (You gain a +4 bonus on Spot checks in daylight.)

— Your eyes become as sharp as an owl's. (You gain a +4 bonus on Spot checks in dusk and darkness.)

— Your fingers grow hawklike talons. (You gain Weapon Finesse and can make two claw attacks per round for 1d3 points of damage each.)

— Your mouth extends like a crocodile's. (You gain a bite attack for 1d6 points of damage.)

— Your toes grow lionlike claws. (You can make two rake attacks for 1d4 points of damage each if you gain a hold on your target.)

Stage 4

— You grow an acid stinger like that of a giant ant. (You can sting for 1d4 points of piercing damage + 1d4 points of acid damage.)

— You can trip like a wolf. (If you hit with a natural attack, you can attempt to trip your target as a free action; see the Wolf entry, page 283 of the Monster Manual.)

— You can rage similar to a wolverine. (If you take damage, you rage as a 1st-level barbarian – see Barbarian entry, page 25 of the Player's Handbook – or gain +1 effective level of any class you have that grants rage as a class feature, but only for determining the benefits of rage.)

— You gain a boar's ferocity. (You continue to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying.)

— You can grab like a bear. (You gain the improved grab ability as described on page 310 of the Monster Manual.)

— You can pounce like a leopard. (If you leap on a foe in the first round of combat, you can make a full attack action even if you have already taken a move action.)

— Your hands become as strong as a gorilla's. (You gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks to break objects.)

— Your jaw becomes as powerful as a weasel's. (You can attach to an opponent with a successful bite and inflict 1d3 points of damage per round until unattached. However, you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while attached.)

— You can fire an ink cloud as a squid does. (In water, you can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 feet on a side once per minute as a free action; this provides total concealment and those within the cloud suffer the effects of total darkness.)

— Your nose becomes as sensitive as a hound's. (You gain scent out to a range of 30-ft. Scent is described on page 314 of the Monster Manual.)

Stage 5

— You grow a unicorn horn. (You gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against poison and a gore attack for 1d8 points of damage.)

— Feathered or batlike wings grow from your back. (You gain a fly speed of 60 feet.)

— You can curl into a spiny ball like a hedgehog. (When curled, you gain a +4 natural armor bonus to AC, but you may not move or attack. Curling or uncurling is a standard action.)

— You are as graceful as a pixie. (You gain a +2 bonus on Reflex saves.)

— You gain the tremorsense of an earthworm. (You can sense anything in contact with the ground within 30 feet of you.)

— Your canine teeth exude poison. (If you hit with a bite attack, your target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Constitution modifier) against poison. Initial damage is 1d2 points of temporary Dexterity damage; secondary damage is 1d4 points of temporary Dexterity damage.)

— Your senses become as sharp as a bat's. (You gain blindsense out to 30 feet, as described on page 306 of the Monster Manual.)

— Your feet extend to elephantine width. (You gain the trample ability as described in the introduction of the Monster Manual. Your trample attack does 2d4 points of bludgeoning damage, and the Reflex save DC is 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Strength modifier.)

— You can move like a cheetah. (Once per hour, you can take a charge action to move ten times your normal speed.)

— Your skin becomes tree bark. (You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.)

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Stage 1 drifts have no game effect. Each drift of stage 2 and beyond grants a permanent extraordinary ability. Natural attacks allow for Strength bonuses on damage rolls, except in the case of poison and acid. The damage values given for natural attacks are for Medium creatures. To adjust for Small or Large creatures, use the following table.

Natural Weapon Damage by Size

Small Medium Large

1d2 1d3 1d4

1d3 1d4 1d6

1d4 1d6 1d8

1d6 1d8 2d6

1d6 2d4 2d6

Stage 1

— Leopard spots appear on your body.

— You grow a cat's tail.

— You sprout feathers (but not wings).

— Your eyebrows become green and bushy.

— Your hair becomes a tangle of short vines.

— Light, downy fur covers your skin.

— Your skin turns green and scaly.

— Your touch causes flowers to wilt.

— Your voice sounds like a dog's, though it is still intelligible.

— Zebra stripes appear on your body.

Stage 2

— A small camel's hump grows on your back. (You can go without water for up to five days.)

— You grow a coat of white fur like a polar bear's. (You gain a +8 bonus on Hide checks in snowy areas.)

— The pads of your feet become sticky, like those of a lizard. (You gain a +4 bonus on Climb checks.)

— You become as swift as an elk. (Your land speed increases by +5 feet.)

— You become as comely as a dryad. (You gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks.)

— You become as graceful as a cat. (You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks.)

— You sprout leaves and become photosynthetic. (You can subsist on 1 hour/day of sunlight in lieu of food, though you still require the same amount of water as before.)

— Your blood flows as slowly as tree sap. The speed at which progressive damage, such as that from wounding or decomposition, affects you is halved.

— Your eyes become as sharp as a rat's. (You gain low-light vision.)

— Your skin adapts like that of an octopus. (You can change color to blend with your surroundings, gaining a +4 bonus on Hide checks.)

Stage 3

— Deer antlers grow from your forehead. (You gain a gore attack for 1d6 points of damage.)

— Thorns grow on your body. (Your unarmed attacks do piercing damage, and those striking you with natural weapons take 1d3 points of piercing damage per successful hit.)

— You can constrict like a snake. (You deal 1d3 points of damage with a successful grapple check against a creature of your size category or smaller.)

— You can spin a web like a spider. (You can use your web to snare prey as described in the monstrous spider entry in the Monster Manual, but you cannot attack with it.)

— You sprout fish gills. (You can breathe both water and air.)

— Your eyes become as sharp as an eagle's. (You gain a +4 bonus on Spot checks in daylight.)

— Your eyes become as sharp as an owl's. (You gain a +4 bonus on Spot checks in dusk and darkness.)

— Your fingers grow hawklike talons. (You gain Weapon Finesse and can make two claw attacks per round for 1d3 points of damage each.)

— Your mouth extends like a crocodile's. (You gain a bite attack for 1d6 points of damage.)

— Your toes grow lionlike claws. (You can make two rake attacks for 1d4 points of damage each if you gain a hold on your target.)

Stage 4

— You grow an acid stinger like that of a giant ant. (You can sting for 1d4 points of piercing damage + 1d4 points of acid damage.)

— You can trip like a wolf. (If you hit with a natural attack, you can attempt to trip your target as a free action; see the Wolf entry, page 283 of the Monster Manual.)

— You can rage similar to a wolverine. (If you take damage, you rage as a 1st-level barbarian – see Barbarian entry, page 25 of the Player's Handbook – or gain +1 effective level of any class you have that grants rage as a class feature, but only for determining the benefits of rage.)

— You gain a boar's ferocity. (You continue to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying.)

— You can grab like a bear. (You gain the improved grab ability as described on page 310 of the Monster Manual.)

— You can pounce like a leopard. (If you leap on a foe in the first round of combat, you can make a full attack action even if you have already taken a move action.)

— Your hands become as strong as a gorilla's. (You gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks to break objects.)

— Your jaw becomes as powerful as a weasel's. (You can attach to an opponent with a successful bite and inflict 1d3 points of damage per round until unattached. However, you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while attached.)

— You can fire an ink cloud as a squid does. (In water, you can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 feet on a side once per minute as a free action; this provides total concealment and those within the cloud suffer the effects of total darkness.)

— Your nose becomes as sensitive as a hound's. (You gain scent out to a range of 30-ft. Scent is described on page 314 of the Monster Manual.)

Stage 5

— You grow a unicorn horn. (You gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against poison and a gore attack for 1d8 points of damage.)

— Feathered or batlike wings grow from your back. (You gain a fly speed of 60 feet.)

— You can curl into a spiny ball like a hedgehog. (When curled, you gain a +4 natural armor bonus to AC, but you may not move or attack. Curling or uncurling is a standard action.)

— You are as graceful as a pixie. (You gain a +2 bonus on Reflex saves.)

— You gain the tremorsense of an earthworm. (You can sense anything in contact with the ground within 30 feet of you.)

— Your canine teeth exude poison. (If you hit with a bite attack, your target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Constitution modifier) against poison. Initial damage is 1d2 points of temporary Dexterity damage; secondary damage is 1d4 points of temporary Dexterity damage.)

— Your senses become as sharp as a bat's. (You gain blindsense out to 30 feet, as described on page 306 of the Monster Manual.)

— Your feet extend to elephantine width. (You gain the trample ability as described in the introduction of the Monster Manual. Your trample attack does 2d4 points of bludgeoning damage, and the Reflex save DC is 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Strength modifier.)

— You can move like a cheetah. (Once per hour, you can take a charge action to move ten times your normal speed.)

— Your skin becomes tree bark. (You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.)

Nooooo in inglese: noooo:cry:.

comunque si...pure il geomante lo fa. L'unica cosa che da noie è il BAB bassino:cool:.

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Stage 1 drifts have no game effect. Each drift of stage 2 and beyond grants a permanent extraordinary ability. Natural attacks allow for Strength bonuses on damage rolls, except in the case of poison and acid. The damage values given for natural attacks are for Medium creatures. To adjust for Small or Large creatures, use the following table.

Natural Weapon Damage by Size

Small Medium Large

1d2 1d3 1d4

1d3 1d4 1d6

1d4 1d6 1d8

1d6 1d8 2d6

1d6 2d4 2d6

Stage 1

— Leopard spots appear on your body.

— You grow a cat's tail.

— You sprout feathers (but not wings).

— Your eyebrows become green and bushy.

— Your hair becomes a tangle of short vines.

— Light, downy fur covers your skin.

— Your skin turns green and scaly.

— Your touch causes flowers to wilt.

— Your voice sounds like a dog's, though it is still intelligible.

— Zebra stripes appear on your body.

Stage 2

— A small camel's hump grows on your back. (You can go without water for up to five days.)

— You grow a coat of white fur like a polar bear's. (You gain a +8 bonus on Hide checks in snowy areas.)

— The pads of your feet become sticky, like those of a lizard. (You gain a +4 bonus on Climb checks.)

— You become as swift as an elk. (Your land speed increases by +5 feet.)

— You become as comely as a dryad. (You gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks.)

— You become as graceful as a cat. (You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks.)

— You sprout leaves and become photosynthetic. (You can subsist on 1 hour/day of sunlight in lieu of food, though you still require the same amount of water as before.)

— Your blood flows as slowly as tree sap. The speed at which progressive damage, such as that from wounding or decomposition, affects you is halved.

— Your eyes become as sharp as a rat's. (You gain low-light vision.)

— Your skin adapts like that of an octopus. (You can change color to blend with your surroundings, gaining a +4 bonus on Hide checks.)

Stage 3

— Deer antlers grow from your forehead. (You gain a gore attack for 1d6 points of damage.)

— Thorns grow on your body. (Your unarmed attacks do piercing damage, and those striking you with natural weapons take 1d3 points of piercing damage per successful hit.)

— You can constrict like a snake. (You deal 1d3 points of damage with a successful grapple check against a creature of your size category or smaller.)

— You can spin a web like a spider. (You can use your web to snare prey as described in the monstrous spider entry in the Monster Manual, but you cannot attack with it.)

— You sprout fish gills. (You can breathe both water and air.)

— Your eyes become as sharp as an eagle's. (You gain a +4 bonus on Spot checks in daylight.)

— Your eyes become as sharp as an owl's. (You gain a +4 bonus on Spot checks in dusk and darkness.)

— Your fingers grow hawklike talons. (You gain Weapon Finesse and can make two claw attacks per round for 1d3 points of damage each.)

— Your mouth extends like a crocodile's. (You gain a bite attack for 1d6 points of damage.)

— Your toes grow lionlike claws. (You can make two rake attacks for 1d4 points of damage each if you gain a hold on your target.)

Stage 4

— You grow an acid stinger like that of a giant ant. (You can sting for 1d4 points of piercing damage + 1d4 points of acid damage.)

— You can trip like a wolf. (If you hit with a natural attack, you can attempt to trip your target as a free action; see the Wolf entry, page 283 of the Monster Manual.)

— You can rage similar to a wolverine. (If you take damage, you rage as a 1st-level barbarian – see Barbarian entry, page 25 of the Player's Handbook – or gain +1 effective level of any class you have that grants rage as a class feature, but only for determining the benefits of rage.)

— You gain a boar's ferocity. (You continue to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying.)

— You can grab like a bear. (You gain the improved grab ability as described on page 310 of the Monster Manual.)

— You can pounce like a leopard. (If you leap on a foe in the first round of combat, you can make a full attack action even if you have already taken a move action.)

— Your hands become as strong as a gorilla's. (You gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks to break objects.)

— Your jaw becomes as powerful as a weasel's. (You can attach to an opponent with a successful bite and inflict 1d3 points of damage per round until unattached. However, you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while attached.)

— You can fire an ink cloud as a squid does. (In water, you can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 feet on a side once per minute as a free action; this provides total concealment and those within the cloud suffer the effects of total darkness.)

— Your nose becomes as sensitive as a hound's. (You gain scent out to a range of 30-ft. Scent is described on page 314 of the Monster Manual.)

Stage 5

— You grow a unicorn horn. (You gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against poison and a gore attack for 1d8 points of damage.)

— Feathered or batlike wings grow from your back. (You gain a fly speed of 60 feet.)

— You can curl into a spiny ball like a hedgehog. (When curled, you gain a +4 natural armor bonus to AC, but you may not move or attack. Curling or uncurling is a standard action.)

— You are as graceful as a pixie. (You gain a +2 bonus on Reflex saves.)

— You gain the tremorsense of an earthworm. (You can sense anything in contact with the ground within 30 feet of you.)

— Your canine teeth exude poison. (If you hit with a bite attack, your target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Constitution modifier) against poison. Initial damage is 1d2 points of temporary Dexterity damage; secondary damage is 1d4 points of temporary Dexterity damage.)

— Your senses become as sharp as a bat's. (You gain blindsense out to 30 feet, as described on page 306 of the Monster Manual.)

— Your feet extend to elephantine width. (You gain the trample ability as described in the introduction of the Monster Manual. Your trample attack does 2d4 points of bludgeoning damage, and the Reflex save DC is 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Strength modifier.)

— You can move like a cheetah. (Once per hour, you can take a charge action to move ten times your normal speed.)

— Your skin becomes tree bark. (You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.)

Nooooo in inglese: noooo:cry:.

comunque si...pure il geomante lo fa. L'unica cosa che da noie è il BAB bassino:cool:.

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va bhè, la mia idea di diventare una "bestia strana" è andata a male xD

Allora l'idea cambia, voglio creare il dudu più forte che si possa creare, non necessariamente che punti sulla metamorfosi(anche se non mi dispiacerebbe), suggeritemi un pò di build/idee, la vostra esperienza mi farà fare un figurone :P.

Per il geomante mi piace un sacco l'idea, ma io voglio ottenere il pg più op che si possa avere, e già il BAB bassino penso in parte lo escluda :(

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Un mago del bab se ne frega tranquillamente mentre ti spamma creature che ti implodono alzando un sopracciglio...

O un chierico che ha un incantesimo che recita propio "il tuo bab diventa uguale al tuo LI"

insomma, gg easy.

Da quanto vedo i personaggi più forti sono propio quelli col bab basso xD

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Se vuoi una creatura strana di per se.

Razza: pipistrello antropomorfo (specie selvagge) una razza di taglia piccola, quindi un bel +1 alla CA, che da un pesante malus alla For (che noi ce ne freghiamo altamente prendendo la For dell'animale in cui ci trasformeremo) un malus pesantuccio al Car (che sopperiamo con incantesimi di ammaliamento verso gli animali, nel caso dovessimo averne bisogno) e un PESANTISSIMO bonus alla Sag (un +6 non fa mai male a nessuno) il tutto con un MDL pari a 0.

Con questa razza ti fai un bel druido incantatore...che punta sulla trasformazione grazie ai talenti cui ti ho citato sopra...

Attualmente sto giocando un pipistrello antropomorfo, la cui SAG è a +11 (grazie al talismano +6 della Sag) al 15°livello. Mi diverto un sacco a trasformare, i più ostici maghi-ladri nemici, in lucertole o tartarughe per poi trasformandomi in orca spiaccicandoli a terra. L'ultima volta ho spiaccicato un'aquila gigante con questo metodo. Mentre conto i guerrieri-barbari semplicemente, senza trasformarmi, lanciare incantesimi dall'alto.

Il miglior druido è quello puro...

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Un mago del bab se ne frega tranquillamente mentre ti spamma creature che ti implodono alzando un sopracciglio...

O un chierico che ha un incantesimo che recita propio "il tuo bab diventa uguale al tuo LI"

insomma, gg easy.

Da quanto vedo i personaggi più forti sono propio quelli col bab basso xD


Il miglior druido è quello puro...

:yes: stima :thumbsup:

(sregolatezze del Planar Shepherd apparte s'intende ;-))

però è anche vero che il miglior "trasformista" è il Maestro delle molte forme! ...o almeno credo... (...che può anche non essere druido!)

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Guarda Velsh, il druido anche normale raggiunge varie forme selvatiche. Tuttavia la migliore trasformazione è data dall'incantesimo trasformazione come sempre, che di fatto se focalizzi il druido sulla forma selvatica, essa basta fino al 17, dal momento che la cdp del Maestro delle molte forme acquisisce buoni bonus proprio alla fine. Anche se ci arrivi al 15, perdi tutti i LI e quindi non conviene, basta aspettare 2 livelli :)

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quindi faccio dudu scartando la cdp maestro delle multiforme mi sembra di capire...giusto?

ok, dato che parto dal 7, mi servono i primi talenti, stando a quanto ha detto erik devo prendere: incantesimi naturali ( per ovvie ragioni), forma veloce ( per diminuire il tempo di trasformazione) e guarigione accelerata (per guarire al doppio del tuo livello), altri?Inoltre come talent metamagico del 5 cosa suggerite?

Ah, quasi dimenticavo, per le varianti, ce ne sono di fighe da prendere o dudu base > all?E i difetti? quali mettereste?Infine le abilità, non avendo mai giocato il druido, non saprei su quali puntare, la vostra esperienza quali ritiene maggiormente utili?

Grazie :)

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