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Lashemoi Barbarian (Raging) CR 6

MM5 186

hp 76 (7 HD); DR 5/slashing or piercing; lesser

strength from pain

Lashemoi barbarian 5

Usually NE Medium monstrous humanoid

Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Listen +1, Spot +3

Languages Common

AC 11, touch 8, flat-footed 11; Improved uncanny dodge,

uncanny dodge

(+3 natural)

Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6

Weakness broken courage

Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)

Melee 2 claws +11 each (1d6+3)

Base Atk +7; Grp +8

Atk Options rage 2/day

Abilities Str 17, Dex 11, Con 20, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 8

SA lesser strength from pain

SQ fast movement, trap sense +1

Feats Improved Natural Armor, improved Natural Attack,

Weapon Focus (claw)

Skills Hide +4, Listen+1, Spot +3

Broken Courage (Ex) A lashemoi takes a –4 penalty

on saves against fear effects and on the level check

made to oppose an Intimidate check. In addition, a

lashemoi can be affected by fear effects that do not

normally affect creatures of its Hit Dice.

Lesser Strength from Pain (Ex) Whenever a lashemoi

takes damage from any source, it gains a +1 bonus

on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on damage rolls, and its

natural armor bonus to AC increases by 1. This benefit

lasts for 1 minute from the round in which the

lashemoi first takes damage.

These bonuses stack each time the lashemoi

takes damage, to a maximum bonus of a +5 bonus

on attack rolls, a +5 bonus on damage rolls, and a +5

natural armor bonus to AC. These bonuses accrue

each time the lashemoi takes damage, even from

multiple attacks in the same round.

When not raging, the lashemoi barbarian has the following

changed statistics:

AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13

hp 62 (7 HD)

Fort +7, Will +4

Melee 2 claws +9 each (1d6+1)

Grp +8

Abilities Str 13, Con 16


Hadrimoi CR 5

MM5 185

hp 58 (9 HD); DR 10/slashing and piercing; speed

from pain

Usually NE Medium monstrous humanoid

Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +4

Languages Common, Undercommon

AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10; Dodge, Mobility

(+4 Dex)

Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +7

Weakness falling courage

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee 4 daggers +13 each (1d4+1/19–20) with perfect

symmetry or

Ranged dagger +13/+8 (1d4+1)

Base Atk +9; Grp +10

Atk Options dagger dance

Abilities Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11

SA dagger dance, speed from pain

Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse

Skills Hide +13, Jump +7, Listen +4, Move Silently +13,

Sleight of Hand +10, Spot +4

Speed from Pain (Ex) Each time a hadrimoi takes damage,

the fibrous tendrils that make up its body become

increasingly elastic and responsive. The hadrimoi

gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC, a +1 bonus on

attack rolls and Reflex saves, and a bonus to his land

speed of +10 feet. This benefit lasts for 1 minute from

the round in which the hadrimoi first takes damage.

These bonuses stack each time the hadrimoi

takes damage, to a maximum +10 dodge bonus to

AC, +5 bonus on attack rolls and Reflex saves, and

+50-foot bonus to land speed. These bonuses accrue

each time the hadrimoi takes damage, even from

multiple attacks in the same round.

Falling Courage (Ex) A hadrimoi whose bonus from its

speed from pain ability reaches +30 feet or higher

takes a –4 penalty on saves against fear effects and

on the level check made to oppose an Intimidate

check. In addition, while in this state, a hadrimoi can

be affected by fear effects that do not normally affect

creatures of its Hit Dice.

Perfect Symmetry (Ex) As a full attack, a hadrimoi can

attack with up to four light weapons with no penalties

on attack rolls. If it tries to use heavier weapons,

it can make multiple attacks only according to its

base attack bonus, and takes the normal penalties

for attacking with two or more weapons.

Dagger Dance (Ex) As a hadrimoi converts its pain to

superior agility, it can perform a deadly attack. Once

a hadrimoi’s bonus from its speed from pain ability

reaches +30 feet or higher, the hadrimoi can move up

to its speed as part of a full attack. It can move before,

after, or between each of its attacks, as long as its total

movement in the round does not exceed its speed.


Arkamoi CR 4

MM5 184

hp 29 (4 HD); DR 5/slashing or piercing

Usually NE Medium monstrous humanoid

Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +1, Spot +1

Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon

AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12

(+2 Dex, +2 natural)

SR 14

Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee quarterstaff +4 (1d6) or

Ranged light crossbow +6 (1d8/19–20)

Base Atk +4; Grp +4

Special Actions arcane mastermind

Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 5th); strength from magic:

2nd (5/day)—Melf’s acid arrow (+6 ranged touch),

mirror image

1st (7/day)—burning hands (DC 13), disguise self,

jump, mage armor

0 (6/day)—daze (DC 12), detect magic, flare (DC

12), light, ray of frost (+6 ranged touch), read magic

Abilities Str 11, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 15

SA spells, strength from magic

Feats Combat Casting, Toughness

Skills Concentration +9, Hide +9, Knowledge (arcana)

+9, Listen +1, Spellcraft +11, Spot +1

Possessions quarterstaff, light crossbow with 20 bolts

Arcane Mastermind (Ex) When an arkamoi’s bonus to

spell save DCs from its strength from magic ability

(see below) is +3 or higher, its mind begins to work

with lightning precision. Once per round as an immediate

action, the arkamoi can lend tactical advice

to an ally. This grants a +2 morale bonus on that ally’s

next check, attack roll, or damage roll.

Strength from Magic (Ex) Each time an arkamoi casts an

arcane spell, magical feedback grants it a rush of power.

For each arcane spell cast, the arkamoi increases

the save DC of subsequent arcane spells it casts by 1.

Additionally, the arkamoi gains a +2 bonus on damage

rolls for subsequent spells, and gains a +2 deflection

bonus to AC. This benefit lasts for 1 minute from the

round in which the arkamoi’s first spell is cast.

These bonuses stack each time the arkamoi casts

an arcane spell, to a maximum of a +5 bonus to save

DCs, a +10 bonus on damage rolls, and a +10 deflection

bonus to AC.


Grazie in anticipo.

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Ciao, posso aiutarti io per la conversione, ma avrei bisogno di sapere per che livello ti servono e quali sono in particolare i tratti che ti interessano dei vari mostri.

EDIT: Inoltre, gli ushemoi appaiono (circa) in 4e come Foulspawn (manuale dei mostri 1), anche se hanno abilità diverse.

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Grazie 1000 per la dritta!

Sono stati convertiti e in ITA sono "Progenie aberrante".

Pensavo di inserirli in una sfida per un gruppo di 5 PG di livello 7.

Mi servirebbero tutti.

La mia idea è di inserire in una mia avventura (opportunamente adattata) l'arena Ushemoi descritta in Dungeon magazine #153.

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  • Amministratore

Dunque, ho provato a buttare giù una conversione rapida mettendo un po' più di enfasi sul discorso dei "bonus dopo lo stimolo X", ma cercando di tenermi comunque sul semplice. Volendo si può anche prendere i bonus scalabili pari pari dalla 3.5 e applicarli anche qui. Comunque, riguardandomi le progenie aberranti sul manuale, mi sono accorto che hanno già quasi tutte dei bonus situazionali integrati nelle statistiche, per cui magari puoi usare direttamente quelle.

Arkamoi Level 7 Artillery (Leader)

Medium aberrant humanoid XP 300

HP 62; Bloodied 31

AC 18; Fortitude 16; Reflex 18; Will 20

Speed 6

Initiative +5

Perception +4

Low-Light Vision


O Arcane Mastermind • Aura 10 (solo se Strength from Magic è attivo)

Gli alleati nell'aura ottengono un bonus di potere di +2 a un tiro di attacco, prova di abilità, prova di caratteristica o tiro salvezza effettuato nel proprio turno.

Standard Actions

m Twisted Staff (weapon) • At-Will

Attack: +10 vs. AC

Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square.

R Warp Orb • At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10; +12 vs. Reflex

Hit: 1d10 + 8 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).

C Distortion Blast • Daily

Attack: Close blast 5; +8 vs. Fortitude

Hit: 5d6 + 5 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Aberrant creatures take half damage.

Triggered Actions

Strength from Magic • Encounter

Trigger: Quando l'Arkamoi colpisce un avversario con un potere con la parola chiave Arcano o con Warp Orb.

Effect (No Action): Fino alla fine dell'incontro, l'Arkamoi ottiene un bonus di potere di +2 alle difese, ai tiri di attacco e ai tiri per i danni dei poteri con la parola chiave Arcano e di Warp Orb.

Skills Arcana +10

Str 11 (+3) Dex 15 (+5) Wis 12 (+4)

Con 14 (+5) Int 15 (+5) Cha 15 (+5)

Alignment evil*****Languages Deep Speech, Telepathy 10

Equipment staff implement

© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.

Lashemoi Level 7 Soldier

Medium aberrant humanoid XP 300

HP 80; Bloodied 40

AC 23; Fortitude 23; Reflex 19; Will 19

Speed 7

Initiative +5

Perception +3

Low-Light Vision


Strength from Pain

Quando è sanguinante, il lashemoi ottiene un bonus di +2 ai tiri di attacco, ai tiri per i danni e alle difese.

Broken Courage

Quando il lashemoi è sanguinante, gli attacchi con la parola chiave Paura e le prove di Intimidire effettuate contro di esso ricevono un bonus di +2.

Standard Actions

m Greatsword (weapon) • At-Will

Attack: +12 vs. AC

Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage.

Berserker Charge • At-Will

Effect: The foulspawn berserker deals an extra 5 damage when it makes a successful charge attack.

Skills Athletics +9

Str 12 (+4) Dex 11 (+3) Wis 11 (+3)

Con 16 (+6) Int 5 (+0) Cha 8 (+2)

Alignment evil*****Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10

Equipment greatsword

© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.

Hadrimoi Level 8 Skirmisher

Medium aberrant humanoid XP 350

HP 86; Bloodied 43

AC 22; Fortitude 20; Reflex 21; Will 19

Speed 7

Initiative +10

Perception +10

Low-Light Vision


Combat Advantage

The hadrimoi deals an extra 2d6 damage against any target it has combat advantage against.

Speed from Pain

Quando è sanguinante, l'hadrimoi ottiene un bonus di +2 ai tiri di attacco, alle difese e alla velocità.

Falling Courage

Quando l'hadrimoi è sanguinante, gli attacchi con la parola chiave Paura e le prove di Intimidire effettuate contro di esso ricevono un bonus di +2.

Standard Actions

m Bone Dagger (weapon) • At-Will

Attack: +13 vs. AC

Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage.

R Bone Dagger (weapon) • At-Will

Attack: Ranged 5/10; +13 vs. AC

Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage.

Perfect Symmetry (weapon) • At-Will

Effect: L'hadrimoi effettua due attacchi di Bone Dagger in mischia o a distanza, in qualsiasi combinazione. Non provoca attacchi di opportunità per questi attacchi a distanza.

M Dagger Dance (weapon) • Encounter

Requirements: L'hadrimoi deve essere sanguinante.

Effect: l'hadrimoi effettua quattro attacchi in mischia con Bone Dagger, e scatta di 2 quadretti dopo ciascun attacco.

Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +13

Str 13 (+5) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 13 (+5)

Con 14 (+6) Int 12 (+5) Cha 11 (+4)

Alignment evil*****Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10

Equipment dagger x8

© 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This formatted statistics block has been generated using the D&D Adventure Tools.

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